
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

13 Apr 2019

4/13/2019 17:38 – Facebook Post

3:54 p.m C: D.E C O. D E.. I The Code is I. 4-13-2019. D M T. S . Destiny Manifested. The Script. Tree Sage Tree of Wisdom Tree of Life The Promise Noni Promise Life Hello.. As most are aware, God is moving within me. I am not God, that is a Human idea But G O D. 7 O 4.. 11 28. 39 C.I 7 64… I am Harmonious Expression. H E But was forced to play the […]

13 Apr 2019

4/13/2019 3:16 – Facebook Post

1:23 p.m 60,000 times huh.. 6 to the power of 4. See the play script demands one be Aware of Everything at every moment .. Perfect Timing is instinctively and intuitively know when to pause As One might pause for breath, and it happens naturally like breathing See the time ? See Sacred Portal 123. “Supremacy Transparently…Rocket Fuel.” S T R R T S.. Reflection of the 1-2 Story Tree Sage 1:27.-28 p.m See the Sacred Portals. 127 128. There […]

08 Apr 2019

4:03 p.m.

4:03 p.m. 43.. D C…A C D C… Hells Bells.. See sacred portal 36…’AC DC… Alternating Current. Thomas Lang *See his comment.. 4-8-2019.. D H.. T S.. See Dana Hawkins… And meaning of here name… 48 is Sacred Portal Beautiful Death as well as 4th Dimension @ 8 Through the Echo play represented by you but Directed and Organized by Moi. 4:19 p.m. 19.. S 1+9= 10 J… 1 O= A O… 1-6..A F…7…G..7=8…( 15,Letter O…Symbol of Perfection Beauty Symmetery […]

07 Apr 2019

4/7/2019 17:12 – Facebook Post

4-7-1985 Happy Birthday Beloved Thomas Lang and the line you represent The Tall Twins A-H Thomas Twins. There is much to this… why are you seeing numbers aligning, the synchronicity.. 4:20 p.m Synchronicity is Harmony which comes from Expression = Meaning S H E M For example today is 4 -7 which is D G or the Square and the Apex of the Triangle of Expression Solfeggio . The Highest point before the Square which had four corners as well […]

03 Apr 2019

4/3/2019 21:34 – Facebook Post

From Dana Hawkins D.H. 48 Sacred Portal 48 Beautiful Death B.D 2 4 Is Transformation It happens to Every Thing, Every Where, Every One… And it manifests in the blink of an eye. And that is how evolution awakening manifest In a blink of an eye, the everything transforms in perfect timing after everything converges to.the point. It is not a Miracle Not really … but then what is a Miracle? If not the mystery revealed, worked on for eons, […]

21 Mar 2019

3/21/2019 18:24 – Facebook Post

5:00 p.m. From Andy Steenberg A.S. 1 19. Let’s read the code by transforming it into letters and then aligning it to the Script and blue print of Nature. And to the corresponding sacred portals 22 40 3 3. 5 25 51 5 54 V. DO. C C. E Y. E A E. E D. Align it to the Actual Script on my page V . D. O-CC E Y E. A (H) E. E.D And as V. DO.C C […]

15 Mar 2019

From Cree Santiago.. C S…

From Cree Santiago.. C S… Consciousness Supreme. War and Peace…? W.P…Wave-length and Particle is the true equation B Q P W… The Transformation… Linked to the Transformers I saw on the homes I was invited into from 268 Generation X Gardens to Delta Manor Transformer B Q P.W To John Mack at 217 B Q.. P.W… 16 23… It was never about Prisoners of War…P.O.W… But W.O.W… A W E… This is the True Nature of Humanity… Beautiful Youth…the Courage […]

12 Mar 2019

8:25 p.m

8:25 p.m 3-12- 2019. Harmony Y Chromsome Created. C L T S Created Liberty Liberty C Liscomb. L.C.L T Thomas Lang The Twins Language Tongue. 12 20 32/ 2012. 32/32. 1..5/5 1 A A E E in 1.Awareness Freedom Liberty True Love = Equality. Transparency is Supreme .. Truth Shades You from the Dangerous Rays Glare of the Sun. It manifests physically as Day Evening or Night all is Transparent including Shade Transparency comes in all forms and hues, it […]

09 Mar 2019

3/9/2019 19:17 – Facebook Post

1:24 .. 25 p.m. 3-9-2019… A X… A Y… A B D… A B E… C.I..T.S… “Thomas, now thoroughly convinced He was the Living Lord responded, “My Lord and my God!” At this, Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed. Blessed are those who believe without seeing.” In the scripture that follows, we find the purpose of this Gospel of Jesus Christ and the reason it was written.” John 20:29. Hello… E… E T C… E …J.M.A.. […]

02 Mar 2019