
Links to Egypt: Overlay of Story and Symbols

16 Dec 2018

From Felicia Moncada

From Felicia Moncada F M Band Broad Caster… AWAKE… A W A K E.. E K A W A… A VV E… E K A V E!… V E N U E… Felicia means Felicitations Congratulations Praise… The play… Through Ancient Egypt.. Ancient Aliens… The world is a Stage… 10;23 p.m. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

26 Nov 2018

From Tree Sage

From Tree Sage The Golden Ratio… Enter the Dragon, align all the projections of who you really are as Ego-Spectrum Rainbow color, to painting a picture of your life in True Color.. a Beautiful True Story which aligns with music and art and which you have broken down into a SCIENCE.. and rebuilt reconstructed into the truth of who you are… After Smashing all the Mirrors, of what others defined you as as well as the false ones you created […]

21 Nov 2018

From David Powers.

From David Powers. 5:29 p.m. I.am not sure where to even start with the Harmony of this post, so I will just start from where it is anchored. Right here in the present. And the present is linking my own last post, Busayo Alonge posts and my liking it with the thread represented by Stephen Filgueira Anastasia Hart A.H. Rebirth of the Heart. Harmonies Art. Rebirth Erection Regeneration. What I had just woven was that I am now at Connecticut […]

23 Oct 2018

From Andrese Harris Burton

From Andrese Harris Burton Henrietta Marie… H M… Henrietta ? as a girls’ name is pronounced hen-ree-ET-ah. It is of Latin, French and Old German origin, and the meaning of Henrietta is home leader. Latinate form of Henriette , a feminine diminutive of Henri, the French form of Henry. HE… NRI…. OINRI….85… HE… Yes me Underwater for since 2014 When I first connected with Chris Franco and Berry Becky Berry Becky at Star bucks at 78 Spring street to 1385 […]

21 Oct 2018

From Isabelle Ilic

From Isabelle Ilic The Language of Frequency then has to be translated into a Language which can be read heard and understood. The Human Body is a Transfomer, A Satelite when in its Natural state, it is able to Translate and Transform these frequencies in a Langauge of Expression in this reality, a language whose DATA Banks contain archive of Information which links with the Eternal truth. Dna and Dne I call it. When the Frequency which I call the […]

18 Sep 2018

From Mohamed Tharwat El-Gohary

From Mohamed Tharwat El-Gohary M T E G… Recall we met here.. the champion martial artist from Egypt… Yes.. in the END it must be O.K.. ( O L O) If it is not Okay, (Kay means Purity) then it is not the END of the play… Because the play has to end with full circle.. O 8… 8 O… Yes Isabelle Ilic it ends with your code and 5=E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

28 Aug 2018

This sacred portal 39..

This sacred portal 39.. Now linked from Isabelle Ilic to Chris Inabnitt C.I. Through Dawn Piercy… And finally me.. Emeka Kolo… I C D…E… Which completed the cycle of 1993 when I reached the portal of Origins at age 25/6 and was made to return for 25 more years… 50 51… ( 52 In Illusion) My Last Facebook friend is Animesh Bhattcherjee A B. And I have only been able to afford coffee at the Arab Bodega on the junction […]

23 Aug 2018

9:01 p.m.

9:01 p.m. 91… A.I… Amoza Born Isabelle Ilic… S A I D… M… S D M… The S is represented by Sarah Lagrange in the feminine aspect of the play.. M is MANN… Represented by Me as Mann who as the Movie Dune is able to enter into the Sacred Feminine… D is DeLores Spratley… D S… D S.. = 4-019/18… Represented by the Bed I am in…= 23.. E M E… 5 13 5.. = 23.. Double U.. 42… […]

21 Aug 2018

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH) My sisters British name is Joy. Link the from the Face book pool of friends – Joy Jane.. J J…Makes one link Janet Jackson and her album Control which is the song I entered New York into 17 years ago. I link it to Sacred Portal 1A… Being A-.A. And Generation X Gardens and A.L… ( Albert Santana – Link Aturo Snow A.S who reminds me of Axel Love) But most […]

25 Jul 2018

7:07 p.m.

7:07 p.m. 77 7-25-2018. G.G. G E T.. R…U E. G G is that not the third Author, in the 4 part share of Isabelle Ilic which I shared as the approach equation reflected of the appearance of the Epiphany Coudre Foudre Thunder and Lightening of the collective Ah!!!! Aw!!!! Its is,, I believe, the Third in the series of 4… J C N L G G J C Full Circle which then when it is completee it heralds a […]