
Links to Egypt: Overlay of Story and Symbols

26 Mar 2016

11:52 p.m.

11:52 p.m. K.B.E.. Hi.. I have a New Face Book friend.. Making it 4 yesterday and 3 today… 4 3.. D.C… 7 12… G.L…1984..E.K…103…J.C.. A.O.C…13 M 4 D.. 13+4=17..Q.. I would like to welcome my 17 year old Face Book Friend.. Kangaju Mohamed… Whose name is from Sierra Leone..Lion Mountains but for the life of me, I could not find the meaning of the name Kangaju..Except that, there was a Famous Warrior Chief who founded a line of descendant.. In […]

21 Mar 2016

1: 43 p.m.

1: 43 p.m. 3,400 years ago.. 34-43.. Blue Lapis Lazuli Cobalt Beads…B.L.L.C.B.. Amber, Sky and Sun… L.A.. Link between Ancient Egypt and Nordic Viking Cultures.. Zeus, Horus Ba’al Thor… Blue Yellow-Golden.. B.G…5th Color and 3rd Color 5+3=8.. Jupiter, Earth Neptune… …*Just aligning the codes to the posts… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

26 Jan 2016

From Deanne Earl

From Deanne Earl Yes, Its a Script… But the courses, lessons within is are relevant… Are they they True… no. Was it real within the context of the Script… yes.. Real and relevant,everything which manifested in the collective consciousness of the world. Meaning each idea or situation was Allowed to come into Existence within the Script… The question say for instance of Evolution- It is Garbage Garb- Age in a sense because All Creatures have already evolved the moment they […]

24 Jan 2016

From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell Julie Minton commented, Wow, if that be the case then Rome is microcosm of the (Modern) World I find that statement invariably true based on the evidence and trajectory of this play which linked O.I.NRI my maternal ancestral origins to the Yeshua Christ Story in which he was Crucified by Rome by instigation of the Sanhedrin, with the code I.N.R.I..Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Meaning ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews J.T.N..K.O.T.J Which Pontius Pliate PP had […]

24 Jan 2016

From Michael O’Donnell…

From Michael O’Donnell… And only then can we weave and link together, from this fabric of all the Diverse potentialities of True Nature, by only that which can exist is based on the foundation of Existence, which is not Nature, but rather it is Expression… Which reveals each potentiality to be based of on Love and that each moves natural to lightness, creating light.. And with these ingredients, create Harmony.. The Gift is the Ba! Which the Ancient Egyptians describe […]

21 Jan 2016

12:O9 p.m.

12:O9 p.m. L.O.I…(Law in French)… 1-21-9… A.U.I…A. U.B.A..C.I…/ I..C.A.B…U..A 21-1-9…U.A.I….U.B.A..C…A.I../ I.A..C.A.B…U It is a simple code to translate, it does not even require imagination to read it.. And yes, as most of my older Face Book Friends have understood, *(whether they belief or not, is not really of my concern, since I am decoding expression from an other stimuli, who I recall who.. And, of course, to base no consciousness representing Universe as Harmony, and Expression from beyond can be […]

20 Jan 2016

From Ariane Oates

From Ariane Oates Beautiful Expression… I especially like the deep black background, as if this realization came from a place so deep with, traveling from a catalyst which created the Stimuli to go that deep within the black well of being to emerge Victorious with a Treasure, which radiates and clarifies all, by this understanding to form, these words which come into focus… Indented now for eternity into Awareness.. Awareness is not White, it is the deepest black like Peat, […]

15 Jan 2016

2:22 p.m.

2:22 p.m. B B B…B. V..5..E…. Date 1-14-9… A.N.I ..Ani we know means Beautiful 14-1-9…N.A.I…. Natural Awareness Instinct Intuition ( I and I) =I Nature Anywa-Wu, Ifunanya…Nature are the Bright Eyes of the 5th Dimension whose is Loves Cee I See you everywhere I.A.N/ N.A..I.. I Anna I… The Individual representing Grace-Favor..G.F..76..Awakening Infinity…IIIIIIIIII… IAN…ION…. Twins B..E.N…Z..I.O..N. Twin Ions of Zeina Zorro! Beauty!..B.BB.. See the twins Harmony Unity (And unseen the E) in the share by Gay-Marie Bradshaw…Music… Which aligns to […]

10 Jan 2016
31 Dec 2015

1:45 p.m….A.D.E.

1:45 p.m….A.D.E. 31-12-2O15..35…8… A…C-L-T.O-C.E..H Alpha Cee Loves Truth to See Existence Harmonious… *That is a great message… 12-31-8… L-C.A-H… Loves Completion Ah!!! After this post I will Share with you sacred portal 145 which aligns to the time of this post, and the message solved through the date. Be well aware that each day, I am made aware of each days equation or set Goal. which I keep in the back of my mind as the days posting unravels and […]