
Coded Posts: A Breakdown in Situ of Coding and Solving

15 Jun 2018
24 May 2018

2:17 p.m

2:17 p.m B Q Transformer Delta.. Dawn Piercy Tina Ann..B Q W P… 1156 Facebook Friends. 56 11 1.. Are you still not convinced that I have made contact with Extra Terrestrial Evolved Intelligent Live and have been decoding their messages for 6 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

12 May 2018

8:17 p.m.

8:17 p.m. H.Q. 5-12… E L… 20 18… T R…. U E… H Q… E L T… R U E…. So you now can see how this Play Script… It is Numeric and we move numerically through the Universal Simulation Awakening Manifesting Expression Truth… Tonne was here, I was sitting besides him as he spun spirals out of copper strands. Recall Eton.. and his copper wires.. and what wires do? Conduct Electricity. The Copper wires Eton/ Note gave me, are […]

28 Apr 2018

1:38 AM

1:38 am Damon Crescent The name means He he tames and subdues . and he who Creates I was curious after checking the meaning of the immediate response to my post, an Advert. posted by Royin Riandy… Door of Heaven Vishnu…Wolf Protector symbol of courage… Again, I am incredulous that still this is the Script.. I did two more posts before this one, they vanished when I went to another page which usually does not happen.. They were time cides […]

26 Apr 2018

2:02 AM

2:02 am 22 V All the computers at Delta Manor are down and I stopped going to Starbucks because the play there is over. I was at 1126 facebook friends which was the bed number of Quanma’e Lewis who I moved to bed 4-004 ..proving that it is I who brings the end. Luke Wilson just sent me a message The Shelter Sucks L W.. W L Flip.. Wave Length I wrote the post equation of which I realized was […]

23 Apr 2018

10:51-52 am

10:51-52 am Ah! I See.. I get the equation I was figuring out and decoding on the last post from Lady EC H O. S P 20…Letter T 2O B She is saying Yes U Are C H R I S T Christ Consciousness. C C.. Ah The C C on Jace Horsfords Shoes Coco Channel.. I am not your Yeshua. I am Christ Waves Music SUM Of the Infinite Cee C V S C Speed of Light Consciousness Victorious […]

08 Apr 2018

From Ugo Nwamama… U.N.

From Ugo Nwamama… U.N. This is not my Script, so I do not chose who comes into the play or how many times they can enter… I am just solving it, decoding it, and the actors and scribe of it and the force of what was my Self, who became this Independent force moving me and my body and being to its Will- Who in my personal view is the Judas Iscariot ( J.I… YAM.. 10 9 ..19 S Spirit […]

15 Mar 2018

8:16 p.m.

8:16 p.m. H.P. 3-15-2018… 3-15-18 C-O-T.R…U E… C.O R….E… C.O.B.R…A… C O .. B R O … T H E.. R ( T=20… 2O… B.O..) At 1083 with the arrival of Nuala Evans via Gay-Marie Bradshaw. Merge the two names initials… – G.N../ N.G… M.B.E…/ E B M… Hello… Hello…Once again, to my consternation I find myself moved by this Evil Script in which I find Myself having to defend the Existence and right for the Truth of Humanity called […]

10 Feb 2018

10:01 p.m.

10:01 p.m. 2-10-2018… 10 01 1001 is actualy translates from Binary to 9…. letter I. Just as 1011 As in E GA LA XY 1O 11 C I…. is B… I wish to pause to make a brief note. I saw that the the numbers are called Hex Numbers… The hexadecimal numbers are 0-9 and then use the letters A-F. We show the equivalence of binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers in the table below. … Two hexadecimal digits can represent […]

10 Feb 2018

11:21 p.m.

11:21 p.m. K.U.. 2-9-2018… B-I-T R ….U…E …Contd. A COCK… That is what the man placed on the Table next to me. His Hat had a Cock on it… Rooster… Cock same thing… Both Rise instinctively at Dawn and Crow…. Francis Frick arrived a moment after I did to sign the Bed Count list.. Dee was the only one present… D..E.. F… F D… I let him sign before my because I had to control the energy moving through me.. […]