
Coded Posts: A Breakdown in Situ of Coding and Solving

15 Jan 2015
14 Nov 2014
2:38 P.M.

Evidence B.O.M.B

Evidence B.O.M.B .. The Greatest Insult I have recieved throughout this play is the response that… I.am a Liar.. Implied. And Everything thing I have said is a Lie. My life This mission, This 13.8 years in New York These 31 months on F.B. And the second greatest insult, that I Need to Convince you that I am telling.the Truth That I.Need something from you or want something… What would have been nice would have been your support. Financial from.a […]

05 Jan 2014
2:38 P.M.

Facebook Post..

Weaving the Pyramid Portal 4 and the I am the Infinite Spark (The Tree of Light) posts into the Fabric of the weave. Demonstration of the UNE Conscious science of Weave and explaination of E.T Consciousness to create manifestation. Lucifer Son of the Bright Morning Star. V.E.N..U.S./ SUN E.V. My host reminded me of this today Venus is the most beautiful Brightest Morning Star… Aka Istatar/Esther Ifunnanya Afrodite Her son is Lucifer Erose Cupid. Cup I.D. L.E..C Le Consciousness (P.S. […]

29 Apr 2012

The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE…

4/29/12 The Answer to the Riddle of Rapture and the Ascension R.A. to RE… The sun god aligned to the sol… RE RA. Also the answer to the riddle through Reason and Explanation (R.E) of why people all over the planet keep seeing the numbers 1111… the 4\1111 everywhere which is simply the box of time and limit being broken down to 4: a box, 3: a triangle, 2: a line, to 1: the I, the point of passing through […]