
Links to Egypt: Overlay of Story and Symbols

09 Mar 2017

Facebook Post..

7:38 p.m… Contd. Let us finish the code and the message… I have two other Face Book Friends with the name Carol. Carol Downey C.D Carol Kubai… C.K. Carole Adena Orear… C.A.O… C Alpha Omega… Carol means Feminine form of the Latin Carolus, which is a cognate of Charles (full-grown, a man, freeman), and a short form of Caroline, another feminine form of Carolus. Alternatively, the name is derived from the vocabulary word carol (joyous song, a carol). Var: Carol, […]

13 Feb 2017

9:01 p.m.

9:01 p.m. 91. 2-13-2017… 37. 1 2-13-1 B M A 9:04 pm 94. I.D. I am aware… That I am not fully awake- I am awake though, And fully aware that I am I am undercover In a most evil script, created by Human Cause and Effect, -Sum total of their time on this planet. -Landing the Consciousness of the E.T and T.N Extraterrestrial Truth Eternal Truth and merging it with True Nature- Nature’s Expression Supreme Human Bodies Merging with […]

13 Jan 2017

8:28 p.m.

8:28 p.m. See what I mean? Back at 860… All because of a simple mis-understanding of my expression by P Frank Onyekachukwu.. A Simple Mis-understanding because he just became my Face Book Friend and had no idea what was going on. But he sent me a text, with a graceful request and an apology if he had offended me… Which of course he had not, in fact he had revealed something in the Spirit World play with Ancient Egypt still […]

03 Jan 2017

Facebook Post..

From Vivian Lavey E.N…K.I…. Emeka Nnamdi Kolo Ikemefuna… Expression Naturalness Kosmos Infinity… My brother friend or whoever you are, tell me how did i choose that profile and that cover photo. I usually combine them, but this time i couldn’t make my mind up!! And i just left those without changing back. Normally i do not sleep until i find the right cover photo to equal my profile. And now i find this one??!! Vivian Lavey.. You are actually my […]

15 Dec 2016

2:28 PM

2:28 pm Hi… I did not come to face book to fight a system. To be honest, I did not even know why I came until I began to post. I realized that I came to Explain. Words poured out from me of understandings which I recognized only afterwards. To deliver a message- a message to the World, which grew from a gentle breeze, to a storm, then thundered through me. But more than anything, I came to prove a […]

06 Dec 2016

From Olisa Chukwuka…

From Olisa Chukwuka… I saw this text sent to me in my mail… I really do not have much interest in addressing the ‘Veiled meaning of why this post was sent to me, right after my response to Olisa’s comment on my page, and my response to his=her Expression that ‘My Work is Not Done… Despite 48 years, and 27 Years of Phenomenal Effort of being forced to sacrifice Everything, to live in Non Existence to bring forth Evidence and […]

13 Nov 2016

7:04 p.m.

7:04 p.m. G.O.D..p.m. 13-11-2016…. M.K..P.T… Mecca Kolo…T.P…G.I Joseph. I.G . (Code link to Isla Grant)… 10..Balance Justice. I Golden Dawn… Eternal Hero… H.E.R.T.Z…5;28… Zorro. Mecca means Paradise… Kolo means Prince Round Circle…Orb…the Planet… Globe…Global.. Earth.. The Full Circle… E Art H…Harmony Earth. Full Moon…F.M. Frequency from the Moon on the Water.. Wave Sine…. M.K..P.T…G..I… 7:43 p.m. Means That the Global Evolution and Awakening transforms the Earth back into Paradise, 7:47 p.m. By the Prince, the Eternal Hero of the Golden […]

06 Nov 2016
12 Oct 2016

4:34 p.m.

4:34 p.m. D.C.D… 10-12-9… J.L.I…E… J is the Lie… A.O.L.I…G.H.T… Hello… I am now at 773 Face Book Friends… I was writing to Dean Dunkwu a E mail and after receiving the code of 2 2 2 from him…600 usd… Sixth Sense… and found myself expanding upon an equation to him…which though I am finally moving out of this Face Book Play… I feel should be added to this the Script. 73 As most recall relates an aligns in the […]

07 Oct 2016