
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

26 Mar 2016

11:52 p.m.

11:52 p.m. K.B.E.. Hi.. I have a New Face Book friend.. Making it 4 yesterday and 3 today… 4 3.. D.C… 7 12… G.L…1984..E.K…103…J.C.. A.O.C…13 M 4 D.. 13+4=17..Q.. I would like to welcome my 17 year old Face Book Friend.. Kangaju Mohamed… Whose name is from Sierra Leone..Lion Mountains but for the life of me, I could not find the meaning of the name Kangaju..Except that, there was a Famous Warrior Chief who founded a line of descendant.. In […]

25 Mar 2016

5:39 p.m.

5:39 p.m. E..C.I. /I.C..E… 25-3-9…Y. C. I…Yeshuah Christo I.. B.E.. C.I… 3-25-9…(7-3-9)…C.Y.I. Consciousness Yi.. Cee Yi… Meaning of the word Yi… From Chinese ? (yí) meaning suitable, proper, ? (yì) meaning resolute, decisive, firm, ? (yì) meaning justice, righteousness, ? (yì) meaning profit, benefit, ? (yí) meaning joy, harmony (which is usually only feminine) or ? (yí) meaning ceremony, rites (also usually feminine). Other characters can also form this name… 7-3-9..G.C.I…Grace Consciousness Individuality…. We have now moved two steps forwards, […]

04 Mar 2016

All the Mirrors In The World..

All the Mirrors In The World.. A.T..M.I. T.W..O…Mi is the third note of the Solfeggio- And Yellow-Evolved to y=25=7, =Golden which now aligns to Green the 4th note color in Rainbow Spectrum..R.S. Hence, Mi links to Fa..M.F..Masculine Feminine (Morgan Freeman..Morgan le Fey.. Fey Mirach F.M/M.F…6..13 13..6…6 26 6…6 Z 6…6 8 6..68/86..Please see sacred portal 86… or 13+6=19..S x2=SS..8…38.. 11 24.. 35.. C.E..15 8..O.H..23..W (Double V) 2+3=5..23=6..56…11 1…Jet Rocket 5O6..56…11 1… *See share of R.S… Raven King and Stephan… King… […]

01 Mar 2016

6:58 p.m.

6:58 p.m. F.H.E/ E.H.F..License plate of Donna O’Sullivan E.H.F.1O 79..58 1-3-9…A..C.I…M.I…Mi the third Note and third Color Y=G third planet from the Sun..Earth.. A C.I.M..I..E; A Course In Miracles..Exemplified. 3-1-9…C.A.I…Consciousness Alpha Intelligence (First Intelligence F.I..69..Nnamdi..Nna) 31 9…See Sacred Portal 31 Resurrection Restoration Re-birth Rebuilding and Rejuvenation… Sacred Portal 9, By the Two E.N- Fair Oh, and self as brother Son and the 9-1O Elemental Goddess’s 3 Grace and the 7 Sisters.. 37.. 1O..21.. 31.. 4.D..David Donna… DD 44 8. Hello… […]

17 Feb 2016

Donna is just killing it today…

Donna is just killing it today… I am not sure if I need to decode and explain this.. Horse Bird.. H.B.. Hue-man Being… 82/28.. 1/1 1 3;4O p.m See sacred portal 34 play with Mehmet Mutaf linked to Donna Dawn code Dawn Marie… MM (268) DD..(44) M+D.. (DR/RD) 17…1717.. QQ.. 34.. See sacred portal 34.. C.D Marijuana… 3 4 .. 12.. 7.. 19 84.. 1O 3 (1OOO) 13..M.. D… On the meaning of Mehment Emine 1) Turkish Mehmet is -known […]

15 Feb 2016

Archimedes..meaning of the name..

Archimedes..meaning of the name.. Master Planner..To think and plan ahead – Foresight Hindsight..F.H..6 8/8 6..One Full Circle.. *Studied Planning Degree and Advanced Patter Cutting Dip. 1O Expanded from 1Ox1Ox1O..to 1OOO.. 1O to the power of Three… 1O C… 1OOO and One Nights… Sherazard With every Victory of a Principle, of the E line consciousness, the corresponding Victorious Discoverer Inventor Author of that principle, in this Time Lines Responds.. Archimedes represented the Science and Mathematics of calculation of the Circle and […]

14 Feb 2016

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony..

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony.. Posted at 6;26 a,m. Which aligns to the equation solved once more of the Evolution Awakening is 6th Sense A-Z, Harmony… Zeina Hanna.. 6th senses rises through through perception at of Beauty to Harmony.. 1:2O p,m. 12O.. I woke to the code 3 15 on my phone.. And immediately, knew that today would be about Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Creators Grace and Favor..And Harmony is Mans Best Friend…. 6 26.8. F-B.F…H..Harmony Infinity… 1:23 pm. […]

13 Feb 2016

This is simply wonderful…

This is simply wonderful… It has so many dimensions of meaning… From a here to Eternity… The gift of Sharing Wonder.. (Which was the gift, I sought to share with you, of my Wonder at what I had discovered, remembered, recollected, was solving, was, and am still sharing..of a treasure.. an incredible treasure of the literal process of Human evolution, which despite everything I have had to personally endure to uncover and even share this treasure, excites me, re-animates me, […]

24 Jan 2016

From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell Julie Minton commented, Wow, if that be the case then Rome is microcosm of the (Modern) World I find that statement invariably true based on the evidence and trajectory of this play which linked O.I.NRI my maternal ancestral origins to the Yeshua Christ Story in which he was Crucified by Rome by instigation of the Sanhedrin, with the code I.N.R.I..Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum Meaning ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews J.T.N..K.O.T.J Which Pontius Pliate PP had […]

21 Jan 2016

12:O9 p.m.

12:O9 p.m. L.O.I…(Law in French)… 1-21-9… A.U.I…A. U.B.A..C.I…/ I..C.A.B…U..A 21-1-9…U.A.I….U.B.A..C…A.I../ I.A..C.A.B…U It is a simple code to translate, it does not even require imagination to read it.. And yes, as most of my older Face Book Friends have understood, *(whether they belief or not, is not really of my concern, since I am decoding expression from an other stimuli, who I recall who.. And, of course, to base no consciousness representing Universe as Harmony, and Expression from beyond can be […]