
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

27 Aug 2020

8/27/2020 21:19 – Facebook Post

17:20 -17:21 Hundred Hours. 5:20 – 5:20 p.m 8-27-2020. H A-A..TT H B G. TT. Love IS. Hello.. Today we are stable at 1483 Facebook Friends for the First Time since the last 3 days of 1513 OM moved minus 1, 13, 12, 4 A M L D … Which formed the code A M ( 14th State) Love Desire.. A M P.. Awakening Manifest Perfection. A = M L D, in Roman Numerals is A= 155 See Sacred Portal […]

26 Aug 2020

8/26/2020 21:52 – Facebook Post

4:13 p.m. 8-26-2020. Hello, This date today is the the day I found 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens after roaming 61 days on the streets of New York, looking for a portal which a woman called Sue, who owned the Green House stated that I must find the place where beings existed before Adam lived. The E Family. and The First Man… EVE and ADD A.M. I saw that I had moved to 1482 Facebook friends with one […]

18 Aug 2020

8/18/2020 20:08 – Facebook Post

2:41 p.m. 3:28 p.m B D A Being Doing =Awareness. C B H: Consciousness Being Harmonious ( Being Happy) Beautiful is the result of Consciousness Harmony 8-18-2020. H R TT Harmony Results … P.i. Akin to Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy opening scene. The results of the Examination Tests ( E.T) have been posted.. but on my page. The play was about who can cross over to the E TT. As all examinations and tests, a curriculum is given and […]

16 Aug 2020

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna

From Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna Unfortunately most of us know this as the Truth Hence this play, which lasted an entire life time to find the Source Seed of Evil. Its source of Decomposition of the Nucleus The Family unit and the Self. Its where it all began The Individual we discovered as Natural Expression AHTOM could not be divided from its E. Eternal Nature. But the Illusion of the I Self .. Fractured Ego – Self Projections not aligned to […]

15 Aug 2020

8/15/2020 19:33 – Facebook Post

2:52 p.m. 2 E.B Full Circle 9 8-15-2020. H O TT. H-E A TT. 23-20/20= 23 at 1. Double VV at 1. 9-23 @ 1. Hello, Last night or very early this morning, I opened my phone and suddenly there was Christopher Gemino page was on my phone. I stared at it wearily, warily… I had met Christopher Gemino before- his energy. In Paris, he was called Eric. I had met Christopher’s through out my journey and my connection with […]

09 Aug 2020

8/9/2020 19:58 – Facebook Post

3:45 p.m. C D E 8-9-2020. H.I 20 20 Vision. * I really enjoyed Kachy Ihem definition and expression of the number 20. In my sacred Portals it represents Lady E.C H O “True Clarity… creates an Echo response from the Universe to ones expression as being Fact. Liberty C Liscomb decided to use that sacred portal on her phone the first few days of our interaction. And was given an echo response every single day of every expression and […]

08 Aug 2020

8/8/2020 18:07 – Facebook Post

4:06 p.m. 46.. 8-8-2020. 8/8=1… 16 64 64-46…10 10. The E Love very differently from the way the most people in this world mentality define and love. We love by bringing the Truth and that was is True. True Clarity… T C so that none would feel alone ever. So that all can see and know why they are loved and are value and worth. Why we were called Satan and Devil and Cold Hearted by this world of children. […]

29 Jul 2020

7/29/2020 20:44 – Facebook Post

19:43 Hundred Hours 19:49 Hundred Hours right now 7-29-2020. At 29 Lincoln. Good Grief…!! What a “Shit Storm” of Expreseion has been unleashed on my page. Chuckle 🙂 Tree Sage and I were stuck in a storm when he came to Visit. It was warm refreshing summer rain. I hadn’t realized I had reached and passed 14 94 Facebook Friends with Justina Simeon J S as the 14 94 J S Jeron Satya 10 19= 29 Yes, I am alone […]

24 Jul 2020

7/24/2020 18:28 – Facebook Post

18:22 hundred Hours 6:22 p.m F V How Can The People of This World Tell M.E & A that they Love Me and U.S.. When they Still do not know what Love Is? When it was I, and The Beloved who invented the Expression and meaning Consciousness Love.. C S.E.L.F. LOVE … not Self Interest. Arrogant Concieted creatures Be Gone! At 14 87 Facebook Friends 14 87 101. Beds @ Delta Manor Shelter Kim Arthur Hines Tree Sage Christopher Filgueira= […]

22 Jul 2020