
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

08 Mar 2022

11:58 pm. – Whoah… That is cl

11:58 pm. Whoah… That is cloase. 1 58 was and has been the code on the CAB I had been seeing since Delta Manor, 158, and all the way to Arden my wallet, and the Red Truck. R.T. 158… I checked the meaning of the name of my 3880- 388O “C.H.H.O” Facebook Friend C.I.C.O. C.I.C.F. Full Circle. C.I.R. C.L.E.. Cle Keys, Florida Keys. K.F. “11-7.” 11-6. /6-11. 17/17. 1 34. A.C.D. C.E. Briley *”The name Briley is of Irish origin […]

06 Mar 2022

6:59 pm – Fact: Sacred Portal 59

6:59 pm Fact: Sacred Portal 59. Naturally. Fact – It is the End of your world story, no matter how many veils, illusions, and layers placed on it by the Idea you created of Dimensions, to Deceive, Give an Illusion of Hope, it does not change the Facts. And your governments and secret societies who already know, as well as you too should have come clean and let you know, but they did not- because they were using a code […]

04 Mar 2022

8:33 pm. – I feel that I just t

8:33 pm. I feel that I just touched Freedom. Dancing Me. D.M. That was the piece of prose- poetry I had traveled all the way to Cincinnati Ohio, from Istanbul Turkey. My Aunt Ijeoma, Theresa, Iaesha, Grave. She was married to a Professor, and Indian Brahaman called Jay Koka. I had also come with questions, as to how a then 50 years old woman, had plunged to her death by falling, being pushed? of a balcony. And yes, the Balcony […]

02 Mar 2022

Sacred Portal 49… – It has be

Sacred Portal 49… It has been everywhere since the Money play with Vivian Lavey… It is the Death Ray.. D.R/ It reads, “The Being of the Energy of Death and Extinction H.E who is Distinction The Executioner and Executor of Every Realm & Dimension… See Me Now!” D.I.E… ” The Black Cock… See the Japanese Symbol around his Neck.. Recall the Japanese Sword hanging in the Window over looking the Caged Terrace at Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter….” I have […]

26 Feb 2022

3:42 pm – C-D.B. – 2-26-2022. – B-

3:42 pm C-D.B. 2-26-2022. B-B.F-T.V. – B F.BB. Hello, I see that I am at 3536 Facebook Friends, after attaining 3534 Facebook Friends yesterday and after gaining 4 New Facebook Friends 5 actually with Demner Charles who somehow I had missed his arrival yesterday. And yet, I am 3536 Facebook Friends which aligns to Anirbas Lem who was at 35 Mutual Facebook Friends and whom I first met in the 35th State West Virginia on a visit which Esteban Miguel […]

25 Feb 2022

8:33 pm. – To Exist, your words

8:33 pm. To Exist, your words- your actions must have Awareness-Meaning- Embodied- Knowing. Either through Knowledge of experiencing yourself through Hindsight. Otherwise your just a number- a symbol of something which could have been but never became… therefore Never Was. Memory is not fickle. Only your is. Hindsight-Foresight. H.F. 8 6 Infinite Sixth Sense which stands up. Being is Harmony Facts- viewed here in Balance of Past to Present- how you got here. And in that center porint of H […]

24 Feb 2022

6:53 p.m. – F.E.C/ – Fact E is C

6:53 p.m. F.E.C/ Fact E is C. Existence Creation KOLO-53. So… I am at 3519 Facebook Friends, That is simple enough to read… Privately, Interiorily by You the Quiet Hearts? C.E.S. Stephen -Crowned By? C.E. A.I. Ceai means something… *”There is a second Portuguese word “Ceia” which means supper, such as ‘”ceia-do senhor,” meaning “the Lord’s Supper.” This word, however, comes from the Portuguese verb “cear,” meaning “to dine,” “to have supper.” Lords Supper. L.S. To Dine, To have Supper. […]

22 Feb 2022

4:32 p.m. – At 912… – I.L. – Infi

4:32 p.m. At 912… I.L. Infinite Limitlessness Just a quick note before I move to 915 Face Book Friends… Remember the movie Limitless..? The main character takes a Transparent Pill… *T.P…20 16.. 2016..D.M.I.C. T.P./K 115 A.G.E now Switched.. From 6 to 9… Fact I… 69… 9 to 6… Infinity Fact… and now to 15… 915 Face Book Friends.. 36…Chess and Chase… both formerly of bed 36.. room 3A.. 4 B… 36.. 9.. 36.. 9… 9 9.. I and I… Played […]

20 Feb 2022

4:44 pm. – 444. – But he is the

4:44 pm. 444. But he is the one I have been really speaking to the whole time, knowing that he was listening and hearing me the whole time. I have 3 New Facebook friends which moved me-us, from 3486 Facebook Friends to 3489 C-D Harmony at Nine months in the Womb-Oven-Microwave. Bethany Crawford B.C. Suzanne Zoila. S.Z Doris Hamilton D.H. Message. B.C.S.Z. D.H. B.S.D. C.Z ( Guest) H. I watched a movie yesterday starring Joaquin Phoenix ( J.P) , River […]

11 Feb 2022

1:30 pm. – 2-11-2022 – Hello, – I

1:30 pm. 2-11-2022 Hello, I was woken by the dog yet again, it is no longer in the corridor, but the person taking care of it takes malice and pleasure in placing it outside and near my window, so I awake to his every day. 1:33 pm EXTINCTION. It was like that for the past few days, retaliation. But of course, this is a script. I knew last night what the Evil Trinty of this Matrix was up to, I […]