
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

26 Feb 2019

2/26/2019 23:47 – Facebook Post

8:45 p.m. 2-26-2019. Hello My day started with Christopher Filgueira C.F. ( C A F. E) Then with Leonardo “Da Vinci” taking from my altar, on the last and end of the story on my Altar ( yes like the Copper bejewelled Ank on Esteban Miguel Filgueira Altar with the Unicorn running on the ” very edge of Known Existence ” linked to my Sacred Portal 58 E.H And consequently reflecting me my exoression my E-Spirit) It was in the […]

19 Feb 2019

2/19/2019 20:28 – Facebook Post

I spent the last three hours solving and decoding a play with Adam Waldron formerly Adam Christopher, linked to Christopher Filgueira C F..P.T/ T P.. 20 16.. 36.. 9.. Then to 9= 1I. It linked Qusharia Aallah to Anamla Qayin… D M I C TP/K 115 AGE.. The sacred portal 115 Showing a being called Samson-G passing through a brick wall to the Lions Gate.. L G… 115 is K E.. / 511.. E.K.. I literally passed through that play […]

18 Feb 2019

2/18/2019 21:40 – Facebook Post

4:08 p.m 2-18-2019. 48 Sacred Portal 48 “Beautiful Death as Transformation.. Evolution back to your Eternal Self but now here on Earth”. B R T S. – Being Reflects The Source O R B. The Source Code links to Tree Sage rep reflection of The Tree of Wisdom All are moved by Dark Light or the Ethereal C. @ 1237 Facebook Friends Hello… 24/7 Awareness of the full Circle and linking everything eventual manifests a Solid Fact, the Full Circle […]

06 Feb 2019

2:23 p.m.

2:23 p.m. 2-6-2019.. Be Aware, that we are evolving… That I no longer act the journalist ( Clark Kent.. C.K) and the Captain of the Star-Ship Enterprise Awakening, detailing in my Captains Log on Face book which has been acting at the same time as The Daily News..as well as playing a sort of hybrid of Professor X and Wolverine… …and reporting every detail of what is going on. I have stated over and over again, I this is not […]

03 Feb 2019

2/3/2019 19:45 – Facebook Post

4:25 p.m. 2-3-2019… D Y… B C T S.. B C B F A I.. A.I… Awareness is Intelligence. @ 1227 Facebook Friends. From 1225 to 1227 by the arrival of one new Facebook Friend and one who left and returned.. Susanne Lang S L. Olympia Ita O I. S L O I… Supreme LOI… “Loi” means”Law” in French. Law. Supreme Law… Dharma Santana… D S… My last bed in the Shelter was 4-018/ 19… D O R… D O […]

28 Jan 2019

1/28/2019 0:50 – Facebook Post

Hello… I wish to express once more time, in total clarity as to what I am doing on Facebook. I have stated this many times, but unfortunately in this play of “Fear of Failure, Frustration ( F F F 6 6 6 The Real Beast) and Disappointment” used against me, I have to express again and again, as wave after wave of new Facebook Friends appear and since most do not have any inclination or are too lazy to go […]

27 Jan 2019

Alien Wizard …Emeka

Alien Wizard …Emeka You can do this consciously Nor can you go looking for products which reflect the Script or your own personal desire No it manifests by itself.. You just find them.and in hindsight you see.. Every object has meaning… And then manifests ART SCIENCE E… A S E.. That is why I fight for people not because my love and Cee makes me weak, so that ppl can take my nature for granted, no it is because they […]

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 20:34 – Facebook Post

5:28 p.m. 1-26-2019… E B H… A-Z A-BF.. T S… B O A…I. Let me just solve this one riddle quickly of who is the original Tree Sage T S… (Nothing to do with Kim really, he was used unknowlngly to challenge me, used by the Moors Pangea Ancient Magic… K A H…Over Soul.. Egypt… I AM E G Y P T… E G.U Y…PT.. ( U=21.. Universe Universal Understanding.. U U U .. 63.. F C/ 36.. C F..) […]

26 Jan 2019

1/26/2019 0:51 – Facebook Post

10:33 p.m. 1-25-2019…. 1222 Facebook Friends… TEN C C… A B E T S… A Bet as to who is Supreme… Alpha Bet City… 1222… A B B B…7..G. 12 22… A B V… 12 22… L V…. O ..V=5=E… Violet… LO V E… AB V… 1 2 22… A Being Victorious…V.5= E… All apply but the one correct aligns to the Script Embodied by Who in the End… Alex Vidaud Alexa Vertefeuille A V.. A V… Then the play […]

01 Nov 2018

Emeka Kolo

Emeka Kolo Stephen FilgueiraStephen Sacred Portal 127.. Roger That. Roger Attaway.. R A.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here