
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

20 Jul 2019

Golden Apples

Golden Apples G.A… 7 1. Key to Immortality Tree Of Life. T O L.. L O T and his wife. The Tree of Life Is Ying Yang Guarded on one side by an Eagle and on the other side a Dragon. Alicia Norris made a comment that V Manuel Junior post of the Dragon Fly represented illusion in American Indian Spirit lore.. Let’s see the play, I can see my Self being lured into. Fiction to Fact.. John Mack playing […]

19 Jul 2019

2:20 p.m

2:20 p.m 22 O V O 7-19-2019. G S T S. Hello, I woke up to an intelligence report from John Mack. 7 years ago, I was in Forte Lauderdale, Florida with Billy Hung, I was doing undercover work for the E.T. Not only about Igbo Landing but also the I ntel on the plans laid out by the Military about the Awakening. I was fully aware of what I was really doing, as well as being sent there to […]

18 Jul 2019

From John Mack

From John Mack Sent at 9:12 p.m I.L. Infinite Limitless Igbo Landing He is on his way to the 27th State I have 53 u sd in my wallet.. 21 is lying in the bed 74. See he can read the Money Codes play Serials But this time unmarked all clean 9:22 p.m I V. 1979 2011 Royal and Jesse.. J R V Manuel Junior 9:23 p.m Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Jul 2019

7:04 p.m

7:04 p.m G O D 7-15-2019 G O T S.. GO GO. D T.S. Johnson Leland. J.L. =V Barrett Exhale. B E =. G Mollie Stacy. M S= 32….C B Michelle Darleen. M.D. = Q Joseph Okpala. J.O. = Y Toni Bemis. T B.= V These are my last 6 Facebook Friends. 7:06 p.m right now 76 Yes, it’s a code. And A coded message. But before I decode this to demonstrate for what is supposed to be, my last […]

13 Jul 2019
07 Jul 2019

5:52 p.m right now

5:52 p.m right now To Esteban Miguel Filgueira Axel Love Brooke Lee Lemery Brenden Velez Stephen Johnson Tree Sage A White Raven Sarah Kaizer Kelsie Bissell Victoria Jackson John Mack Jesse Macias Response to M.I. M.I. not A.M.I.. Not M.I. 3rd Note M.I as Planet Earth as Woman Supreme.. Challengers McKayla Rays Isabelle Ilic M.R I. I. As the Brain Mind. Drain. Mind Games.. Do you see what it says.. Do you see the Blonde youth behind the Warrior Frigga/Freya […]

04 Jul 2019

4:15 p.m

4:15 p.m D.O… D A..E 7-4-2019.. G ( O..F) D. T S. G F D. The Script. Independence Day. I D.. 9 4.. 13. 36. 4 9. Bed 49 2015. It’s Micael Wheeler birthday today, Happy Birthday… 🙂 He turns 69. M.W 69 M W 87 69 Milky Way Galaxy.. I.D. Hello I… we are now at 1283 Facebook Friends And it is Independence Day. I D 7 years ago,.this day, Ravindra Singh took me away from the portal 268, […]

02 Jul 2019

7:34 p.m

7:34 p.m Igbo Landing I went there with Will Hunnitpercent Real And Eric Lile Brown When I visited them in Savannah Georgia in 2012, with Ravindra Singh and Billy Hung on out way to R S apt he was vacating apt 511.. In an estate by a River and portal I had Identified as Atlantis. It makes sense I had to pass through Suicides portal through death.. And felt the pain of those who endured rape living death embarrassments and […]

01 Jul 2019

From Okechukwu Okoro

From Okechukwu Okoro There can be true understanding of the Shamanic process with out going to its Source Origins The O.I Nri Igbo. I NRI High Priests Nze AFA And the Yoruba Ifa..Orishas.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

28 Jun 2019


14O Recall the last money code play? 8:47 p.m right now Yes, Harmony aligned to Perfection sacred portal 47 Cecilia 11 22 1947… My Mothers code David 11 22. 1968 Add 6 days 7 11 28 11 29 Emeka Kolo Kasien Thompson E K. K T Emeka Kolo Knights Templar. Cross Cour is the Car License I am sitting Directly in front of and the D.P Supermarket I began Comming the first day I arrived It’s a Honda. H. O […]