
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

25 Jun 2019
15 Jun 2019

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends

Still at 12 67 Facebook Friends … 8:50 p.m B.K. E. 67. I opened the Book of Nature so you can read… Allah told Mohammad to Read Read the book of Nature. Read the Sign of the Times.. Write it down my Script, truthfully honestly, following carefully, not blindly.. Odera once, it is written, having obeyed my Script to the letter and number, and accurately precisely, and obediently waiting, pausing for for my confirmation, I will promise you, at its […]

10 Jun 2019

3:27 p.m

3:27 p.m The problem, the never ending problem with Humanity is whenever they hit upon the Truth, the end up destroying it with their conclusion. It is that consciousness ( not really consciousness is it, if it is not true and does not replicate the speed of Light a.k Perfect Timing.) For example why must it have been created because beyond it is boring..? And why would the creation of the Simulation be to entrap, and dominate. Why can it […]

03 Jun 2019

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence..

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence.. Solved. 6:00 p.m This post should be the last of the E.Q and Riddles of this Existence/World. 5:58-9 p.m. 5:47 p.m E 4 7. 11. 28. 39. 12. 3 5 11. 2. 1. E K. B. A 5 2. 51 E.B. E A E A MANU. *see the meaning of the name Manu 6-3-2019 F C. T S. Full Circle, Time Script. ( Time Code) F A..C T S Hello, Yes, […]

02 Jun 2019
12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m

12:52 p.m L.E.B. A B.E B. The Being. Completion of Being E. 6-2-2019. F B. T S. Facts in Being is The Script. @ 1259 Facebook Friends L E I.. Lei! Lei is an O I Nri Igbo Word which means Look Look! At Beauty, and Beautiful Pride in stance movement and posture… It can be described as an quivering Blade of Grass or a reed, an arrow which pushes through all obstacles.. Standing impossibly tall, supple and proud. There […]

10 May 2019

From Yianna Jo.

From Yianna Jo. Kanye is an Igbo Word Meaning Let’s Give… Praise Jesus Walks .. on Water Yeshua Talks … through the Air.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

27 Apr 2019

From A White Raven

From A White Raven I Ender Game. O of the Full Circle of Symmetry Perfection I 5 7O. Five Oceans Seven Continents Earth World Expresion EWE- Rachel meaning Purity. I Ego Meaning Money in OINri Igbo. I E G.. I Exemplify The Full Circle 36O back to 9=I. I Express Gratitude Full Circle I Exemplify Generosity Oh as Orgamsic Awakening I Indivual Infinite Electric Expression Energy Embodied Exemplifying the 5th Dimension Consciousness and Way of Ceeing and Being in Existence […]

22 Apr 2019
20 Apr 2019

7:43-7:44 p.m

7:43-7:44 p.m 4:20 p.m Hello…. At 2:27 p.m during a conversation with John Mack, McKayla Rays and Olivia Burgos and myself, John was saying something and in Harmony of Perfect Timing he paused and noted the time. 2:27 p.m His Birthday, and at that exact same time Olivia Burgos was confirmed as my 1250 Facebook Friend Friend. I have 50.00 u sd. 7:49 p.m And then after a conversation with one close to my Heart, I saw I had returned […]

18 Apr 2019

It’s Insane…

It’s Insane… 9:35 p.m I C E This Exquisitely Beautiful True Script. 4-18-2019. Linked to McKayla Rays and Tree Sage To continue the unfolding Enders Game Read Player One.. I had 5:00 u sd left. 5:39 u sd to be precise, Which aligned to the The Script but as I have made it very vocal and clear, that it is not in Harmony with me. That this not my Script, it is Nnamdi’s aka Nnamdi Naturalness. Awareness Manififested 4 9. […]