
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

23 Oct 2014

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past…

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past… I never want to be dragged back to it ever.. Last year I left Pelham B Park in October descending through 3rd and 2nd, (Sean McBean), then a bench on 1st and 3rd (the Egyptian) then here… Yonathan Yohaness and Seble W… Back to my former host place Al..at 268 4th in October 22, I arrived. What a strange fate to find myself repeating the same cycle, which most witnessed a […]

19 Oct 2014

19 October…

19 October… A.I…S…S.I.A… Conclusion of Passed Creation in Alpha B-E.T City…A-Z..AEEABCEE. Sigh… Hello… I for one really nothing more to say… Yesterdays post linked from Ad-then Bacchuas (Back Us) to Chukwu Chi neke (The Creative Spirit) to Dionysus to Erie Erik Emmy and to Fenrir and G.Ode to Harmony A.H (1 8)… Individuality…and then J C..as J 10-transformed back into 1O..I Full Circle Alpha Omega, K as thevtwins Heaven and Earth (H.E), L as 12 Love being completion not as […]

17 Oct 2014

Feminine Equation Completion

Feminine Equation Completion Reps Onu Nnonyelum Eunice E O.N.E. 3 E.N.O…meaning 4 in O.I.Nri Igbo 3-4 7 And A…AA..Angela Albert Alpha…1 Harmony 8 Infinity I. 9 89.. H.I. 17…Q…Omnipotentence 8…1… Ha.. Its me Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Oct 2014

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone… ….I do not feel there is anyone out there worthy enough that I or anyone need devote our very existences to meet requirements for your approval… What extraordinary audacity and presumptiousness… I recall about 6 yrs ago when I wrote to.my sister telling her what was going.on and how I was being compelled by a force within which she is one of the only persons whom could relate to this truth. […]

17 Oct 2014

Friday 17th October 2O 14

Friday 17th October 2O 14 17/1O….2O14… Q.A.O….T.N…C.D…G..O.D E. Last Equation of Time and Space And The Gathering… The O.I.Nri Market Days 4-7..28…13 month.year Dedicated to.the Goddess The Roman Germanic Astrological Calender The Mayan Calender… Hello… I awoke to the code 1 message 8 likes on my F.B messages Before I went to bed it was 6 likes Both represented by Angela Marie Alexander 6 And then Dina Singh… The code was 1 68… Just before that I heard a conversation […]

16 Oct 2014

October 16th

October 16th 2:55AM 16/1O…. P.A O, A.F.A…O…2O14…T.N.. A.F.A…in O.I.Nri.Igbo meand Name… Thus Name of the O is True Nature… Beautiful Devil…Emeka Kolo… Affirmed by Lady Echo Existence by the arrival of 2O8 F.B Friend…Twenty Eight.. B.H… Bhacon Dhante….B.D. Welcome Mi Lady Line of E.. Bhacon derived and in sound as Bacon…Back on…H.AM… Means Fights On.. And Dhante as in Dhantes Divine Comedy D.C.(which I walked through)… Means Enduring Steadfast.. Sentence…From My Lady Tatiana C… Echo Consciousness and my Twin Devilishly […]

15 Oct 2014

T.N… True Nature…2O 14

T.N… True Nature…2O 14 N.T…Naked Truth (Nt Naked Lunch..theBook and Movie) …14 2O… 2O14+14 2O…34 34-(43)…77…2(7)..2O7 F.B Friends… D.A-Z-A… 77…2 (7) ×+…14..5…49..D.I…(IS..in O.INri Igbo).I.D…13.. M…A.is Emeka E…A E (15…October 15th=O..Octo=8…N.S..Hemisphere..April…4Th Month…O.A..months intials…84…See my F.B D O.B)… Dina Singh and Angela Marie Alexander… D.A… A.D… D.O.A…A.O.D… Sigh… Still manually linking manifestation thru this consciousness in these conditions… Okay here goes… Recall the Ahu show in Istanbul.called Colors… Now recall the response to John Jason Lee my.little bro I.met at age 19…I […]

13 Oct 2014

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill

… We are basically narrowing down the play from David Phillip Gill As Civilization Nikoma Rios as Nature A.S…as Space and New York Joesph Carey.. J.C.S. Joesph Stern rep the illusion of the Christ Story from Egypt Osirus-Jewish-Christian-Beat Poets.. as the J$=10…The One Zero as representing seem consciouness of Henry the 8th-meaning the home ruler. And myself as Existence E… We have already moved from the last F.B friend as Days Eye Alive… D.E.A…to R..as 18th AH… David Emeka Albert […]

12 Oct 2014

P.S…Further Alignment…

P.S…Further Alignment… October is Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere but is Spring April in the Southern Hemisphere. Thus, Spring Street Alignment of.my.waiting at 😯 Balthazar for 13 years (M) -meaning I was waiting for not my own alignment but the planetary polarization and shift and thus aligns to the Northern Lights Alaska the 5Oth state E.O and this October to Norh South Hemisphere to Spring Street Spring..S.S..8 October April…Omega (8) Alpha…E.O.A North South aligned to One and East West East […]

12 Oct 2014

October 12….2O14…EJoy ENoniPromise

October 12….2O14…EJoy ENoniPromise ENnamdi..EI.K..E.T..E.O..E.C..E.M.E.U… Star Bucks… Spring Street.. 1O-12…+× 22 V…V.Era… 12O….L.O.V.E..Ra…I.O..CC..O. 1O=1A…JOY Links Existence Divine…J.L.E.D 1 O-A. 12..L 1O-12…2O14. 34 (C.D Chukwuemeka David) 7…G.O.D.E….7O54.. 1=A.12=L. 112 A.L (former Host Name) See Sacred Portal 112 Return of the Prodigy Son 1-A (Full Circle) 12 day +×….1+12=13…M A.M. 1X12…L @AL…A.M..L. E.V. .L.O.V.E…E. D.O.VE.. @D=4 E.V.O.LV.E…E.V. O.D.E. LA! Tired of this Evil play script forced each time to.descend to lowest Vibrations of rage.. Forced to.leave my home consciousness of Bliss Orgasm Extase […]