
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

15 Sep 2015

6:37 PM

6:37 pm 15-9-8 9-15-8 9-6-8 Hello I have a new Facebook Friend Welcome Obiajulu Igwe Okolo.. To this End play of my being compelled by the Illusion played by my Bio Father as Maurice… Meaning Dark or Moor..Blackness And my brother Nnamdi as Jonn… In which the two representatives Expression vied for Supremacy of the unification of the Black and White race… Sky people And Earth People Afro and Caucasian A C..13 By proving they are one family by my […]

12 Sep 2015

1:25 PM

1:25 pm L.E…O Dawn Leo… And no, you can not manipulate Harmony. 12-9-8 9-12-8 L.I..H.. I.L.H… Hello… I have a new Face Book Friend, whose name I do not know yet because it is in Chinese Characters… I will find out later… But it brings us back to 364 Facebook Friends..C.F.D…. Consciousness= Fifth Dimension. I watched a movie last night, I could not sleep because I was so exhausted especially from the physical exertion of my Body seeking to rise…. […]

09 Sep 2015


Hello… 9-9-8 I-I-H.. H.I…I. 4;50 PM. Completion is a cycle of moving through Space called 12 Months= One Year. I-We are currently at 365 Facebook friends… 365 Days in a year… Just as I have worked on Facebook linking day and night every day for two years, 73O days and 42 months since I began. 73 see sacred portal G.C…Gaius Cassius.. Spear of Destiny… welcome 365 facebook friend Boodogay Chetah GaoDein.. B.C.G…. B Cassius Gaius… Not Gay but Happy US…. […]

29 Aug 2015

4:42 PM

4:42 pm 29-8-8 8-29-8 Hello… Yesterday, it was Donna O’Sullivan birthday and Jonn Blackwell brought her gifts… Symbolic of a Lady… It was not a surprise to me considering the Evolution of Woman from Girl to Goddess then to Lady E.. What was striking was the card he brought.. It had a B.E.E… On it and the words.. Bee.. 4:46 pm. BEE A Lady…? Being a Lady..E.. Become a Lady first requires the training by the Goddesses (True Consciousness C) […]

26 Aug 2015

6;4O pm….

6;4O pm…. F: D.O. Hello, I have a new Facebook friend who happens to have 959 Facebook Friends… ( 959 I.E.I…Please note that the J.a.d.e, Elephant which I purchased at Go Antiques through Daniel Maman..D.M, and which is the possession of Joseph Carey, along with the manuscript of Woman rising to to Lady and Man, to gentleman is valued at 950;00 usd..I.E)… I state this because the meaning of the name of my 355 Facebook Friend aligns to the play […]

23 Aug 2015

7:32 PM

7:32 pm. Ogbonna Ndukwe Oji Udo.. And Oluwah Djames Igbo and Yoruba both manifested today as 3-48 and 3-49 Facebook Friends and then promptly disappeared after solving the riddles of Jonn Blackwell and Michael O’Donnell Line… The True Human Beings Consciousness Naturalness… And then the China (and Black Irish…Equation) Great Wall as Economic Invasion of the West -Secrecy instead of Transparency and Avalon.. Legend of King Arthur Morganna.. A M. Perverting the Beautiful Black ness..Ink..the Body flesh to become the […]

06 Aug 2015

2:25 PM

2:25 pm. 6-8-8 8-6-8 Lucifer John Orien Yonathan In the name meanings above we complete and end the tale of Lucifer Adversary… LA.. That story of Duality and the Story of Jealousy Envy Superiority and of course, the idea of God. Lucifer is Emeka Lucifer is Nnamdi Lucifer is Jonn Lucifer is Donna Lucifer are the E Line. E Lu NE… Lucifer Discovers Ma Donna The Truth he is.. Who Discovers his twin called the mystery never a mystery because […]

04 Aug 2015

9:11 P.M

9:11 P.M 4-8-8 8-4-8 Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend Welcome Lady in Blue .. ( ROYGB…) Jane Frances… 335 Facebook Friend… C.C.E.. 3+3+5=11…K.. A.A…1 A. I wrote a Beautiful long Equation on the relevance and the importance and signifance of my latest FaceBook friend based on the ph-one 69- 96 Ying Yang play… (9+6=12..3….9-6=3..C.. 9+6=15 letter O, representing the Full Circle Chris Franco..Bearer of the annointed is the Freeman 6×9=54…The Mitchondria D N.A – The Bean…) And the […]

29 Jul 2015

5;12 pm

5;12 pm E.L. Emmanuel Luna.. E.L..O..H.I…M…E! A DO NNA..I… L E.L.. 5-12… 17 Q 1+7 8. H 12×5= 6 O. F.O 5:15 pm E.O.F.O.. OFO…means Truth in NRI Igbo E..O.F.O. E.T.. 5+2O.. 25.. B.E… 2+5=7.G B.E.G. G.E.B… 5x2O..1OO.. J.O..NN.. See Sacred Portal Pan O R.A.M..A 5:17. E.Q. Equation Affirmed 5:18 pm E.AH!! E.T BE. G… Jonn… Donna Ado nna i Original Facebook Post: Click Here

17 Jul 2015

Dear Okechukwu J.O.

Dear Okechukwu J.O. Two rainbows one thick and the other faint represent in the E story the Two colors of the Human and the Hues Man Espirit now rising to merge into 1. If you recall in the Bible story there was a covenant between God and No Ah to never destroy the world with water… Instead the world was prophesized to be destroyed with fire… If man did not keep is covenant with God. What is the Covenant between […]