
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

25 Jun 2019
20 Jun 2019

6/20/2019 0:01 – Facebook Post

8:55 p.m H E.. E. I woke up today as The Source… A Man. I realized yesterday, just how sick I had become these last 18 years of disguising my True Nature under the Charm of a Boy, whom people felt more relatable to. I did it when I found myself living in people’s homes, really portals.. the people. As literal equations, and as I moved through the years, they became reflections of beings I knew before, first Energies, then […]

18 Jun 2019

6/18/2019 17:43 – Facebook Post

2:01 p.m 21 6-19-2019 F S T S Feeling Sensational Facts Solid The Script Full Circle Truth is Transparency Supreme. Michael! ” Who is as God?” Response ” Air Water Energy” * Please, observe the play with Adam Waldron and my self as E, and his Hell Kitchen story with his Grandfather, reflecting in perfection my own story in Hells Kitchen and my writing on my page for years how I encountered an apparition of my Grandfather and Grandmother there […]

17 Jun 2019

6/17/2019 20:27 – Facebook Post

4:35 p.m D C E. 6-17-2019. F Q- T S. Hello, I have a new Facebook Friend. Adem Bakar A.B. And I am still at 1266 Facebook Friends Adem means ” Breath” in Turkish. Yes, I am currently drinking the Mehmet Effendi , Turkish Coffee- a gift from Kim Arthur Hines ( Tree Sage) “Umeano” my family name means “Breath” Of the 4 in One. Yes, Benjamin C. Krajewski 4 boys he is the 1st and came with Tree here […]

11 Jun 2019

Expression Money

Expression Money Energy Money E M. M.E E = C M.e 4/3.. Energy Conversation Money I work hard for the Money, I work hard with each person I am sent to, linked and connected on a trail of 29 years which, I once again stress, I was forced to tread upon. I heal, clean, show, enter into people’s world’s, and in order to ensure their way of being alien to mine, I remind them, show them fight for them to […]

29 May 2019

5/29/2019 17:37 – Facebook Post

4:03 p.m 43 Sacred Portal 43. My Art of Sacred Portals My Science E = C.M.e 4/3. E = C Sped of Light ( S O L) ” Sol! A Needle Pulling Thread” Fil- Gueria. E M F. Sol is the 5th Note. Blue Color 5 is E 3 is C E ART H. C 3rd Planet from the Sun Sum (Sun O to 1’9 Planets..Sum of the Milky Way Galaxy Classification MW87. *87 U sd currently in my wallet. […]

26 May 2019

5/26/2019 16:52 – Facebook Post

2:39 p.m B: C.I 5-26-2019 E A-Z. T S Hello. Pls Tell me, my Facebook Friends and the general public who all have access to my page and work for 7.6 years. Did I not answer Elon Musk’s Question, which he wished to ask the ultimate A.I.? Did I not answer it, prove it, document my proving it, in front of a live, interactive, showing how it was a Script. Of a Film Movie Story Narration as well as a […]

25 May 2019

From Kasien Thompson

From Kasien Thompson Clifford William. C W. Hubert Nathaniel Myers H.N.M C W. Cecilia Wiebers H M. Holly MacDonald . Merge C H W M / H C M W. Hartford Connecticut Miky Way. 42 years… Florida the Sunshine State J S M. = 42 I do not wish to explain how the play I am in as is the whole world, (even though most of you do not know it), affects everything happening In the world. And that The […]

23 May 2019

5/23/2019 20:02 – Facebook Post

Back To The Future B T T F… Beautiful Truth Transparent Facts. I have never lived in this realities Idea of the Present In fact I have spent my life understanding this present as an illusion by observing and excavating the Beautiful Truth buried so deeply in you and raise it, to the True Present where I have always lived, and where all Creation comes from. I have spent all this time filling the Gap of your forgetting to bridge […]

19 May 2019

5/19/2019 21:22 – Facebook Post

8:03 p.m 83 H C 5-19-20 19 5 -19- 2 19 E S B. S E Supreme Being Splendor full circle. 8:05 p.m H E The First bed I.was allowed at the Mens Mental Health Homeless Shelter at Delta Manor waa bed 5-019 Eos.. Es which means Dawn. That being the Gift of the Creator Light Dawn.. Knight lifts, the Curtain lifts, the Eye lids lift, the stage is set Switch from Night to.Day Light is the Gift To See. […]