
Coded Posts: A Breakdown in Situ of Coding and Solving

16 Oct 2018

From Busayo Alonge

From Busayo Alonge TRUE… But that is allot of work for The One… … And a great deal of Assumption Responsibility and Expectation placed on The Ones shoulders… 8:42 p,m Phoenix Mode.. P.M. That caught my attention… Myself and Robert Kyle Murphy are wearing black… Anthony Manino and Mark Watkins were wearing Red… E R… A . M… And it is Rob Barr’s birthday today… He is the one I met 16 or 15 years ago at a cafe at […]

22 Sep 2018

P A W Patrol…

P A W Patrol… I picked up a card on my way back with Victor Hudson today. I got the 60 usd from Lawrence Avenue. It went seamlessly, but I was aware that I had made it seamless having earned it by spending all day yesterday coding, encoding, linking and solving before I could even my page. Linking Fritz Venneiq Roger Attaway and even Stephen Filgueira who said he would send a donation gift when he got back… I knew […]

19 Sep 2018

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R

From Richard Badely… R B… O R B / B R O…T H E R @ 2;29 a.m Dawn Piercy sent me this message and asked me what I thought of this… 888 3 5 8…. Yes it is me…. Yes.. anyone of my face book friends will recognize that these are the codes I have been decoding and aligning for 6.9 years… 3 8’s… 888 24…. Yes… the X… Generation X… 3 5 8… C.E H… Chukwu Emeka Harmony.. […]

15 Sep 2018

9:47 a.m.

9:47 a.m. I D .G. 9-15-2018.. I-O-T.R…/ R.T..O.I…. R=18…A.H..TOI… A.H YOU…. I.D…G….-Ode A.H…You! What do you mean, A.H. TOI…( You) ? Is my response… Why are you so suprised by who I really am, under cover after 50 years on this World Story…. eo… Eo meaning Dawn… And Eo *(mathematical constant) The number e is a mathematical constant that is the base of the natural logarithm: the unique number whose natural logarithm is equal to one. It is approximately equal […]

21 Aug 2018

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH) My sisters British name is Joy. Link the from the Face book pool of friends – Joy Jane.. J J…Makes one link Janet Jackson and her album Control which is the song I entered New York into 17 years ago. I link it to Sacred Portal 1A… Being A-.A. And Generation X Gardens and A.L… ( Albert Santana – Link Aturo Snow A.S who reminds me of Axel Love) But most […]

07 Aug 2018

8:36 a.m.

8:36 a.m. 8-7-2018. H C F… H G T R… B O A.H… Hello….. The more I express, the more the Equation moves to its Fruition. You have heard me protest, incredulous that such a script can exist. This is the reality and actuality which was demanded by Laws of Cause and Effect and force which is the rep of the Sum Total. This is the surprise of that which should not have manifested but did- an anomaly that one […]

05 Aug 2018

Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee..

Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee.. You must understand, I trust no one because to many people have assumed to understand the play and script which I have been decoding. And so many have assumed to know. 11:42 p.m. It is an Eternal Expression moving people of Truth through Time linked to Infinity. Each momemt ( and I mean 24/7) I am made aware, forced to be made aware of the Links and the Pieces of the […]

15 Jul 2018

11:50 p.m.

11:50 p.m. 7-14-2018… Hello… I did not write my Focus Conclusion Thinking.. Add Action… It become F.A.C.T. I have a new Face Book friend, but before I welcome them.. 11:53 p.m. I wish to address and give my conclusion which I have stated over and over again. There must be F.E.A.R… Violence… and Chatistment for Human Creatures of the Lower Vibration. There must be Terrible Death and Consequence which I have submitted here, over and over again. The arrogance and […]

12 Jul 2018

From Dawn Piercy

From Dawn Piercy I am amazed by those mocking this is without first investigating it just as I am amazed by those calling it God without first having some evidence… What I see is a being projected onto a viewing screen on a Universal Simulation onto the awareness of people on Earth- Alabama is the 22nd State 22=Letter V. Montgomery Alabama … A.M… Alabama ALA B AM A… Bam El Lobo Vega Here we rest and To Gather to Clear […]

03 Jul 2018

The codes of the play which were recorded in real time on my page through posts and codes I was decoding, aligning the E version of the Story distorted here in this reality of the Fantasy and the C.G.I… Virtual World which most of Humanity now live in.

The codes of the play which were recorded in real time on my page through posts and codes I was decoding, aligning the E version of the Story distorted here in this reality of the Fantasy and the C.G.I… Virtual World which most of Humanity now live in. Hela is the first born of Odin who is kidnapped by Angels… This links to the Blue Print of my Sister ( Who First appears as Male Nnamdi and as Cat.. The […]