
Links to Egypt: Overlay of Story and Symbols

15 Nov 2017
02 Nov 2017

10:55 p.m.

10:55 p.m. J.E.E. A O E E… Good Lord… I truly have nothing to say…. The Computer here at Delta Manor was suddenly made available, so I thought perhaps there was something…. Nada… My body and my spinal chord is aligning and stretching, ( once again), despite my desire to say Ho Hum…again.. the experience is still alarming… Made more so by the fact that it is something which I have been proving into existence and it aligns to sacred […]

11 Oct 2017

A Broader Stage For Love

A Broader Stage For Love Taylor Stanley and Daniel Applebaum in Justin Pecks The Time Are Racing. -For the New City Ballet 12:04 p.m. 10-11-10 Its About Time. Perfect Timing Symmetrical Perfection. Harmony. Proven activated by an Example chosen selected to Activate, Explain and Demonstrate it, publicly transparently naturally with out awareness ( Blind) until gradually seeing by growing conscious and aware of what He ( I ) am doing by going through the prcoess. Basically, used as his own […]

06 Oct 2017

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. 5:49 p.m… S.P 49… Existential Death… ‘This evening after reading your text I went to my homepage on Pinterest where an image of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt appeared on my timeline. It shows a stairway made of eight steps leading out of the temple tomb towards the light! Nenad M. Djurdjevic….. wrote this… The Eight Steps are the only way out of the Abyss, but it is not really the Abyss as Hathor….H […]

10 Sep 2017

Egyptian Greek… E.G….

Egyptian Greek… E.G…. 17 99… Q I I… Se sacred portal 99 I just uploaded. 17 is Q.. Quintin bed 4-006..It means 5… 46 code Emeka Eri… and reflected in the Feminine aspect of Lisa Natalie Johnson…46 code… 17 99… 89…Yes See the 8th Ball of Destruction for the Gall…and your Balls… 196.. S.F… Stephen Filgueira.. F.S… FAST… Feelings Sensational… 1 96.. Dark Matter… D.M.. Delta Manners… Hell.. 69..1… R.O… Red Orange.. R.O.C.K… R.O.Q… R O Q Transform… The Rosetta […]

31 Aug 2017

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O.

From Bandara Rma… B.R….O. I noticed that this was shared by Bandara on May 11, 2016. 5-11….2016…. E.K…T.P…. Emeka Kolo…. 20 16….36….9…I. I was at 18 Mountain View at that time, chez John Blackwell – John Delguidce ( J.B…J.D..) And Donna O Sullivan… D.O.S…D.S… Where I spent 9 months exactly, to the day with them. Jon and Donna… J.D. It is also where I became Face Book Friends with Jean Ann Dortch really Fey Mirach… F.M… *FM broadcasting is a […]

24 Aug 2017

7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m. Truly it was because of the Short Film Clip which appeared today of Father.. My Brother who Played me.. and Literally played me- this morning, which combined with so Excess Libido Stimulation of Virility… ( Yes Lets Put some Hair on His Chest) that I managed to get up from Bed today. The exhaustion, tiredness in my limbs- Good Grief, -it is not really mine, but I have been forced to focus, stretch and align my body 24/7 […]

04 Jul 2017

It always seems Impossible until its is Done.

It always seems Impossible until its is Done. Nelson Mandela N.M. N N A M DI Nelson Mandela d Traveler 2016 23 17 565. This is what ABE (Rose) from Ethiopia had in his hands… 8:48 p.m. 8:49 p.m. When he came in and sat down besides me and began speaking about what he had read on my page. Which I had asked him to investigate. He did, and what he said was music to my ears, and then we […]

02 Jul 2017

Welcome Daniel Carter D.C… and Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M….

Welcome Daniel Carter D.C… and Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M…. D.C… 4 3… N.T…14 20…M…. / Manifestation of 2014…. 34… 7… The Journey after K.EW Gardens where I was sent back for the People… But there are no Peoples as witnessed there is only the E… D.C Alludes to Sacred Portal 43 .. And Energy E=CMe43… And Yes Washington D.C and the Entire World is under the Dominion Control of this Play… Which Is why my focus was not on African […]

16 Jun 2017

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr…

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr… The Fairy King… We call them They Who Lived Before Adam- They, of the line of Naturalness who came into this story from the Radiant Light to complete their Individual journey back to E… Through Embodiment… In my very last Production in Istanbul Turkey, called the Story of Colors… I recalled them, from memory present… And found them under cover, all over the world… But so under cover.. Hence when Jonathan Scott, became a Face […]