
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

30 Dec 2020

3:02 PM

3:02 pm. 12-30-2020. Hello. Something strange is happening, I had another dream vision last night. But it wasn’t a vision, it was a visitation. It involved Esteban Miguel Filgueria, Durrek Verrett, and Myself. And something which Durrek did to me 20 years ago while I was sleeping in a space where Krzystof Solek, and his then-fiance Lisa, in abid to cure his then condition. But in the Flash or projection, it was Esteban who was in my position but he […]

29 Dec 2020

12:30 a.m.

12:30 a.m. Eternal Law. Natural Law. Divine Law And even the Law of this reality. As long as a person is forced, coerced, tortured into doing something against His free will and Choice, it is that which it is that which forced him under such duress to be the one who must pay the Price. And if that person is still through that play where all the Laws are suspended to see if he succeeds then all who did nothing […]

28 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

3:14 pm. C.N. Pi 12-28-2020. LB H… TT. Hello, As you can see from the movement of a Facebook friend moving from 1530 to 1529 ( after yesterdays the post from which confirmed 8:29 pm- meaning again harmony at 8 @ code 29 meaning J S Jeron Satya. Jerone Serenity. Stephan Johnson. J S= 10 19 = 29. B I or 26 + 3 = C.) To 1529, O 29 ( Full Circle of 29) And now to 15 31. […]

27 Dec 2020
13 Dec 2020

8:25 PM

8:25 pm. 12-13-2020. Hello. It is easy to read the code above. So there is no need that I translate. It is obvious that we have been in an Enders Game. Highlander play of Immortality. Jet Li ( J L) The One A Childrens game, but E T Childen and they of the Rainbow Spectrum- the bridge to cross over was being able to read thier play. Which in truth like musical chairs and all the games played here, they […]

24 Nov 2020

9:04 p.m.

9:04 p.m. 94. I D E K… I Love You. New York N Y…Naturalness Y Chromosome. I D C.. It the name everyone called my mother. Brian Dempsey. If you see the play of Tree Sage’s post and conversation with Brian Dempsey you can see how the E Knowledge and Eternally knowing works and what we focus our attention on. Idek and 94 C in this reality is *IDEK is an acronym used in texting and social media that means […]

23 Nov 2020

7:03 p.m.

7:03 p.m. 11-23-2020. K W… K V V 2020. A-A V V T T. Hello, I just lost an entire post again, of which I am supremely indifferent – It does not make a slight difference to me what this Script I was forced to code says- or equate to. The private and public decision was made by me a long while ago, that for such a play to have been allowed to go far- and the contesting and challenge […]

03 Nov 2020

21:35 Hundred Hours right now

21:35 Hundred Hours right now U C E. B .Aware Of Energy. 9:35 p.m I C E 11-3-2020 K C … 20/20 Vision. Hello. Happy Birthday Benjamin C. Krajewski B K C Beyond the meaning of blessings to you and the line of True Supremacy of Man you represent. E K O K E .S. K E O Was the scene set up play of people who came here tday of this U S A Election day. T B Trump […]

28 Oct 2020

And So The Furies

And So The Furies And the She Devils Rise Valkyrires Ride With the Rider of The Pale Horse and the Horde. Cut Evil Extreme Selfishness Out! Amazon’s African Queens. Queen Kings.. Make them Pay! 22:34 Hundred Hours right now 11 :34 p.m K C D A A. C D. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

16 Oct 2020