
Emeka’s story as a Man on Earth

27 Dec 2020
23 Dec 2020

12/23/2020 21:52 – Facebook Post

3:25 pm. C Y 12-23-2020. L W TT. The Waiting Game. A Pause to look back. I have solved the riddles of this existence and the universe… Alone, by walking through a Script designated for me to walk through- a script created for me ( or perhaps anyone who dared?), No, I think it was literally designated for me to walk through) – A script like an Examination Test and check. A Script in which no choice, was given, no […]

21 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

.. And yes, that brings me to 15 30 Facebook Friends 15 30 as pairs.= 45. Yes age of the planet Earth, And age code of Jae Sherman 45. And so Earth Jupiter Saturn .. and Pluto are aligned in body and beings as Below as is Above. B A…. C K ( Cc… CC) B A CK OF E K. Jupiter is the biggest of the brood. Despite being mostly gas by bulk, it’s more than 300 times the […]

20 Dec 2020

11:55 PM

11:55 pm A A E E A contest and challenge of what is to brcme Legend Myth but true. K E E.= A. Will they acknowledge The Source as Emeka Kolo A Man Chukwueneka Or will they think they have a choice and that this delay of making a Decision is comming from them.. you. Will they go that far to see if what I corrected and coded Manifests and by then a most terrible consequences if it just so […]

19 Dec 2020

9:31 PM

9:31 pm I 31 Sacred Portal 31 19-12-2020. L S T T Hidden Figures Meddling. I have tried to post twice today. knowing already that it was a waste of my time. And that this linked to a play moving still with Kim long after it should have been completed. I gave Kim a Code of 31 though I had intended to give him 41 code. L S = 31 Slum Lord. * No BullSitters Beyond This Point. Sabrina… Not […]

17 Dec 2020

12/17/2020 20:05 – Facebook Post

3:09 pm. 12-17-2020. Hello, Yesterday was a powerful day, it represented the manifestation of the equation which I found myself solving and proving that all creation manifested through a conversation. And the process, of how from the One became two by a conversation with Self and that conversation manifested into the body by moving backward forwards as Light and Dark Matter L D and together created the Body. I had always stated that I had never left the shelter, despite […]

13 Dec 2020

8:25 PM

8:25 pm. 12-13-2020. Hello. It is easy to read the code above. So there is no need that I translate. It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game. Highlander play of Immortality. Jet Li ( J L) The One A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play. Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they […]

13 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

11:45 pm, Infinite Love. I L… 9-12 Serenity and Erabella. S E.. E wriiten by Donna O Sillivan in 2016 letter to me. @ 18 Mountain View. Infinite Love I dare speak the words I love you Without knowing what it means to utter it… To mean it whole heartedly Means I have to first say those words to myself. Until I hear the words, I Love You reverberate. Fill my being. Truth recognized. I AM LOVE. Enracing all IS. […]

10 Dec 2020

12/10/2020 21:03 – Facebook Post

Sacrificial Lamb. L. AM B. LA! M.B. 1:29 pm. A B I…AT E 001/ 10-12-2020. J L 2020. Code 22. Hello, Jeron Satya S Lang Liberty C Lisomb came over today at 10:00 am. J L is the date. It was a marvelous meeting with myself Kim, Jeron, and Liberty, but it was also of an indescribable quiet pain to come face to face with how I was used by this force behind this scripted play of the conditions imposed […]

07 Dec 2020

From Crystal Van-hoozer

From Crystal Van-hoozer C V H. I do not believe in this concept of Rock Bottom- but rather that Rock Solid foundation of ones truth, unmoved no matter which circumstances you are thrown in. There is a sickness in this world which focuses to much attention on suffering misery, aloneness of reaching the Top or the Botom.. position. I am not at rock bottom just because of having money, position or success as defined by an insane world- I am […]