
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

16 Dec 2015


9;2O.p.m. I.T. I.B…(Heart) O.. 16-12-8 12-16-8…L.P…Harmony….3-9-8…C-I-H…12+16=28..28.8… B.H…H Being Harmonious= Hue-man. Hello, We have reached the Line of Eternal Youth the line of E, whose portal was represented in the play of Yonathan Yohanness, Emeka and Seble .. Y.E.S and then manifested through the Portal of Nikoma Rios door X in Chelsea and then more recently, Tanya Nikoma…T.N… Chris Franco and then Raz Berry… E line Consciousness.. Which was affirmed by a private message from Jonathan David Frechette… Who is near […]

08 Dec 2015

4:52 p.m… D:E.B.

4:52 p.m… D:E.B. 8-12-8… 12-8-8….L-H.H… 3-8-8…C-H-H..Completion of the Two Harmonies… Hello… As many of my older face books are aware, I have been solving a riddle and putting together the pieces of a Jig Saw Puzzle, while proving the Existence of the true Origins of Man (And Wu-man) as from being from beyond. But who reside deep with the Humanity. I have been doing this by speaking to the world in the consciousness of that 5th dimension aligned to the […]

02 Dec 2015

1O:13 p.m… A.O.M….1 13…A.M…

1O:13 p.m… A.O.M….1 13…A.M… 1-11-8 11-1-8.. K.A..H. Sacred Portal 111 in Harmony to Infinity…E See the Equation of Egyptian Book of The Dead Solved. Portal 7… via Richard Schooping..R.S..I.E… Ren- in Egyptian means Name… M.N…Code Maliha Nisha…meaning Beautiful Strong Elegant Graceful Night) R.EN…18 5 14..See sacred portal 14..N Evolution of Consciousness… 5..E..Evolution Accomplished. Brook Shields: Sacred portal 18 Queen Bee…Sacred Portal 1=JOY..Sacred portal 8 Desire… Sacred Portal 9… Pharaoh as Both the Blue Print and The Light of the World..The […]

24 Nov 2015

1O:O5 pm…

1O:O5 pm… A-O2-E And so yes, the Universe is The First Being, The World which only His expression may access…. And the one Being which everyone should pay attention to, because he is the Way and the Road in which each persons can use His template as the foundation and corner stone to build their home… World Universe which will not fade away, nor die, but will ensure that for eternity, no matter where you may go on travels and […]

20 Nov 2015


3:28…C-B.H 2O-11-8 11-2O-8….11 28…1 2 8…1 28…1. Hello… I have a new Face Book friend.. Hi..Zahri Zouhir… I am in the last throes solving a Riddle which I began solving 26 years ago.. Which you may notice aligns to A-Z… Z being the 26th Letter. I did not intentionally set out to solve riddles of Existence.. The Idea seemed preposterous to me, absurd… But my life’s plan which was always to literally Boogie- meaning celebrate life, for this is the […]

16 Nov 2015

From Natalia Kosmidou

From Natalia Kosmidou O.K Proto Indo European – Persian-Iranian-Arabian…Africans… P.I..E…P.I..A.A This is what I am talking about… I D..Humanity i.Dance… Entertain.. Funny… Sunshine.. Ah..Smile..:) A Breath of Fresh Air August 2Oth… 8-2O.. H.T… H.B.O.. T.V.. E.T Original Facebook Post: Click Here

31 Oct 2015

From Eshe Chuki Asale… This is where the OINRI Igbo mission of bringing the Uwa people home aligns..

From Eshe Chuki Asale… This is where the OINRI Igbo mission of bringing the Uwa people home aligns..The meeting of the Cave men ( Those in the Dark, ignorant and in forgetfulness) and the Light Beings (Those who had memory) is the beginning of the Story of First contact and to bring the World People back to the Light of the Source- meant that that the original mission of the Blue Beings or the E.T H.beings was to Awaken the […]

28 Oct 2015

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Whew… I knew that a ring was next… I even posted today the equation of the Rings which unites all… I saw the equation yesterday of the Ring, as well as being full aware of the play of the 4th Dimension being aligned to O=IONRI…I=ONRI to the Emerald Isle which is off course the 4th Dimension the Tunnel of love.. the Larynx Voice Box Wind Pipe.. Pan and the Pied Piper.. Electro magnetic Current = Electricity […]

26 Oct 2015

2:5O pm..B:E.O

2:5O pm..B:E.O 26-1O-2015…2O 15..T.O…2O+15=35..C.E..3+5=8..Harmony Infinity… Z for Zeina meaning Beauty…1O=J=A-O… * Honoring Catherine Acholonu…Author of They lived before Adam whose was a key figure in this play by her research and work in sound and Linguistics- whose Birthday is Today… 1O-26-8… In code todays date and play is J is balance of the One Full Circle of perfect Symmetry of the Aware Observer of Beauty, T.O..C.E…Harmony Infinity H.I. Hello… I had three new Face Book Friends today, one whose initials […]

22 Sep 2015

7;36 PM..

7;36 PM.. Meaning see Full Circle represented by Code 82..Fritz Venneiq Born Februrary 30 1982… 2-82 *Nnamdi left this realm 1982…to transform Death by our proving it is the transformation of Male form of E to Female form of E.. Donna O’Sullivan born 8-28… Myself as Emeka Kolo..11-28 N= F.D..Sacred Portal 46…N is First Drop… E=N…F.E.D…..Expression as Nature FED Universal Existence with Nourishing Sustenance Manna from E Heaven, not G.M.O’s… Nnamdi= Fritz Venneiq =Donna O’Sullivan Nature= F.D…V.O…V..S..VV 2-82=8-28….28-82-28…1-1-1=1…3(1)…3 13..Age Nnamdi […]