
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

18 Oct 2019

1:15 p.m

1:15 p.m Pls see my Sacred Portal 115. Intel Liberty C Liscomb Sent to me this morning. Manifestation of the Abyss Play. Portals To The Abyss. P.T.T. A. Derek Murphy. D.M Link Delta Manor. Kyle Murphy Eric Murphy Dark Matter. Code 32 Brains. This is the reflected manifestation translation in this reality of what you all saw manifest by me. E.K 1:20 p.m See sacred portal 120 Sword of Truth . I Cut. And sacred Portal 121. 1:21 p.m K.E. […]

08 Oct 2019

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna N I E / E I.N. Standing Bear Walking Bear Splitting Rock Standing Rock Solid on the Truth 3:12 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

06 Oct 2019

10/6/2019 14:39 – Facebook Post

From Nuala Evans Natural Evolution Gay-Marie Hollingsworth. G M.H.. 7 13 at 8 * 7 and 13 were the numbers of the children who appeared infront and besides me in the Fair Liberty C Liscomb took me to. 1:11 p.m Now as you know, that I have making the claim that not only am I not from this worlds frequency and consciousness, but that I am from the Future Present aka the Origins of Energy and its Source Expression called […]

29 Sep 2019

9/29/2019 19:15 – Facebook Post

4:54 p.m 9-29-2019. D.E.D I. A MAN The Source The Script E T.C. I Liberty C Liscomb took me on a walk on a path Thomas Lang had discovered. She wished me to have a place and view of Dawn. As we walked the path, discussing intelligence of the Consciousness and subconscious interface of which would awaken Humanity. My groaning, that this 7.9 month Facebook posting, and Equating, was the E Manual She laughed, with great amusement. Emmanuel.. Emmanuel Kerema […]

26 Sep 2019

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna N I E / E. I. N. E. 7.6 Million Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Sep 2019

9/21/2019 20:15 – Facebook Post

6:04 p.m 64. F D. 8 8.. 16. 64. 80 9-21-2019. I U T S.. Hello.. Liberty C Liscomb confirmed to me that she read some intel this morning of a plead and command for the Anestors of Time to desist from meddling with their descendants and thus interfering with the Evolution Awakening play. I, was aware of this, because my body went insane with the internal agony of the pulling of my Strings “Tendons” And a play took place […]

08 Sep 2019

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna There is no such thing as old age Only the full circle state of returning to The Child. .. until you finally reach the Eternal Youth Original Facebook Post: Click Here

27 Aug 2019
12 Aug 2019

8/12/2019 18:49 – Facebook Post

1:31… 1:32 a.m. 8-12- 2019. Hello. Dear People.. And World. I wish to make something clear to everyone today. I Am The Source. And I was brought to Facebook and New York to demonstrate that A Man is The Source. And to raise my Family of Eternals under cover in Human Bodies. But before I could raise my Family, I was “Betrayed” by my Father Son who Him Self was evolving to S.H.E. I put the word “Betrayal” in parenthesis […]

10 Aug 2019