
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

05 Dec 2020

12/5/2020 20:14 – Facebook Post

2:22 pm. Pause… 2:23 pm. 5-12-2020. B V B W. B B 2-2 =18 = 22 V. V O W Victorious VOW Sacred Portal 59 “ME OW.” I am the bringer of True Pain. I Vowed to bring the Pain, to the shaman Wizard and Sorcerers who betrayed the Sacred Knowledge given them to Guard as guardians, as well as their Human Avatar descendants. * Jae Sherman just came out, with Norman Bates h.er two year + cat. You do […]

04 Dec 2020

12/4/2020 23:18 – Facebook Post

8:00 pm on the nose. 4-12 -2020. Delois Larkin This is Tree Sage, Chiefy, Kim Arthur Hinds, mother’s name. Many of my older Facebook friends will recall beloved brother Johnny Larkin whom I met in 2004. And his warning on facebook- what will we all do if Emeka proves to be correct, after all, we put him through?” Delois means “Meaning of Delois: Name Delois in the Greek origin, means One who is a superior being. Name Delois is of […]

04 Dec 2020

From Bronson Ware

From Bronson Ware I can not begin to explain the accuracy of these equations… except to note that these equations are Energetically correct ( Age of Holy -Espirit) which means it is not based on physical Time, but Expression Energy Time linked represented by Individuals here present in the world, representing lines of Humanity. Right now we are at the Trinity Kim Emeka Jae Sherman. I arrived as the 2nd person. 12 21 33 is 33 age code. the numeric […]

03 Dec 2020

6:19 PM

6:19 pm. F S… F A I- R 12-3-2020. L C 2020 Lyrical Conversation. Lyrical Conversation is the Science which I invented as a man. I wrote 5 Papers, in which all were confirmed as A Fact except the Lyrical Conversation: based on Light’s Conscious expression which when one attains that frequency- you can literally effect all physical reality, matter, people with illness or problems which required solving. I could not publish the papers, which I completed in 2010-2011 because […]

02 Dec 2020

Sacred portal 147

Sacred portal 147 3:14 pm C N Pi Poi (Poi means weight) * I just got intel that the star of the Black Panther movie first ethnic movie to reach he billion dollar mark in sales, followed by the Asian-Chinese movie Crazy Rich Asians B P OIL F O I L.. Father of Infinity Sacred Portal right here rep Emmy me as the Eternal Past E P. Eternal Planet. E P .E E. Sacred portal 7 and 28 and 122 […]

30 Nov 2020

11/30/2020 19:05 – Facebook Post

1:50 a.m. 11-30-2020. At 1515 Facebook Friends. Hello… Yes, I am quietly surprised that I am here. I was aware that my Birthday was a play 8pm 28th to 8pm the 29th linking myself and Kasian Thompson and Bomb B A weed code B A sleek black oily car of Miguel Figueroa. Bomb BA. Boom! Boom! A Bomb. I had an intense night mastering the Bomb BA which I took and observed what happened to Kim last night and then […]

29 Nov 2020

11/29/2020 20:34 – Facebook Post

2:28 pm B B H. V H 22 8.. See Sacred Portal 58 (228 is also written on the base of the portal) Its Kasien Thompson Birthday today. 11-29-63 ( F C 6 3) He and I connected from Delta Manor to Gemino Liberty portal 900 South Road. And with Kasien Hudson who was in th same room as I just before I left the Delta Manor Shelter bed 4-015 formerly 16 when i had it I had been a […]

29 Nov 2020

Oh.. sigh…

Oh.. sigh… Margaux Hayes is the name of my new Facebook friend with the intel Sandra Bland. S B. Margaux comes from the name Margaret. meaning Pearl. Yes, Jae Sherman cat, who she was speaking about her today. Pirates of the Caribbean Arrgh!! Space Pirates. * Dear lord they will play for this play the scallywags. Space Pirates Mischief and Mahem- went too far… Correct Code Space Pi-rates The Elegant Nomads TEN not 10. Margaux Hemmingway. M H. * Correct […]

28 Nov 2020

2:49 PM

2:49 pm 11-28-2020. Hello. I do appreciate those who sent me Happy Birthday messages, but it really is not a Happy Birthday for me, I am a happy person – no one can take that away from me. But it’s not a Happy Birth Day to me is it- for those who have been reading my posts. I am still not yet home. But Tree wrote a post which is to be the greatest gift of all. It’s the gift […]

26 Nov 2020

6:26 p.m.

6:26 p.m. Just got back- went to buy some potatoes. I am making dinner for Jae Sherman and I I asked her to if she could buy or order some meat, since I can not go far, or order on my own accord. I had enough just enough cash but yesterday he tried and no window opened for Jae to order-so I decided to eat any old thing- and not be bothered. But I woke yo to Jae telling me […]