
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

30 Sep 2014
29 Sep 2014

Hello Sept 29…

Hello Sept 29… 9 29… I am The Way… The way is through a Consciousness and the greatest acheivement greater than Nature greater than the greatest Civilizations is the retention of the greatest Treasure in all Existence and this treasure is the True Consciousness which formed Creation Existence and to which each person bron into this world was meant to guard…. That was IS, the point of Existence ( 1 47) to know that which is of value and that […]

19 Sep 2014

Sept 9 2O 14..

Sept 9 2O 14.. 9:19…… T.N. 9=I 19=S. IS… True Nature. Light of the World. Sacred Portal 97 Returning the world to its senses and Sensies… Sacred Portal 87. Cde David..78. 87+ 1O is 97.. 87 +10 is 97. David and I proved the equation of 1O is I full circle… In Light as 1 But Nikoma Rios and I proved it also with the play of the 1 0 as Zero.. Ground Zero Black Hole.. Meaning that the play […]

05 Sep 2014

Sept 5th

Sept 5th 09/05…2O 14 95..I.E. Ah.Be Ce! I have a new Face Book Friend.. 192.. A.I.B. BIA in OINri Igbo means Come! 192.. S.B.. Supreme Being C.T.C. E.C.T..C… Chris Togba Chea… I left Nikoma Rios and just walked. My mind was reelling from the non stop intensity and demands of finishing the last equations of Existence.. Alone infront of the whole world.. Body incarnating an evolutionary trait already revealed to me by David… I had revealed his secret..waa that the […]

23 Jul 2014
22 Jul 2014

Sacred Portal 121.

Sacred Portal 121. ABA…(ABBA Vishnu E Nari Ayat) Read the Bottom I am Nnamdi Father Spirit Guide Of Human Air andbBreath. African and American AA Axel Anderson Indian (Vishnu) Spirit….(Host code One Spirit.) Of the Dream of our Mother The Snow Queen Snow Flake is Here.. 2010. I.S..D.I…Here. Nn. A.M. D.I. I.D…M.A.N.. N…Nature. Hassan Rashid on the Drums. Heart Beat. H.B 28 E.K Original Facebook Post: Click Here

18 Jul 2014

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O!

A.V.E! Ne’ M…O! Welcome Mother of the Source. Your child Romulus Remus R and R. 36.O speaks July 18. A.H Rest Relax I am here And I will speak for thee. Rome-Room E 7 18. G.R (Golden Retriever Jake Royal) 7 18. Clarity of Rest. I have a new Face Book Friend. Ogonna S Omo Crafts… 173 F.B.Friend if I am correct. Welcome to this End play Weaving into Existence and Consciousness the New Story and the quiet undercover earning […]

16 Jul 2014
15 Jul 2014

Hello my 172 F.B F…

Hello my 172 F.B F… 172 is code A.G.B. Or 17=Q. 2=B. Q.B. Chybest Ezeh… C.E. Cause Effect. C+E…3+5. C+E=H. ChyBest Eze.H. Hello. Welcome to this Chill Cool Sacred page. I have been demonstrating how one mans vision is the vision revealed hidden in all humanity. Of how humanity are about to evolve to thier the true intention of the Creator called Hue Men Beings… But we had to prove it ourselves while all being undercover in forgetfullness except me…I […]

15 Jul 2014


Hello… I have two new F.B.Friends 171..A.G.A. Full Circle July 1st. Jinx Nire Jin… Jinx means Magic..Charm Spell If you all recall, before the arrival.of E.E we were at 8 as Infinity Standing up not laying down Also symbol of the Tarot… The Magician. After the Play and Challenge to.prove Magic Aguleri Agwu ukwu.. And the battle in House of Mirrors with EE… Bruce Lee And our Dragon Nature in the battle to prove that a spell had been put […]