
Links to Egypt: Overlay of Story and Symbols

14 Jan 2018

There is a man who had been in bed 4-003… Al..

There is a man who had been in bed 4-003… Al.. He was replaced by Duane S.. and now by Herman Hubbard.. He had been forced to sleep on the floor because he had lost his bed… Twice he came to me, to tell me his predicament, almost as if he was asking me if I could do something about it… I knew it was a Spirit play… Again and again he came to me… Albert is the name of […]

26 Dec 2017

1006 Facebook Friend…

1006 Facebook Friend… 16… Letter P. Em Yi… Em means The name Em is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name Em is: Whole. Complete. Universal. Old German ‘ermin’ or ‘irmin’, meaning universal. E.M..E… Full Circle… 11 1…K A. YI… Means Happy… Mr Happiness’ From Chinese ? (yí) meaning suitable, proper, ? (yì) meaning resolute, decisive, firm, ? (yì) meaning justice, righteousness, ? (yì) meaning profit, benefit, ? (yí) meaning joy, harmony (which is usually only […]

24 Dec 2017


Well…. 6 49…! At 1004 Facebook Friends… Sacred Portal Existential Death.. Death Ray… I am sitiing here having heard the expression of 4 people Enoch addressing Stevan of bed 4-002.. S to E And then the expression of Dominic Edwin to Micheal Martinez… E to M…. S.E E M…Correct Code… S.E.E…ME…. 11:22 p.m 11-22- 47.. 11-22-68…. 11 11 22 22 47 68…. 11 11 22 22 46/64 78/87… See Me cut you out of Existence what the 4 represent as […]

13 Dec 2017

At 998 Face Book Friends..

At 998 Face Book Friends.. I am Done!!!!! Proving the My Source Codes and Evolution Awakening… I am Done!!!! Tamika Rivera… Tamika means People and Rivera means River…. The Full Circle is a River… A river runs through us… Linking is conection us in a Unified Field O.. of the Full Circle… That Stream of Consciousness and Knowing is what I was coerced into proving here infront of you after I knew my mission was complted in 2012-2013… Instead I […]

02 Dec 2017


O.K.. Who is the real Donald Trump? DT/ T.D… 420…240… 42 24… 66… 1 OO… 12.. L…3…C…. 36… 9… I. New York Times Headlines… Page 16.. The Toll of Gate Keepers Who Behave Badly… Code ( TT…O..G.K..W… B B) Lauer Offers an Apology, and a Little Bit of a Denial.. Page 17… ( A.Q… Q=17…. And A.G…ADI… Adi Erlanger.. Agadi means Old Age in O.I Nri Igbo…Enugu Agidi is my Mother Home town…Last of the Umu-Nri.. Children of Eri. Nri… […]

30 Nov 2017

7:31 p.m.

7:31 p.m. 11-30- 10… 11- 3O-1O… 7-31…G Sacred Portal 31… G is 7.. 7 Vertebra in the Neck… O is the Full Circle.. GO means 5 in Japanese.. D..Delta.. represent life springing up.. Cellular Life ( C.L) in the Fecund Delta Regions… Where Snakes often dwell… Serpent Asclepius Ochiuphus…13 Astro-Logical Symbol… D is 4… 2 2.. Link Ekene Offor Susanta Nayak and Jason Williams and Jonathan David Frechette their like. EO. S N…. J.W… J D.F… D is Death… GOD… […]

26 Nov 2017

… Yes.. The Translation of the code

… Yes.. The Translation of the code Jason Williams.. At 997 Facebook Friends… J.W… 10 13… 23…. Aligned to the 23rd of November.. Referencing Thanks Giving Day… T.G.D… Thank G.D… ref. 11 usd minus 4 ( given a Nickel Bag instead.. Nickel means Perfect.. A Nickle is 5. 11 4-7. 11- 5-7…) = 7. 11- 4 7… T=20… Sacred portal 20… T.. Lady Echo’s Truth. Echo Bravo… E.B. Code M.H.M.D..M.H.M.D..Wealth…. Manifest Harmony Manifest Destiny Wealth…. *Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt- portal I […]

25 Nov 2017

From Jason Williams..

From Jason Williams.. That is what happened to Nna… Father.. not for Questioning me, but for Doubting a Love so Radiant that it caused him to Rise… O PEN IS.. PIERCE… Dawn Piercy…. But not even … not really.. it was for not asking for Clarity and Expression C.E… 305… CO E.. Egypt… 27 children… 9 9 9… And so he found himself cast as Satan in his own Story of the purest Intentions and sent into a pit for […]

24 Nov 2017

Chukky Ijioma…

Chukky Ijioma… C.I. I am sitting at the Delta Manor S 24 E 450 Computer Jamel is sitting a 10 feet from me, we are the Two left in a play which began in the B.R.C Shelter with scores of people, who were trapped in the system. All of them have been sent home, through Divine Intervention D.I ( Bed 49 B.R.C) where my Son Father sent me here into the Black hole of the Shelter system where Society punishes […]

22 Nov 2017

Thraxed Texlix…

Thraxed Texlix… its definitive formulation until the second half of the 1st century bce, after the appearance of the first manual devoted to the theoretical elements of language, a slim grammatical treatise by Dionysius Thrax. The program then consisted of the seven liberal arts: the three literary arts of grammar, rhetoric, and dialectic and the four mathematical disciplines noted above in linguistics: Greek and Roman antiquity The Alexandrians, who were analogists working largely on literary criticism and text philology, completed […]