
Links to Egypt: Overlay of Story and Symbols

04 Jul 2018
03 Jul 2018

7:06 p.m.

7:06 p.m. 7-3-2018.. @ 1161 Facebook Friends. 1172 was the Apex of Facebook reached which links to yesterday and the conversation I had with Kyle Murphy and Artie (Aturo T) and the Mergovian Prophecy and the Prior of Sion. Which calls the Womb of Mary Magdelene the Room which is called the World or the Room with a View. Sacred portal 72 is a man coming out of a Womb. 11 72… was yesterday Robert and Artie… Kyle in the […]

21 Jun 2018

7:55 p.m.

7:55 p.m. 6-21-2018…. 1163 Face Book Friends… * See Akil Apollo Davis share for 6-30 @ 3. 63 3… Tell me what do you think of this… I left the building and it was Kyle Murphy who stood at the entrance, with a security guard called Raphael… Both greeted my, but I only truly acknowledge Kyle, because he is real to me, while the security guard has proven to me that he is a shadow ( Hypocrites.. People who wear […]

04 Jun 2018

9;14 p.m.

9;14 p.m. I just completed a 3 hour Post which just crashed … I sensed the importance of it and that the computer would do that… But I was not bothered, I retain the equation in my Memory… 9:14- 915 p.m .. the time was all that remained and the moment I I wrote the time linking it to my post this morning at 9:14 a.m… I am content… It was in the subject of Zero versus the Full Circle… […]

12 May 2018

This is the result of the conversation I had with Jace Horsford today…

This is the result of the conversation I had with Jace Horsford today… He sent this to me after he we had completed the conversation. I noted the Duration of not only the time now… 3:09 p,m right now… 39… But the time of his last text to me, when he was on his way.. it was 11:28 a.m. Which also happened to be a time which Billy Hung had texted me some days previously… I knew that it meant […]

07 Apr 2018

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones Willson Ometan … W.O W… Commented… So did I i Felt it relevant to share his expression… giving credit where credit it is Due… Wilson Ometan; Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones; partly true in the sense that the language came from one source but not all cultural groups came from same source of Africa. However; white people came to Africa to learn from our wealth of civilisation before building on it whilst erasing or editing the source. For […]

04 Apr 2018

12:29 a.m.

12:29 a.m. 4-4-2018. 4-4-18 D D R… New York Times Headings A ”Superstar’ Full of Spirit. John Legend. J.L. 10 12.. 22… V. ”Trapped inside the Super Hero Maze.” ”The second season of the FX Series Legion begins on Tuesday with a Voice Over intoning: You are in the Maze now, You can not escape Its a description of Insanity. Its is of course, also reference to the experience of watching ‘Legion; Staring Dan Stevens as David Haller.. ( A […]

09 Feb 2018

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend.

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend. But he is the one who I met at the Green House and was aware of the awakening and even my ID back in 2006. It was in his house, that I found he had painted a image of my brother Nnamdi… And I took from him a painting he had made with stencils of the Egyptians Pyramids… He also told me about the Cafe in the Sky which […]

04 Feb 2018

U.F.O..Hovers Over Sacred Terrain

U.F.O..Hovers Over Sacred Terrain New York Times Art Section…. Hello… I saw this and I just gaped… To you, it means not that much unless you have been truly paying attention to the Script on my page… And especially where it has recently led to…. The meaning of the Word Matrix, and its linked given to me through the Avatar called Lorenzo *( and the story and journey of my passing through the portals of Jon Delguidce Blackwell- and Donna […]

15 Jan 2018

Please read the codes…

Please read the codes… January 13…2018… 1-13.. 20+18… 38…. 1 13 38… A.M… C.H… The Alarm went off at 8:10 am… 81O… H.A.O… It lasted 38 minutes.. 2018.. 38…. That was the Day Allen Murray did not come back.. and the day Hector in the bed next to him was replaced… Allen Hector… A.H.. H.A is the Mocking of my Challenge to bring the End… K.O..REA… 7:11 p.m. K.Grant of the Spirit realm took me seriously enough… The code of […]