
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

07 Sep 2016

11:43 p.m.

11:43 p.m. 7-9-9… 79 9..Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence 9=I. (G.I..I.. Gi means to Hold- and something has got a hold of the side of my stomach which I have been fighting to free myself from.. A truly physical grip, which is twisting my entire body and has bee ab epic battle.. Death Grip… But actually represents Grace Is Infinity) 9-7-9…97 is Sacred Portal Light of the World linked to Alexander Hamilton.. A.H.. Alexander means Defender of Man […]

04 Sep 2016
15 Aug 2016

From Michael Prunty…M.P.

From Michael Prunty…M.P. Nice Shirt… And astounding Harmony. Code A.H. Tom True Man. 10:00 p.m. Awareness Harmony Twins T.W.O True Men.. Harry S Truman 33rd. 33..CC…6…F..9..I. See my Page 2011. A True Conversation between AHTom Energy… M.P. … M=13…1+3=4.D. P=16..1+6=7..G. 47… Erik Ebright…11 28… Code 347… E.B.T…code today.. 347. Energies Beautiful Truth. See sacred portal 34..7..C.D…Grace. 3..C… 47…11 28. C Sacred Portal 47… Linked to Erik Ebright…K-47. African Shirt. Boom Boom…! My brother born 5-20-73… E.T..G.C..E. 37 yrs old March […]

01 Aug 2016

The Response from You and the Q to my ENOUGH…

The Response from You and the Q to my ENOUGH… DMIC TP/K 115 AGE 1;57 p.m. O.G 8-1-9. H.A.I… HA!..I…Harmony Alpha Intelligence. *Please note the Date and Time Code above. Now please note the post of Enough I posted yesterday and the 7 and then 8 People who Liked the post… And the Four people who commented. Chibuzo Okolo Ogonna S Omo Crafts Andrese Harris Burton Nuno Ordens Miguel And here is the Text of the 8th persons to Like […]

28 Jul 2016

This is a long post…

This is a long post… It moves the Story of the West and East traditions and Creation stories backwards in conclusion of this play back to NRI-ERI…Creation Story of the OI,Nri Igbo peoples of South East Nigeria..(Biafra)…And to the Awaka Amawbia people who are next door neighbors to the O.INRI… And to the Oracle of Amawbia Awka.. and The Legend of the Beautiful Ones contained within the O.INRI version of Creation who recall coming down from another Dimension through the […]

15 Jul 2016

3:43 p.m.

3:43 p.m. The Final Portal and Offering to the Victorious People… I invite the world to try the Oracle when it is up soon.. I wished to share this with you all now because I have reached the point where I nor E.E do not wish to carry this alone any longer.. It is time I (WE VVE) Share it with the world.. So that I and E can go home to our true selves and no longer be prisoners […]

11 Jul 2016

2:20 p.m.

2:20 p.m. 22…V..Victory… I sat on the porch at the Casa De Bodhi, after a dramatic day, which included a Roar escaping from my body which startled parts of the Street. Dragons Breath Goku.. Sensie Cloud Hands.. S..C.H..38/83 Quantum Leap.. Time Travel…From 2016.. back to 2006.. moving it to 27 and 28, which is the code for my ticket on a Grey Hound back to New York… The play.. the Unseen Play, U.P on an Unseen Script by V.I.Kolo.. Affirmed […]

06 Jul 2016

5-20 p.m

5-20 p.m E.T. 6-7-9… F.G.I…Favors Grace I..C 7-6-9… G.F.I…7 is 69..15…O…54…O.D.E… Grace Favors Infinity ..C..O.D.E…. I Have a new Face Book friend, Nwakamma Udochukwu N.U/U.N… Naturalness Universe- Universal Nature. I am surprised to find myself still being impulsed by Nature and its corresponding frequency… Reflected in the post of Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula… O.J.A…A Face Book friend who has been witness to my posting on Face Book, after leaving Green Street on April 5th ( Code Nnamdi-E, 4-5/5-4-69..) Where I had […]

18 Jun 2016

Facebook Post..

From Erik Ebright Every body was Kung Fu Fighting… Those Kids were as Fast as Lightening… In fact it was a little bit frightening…. But!!! …They did everything in PERFECT TIMING… Hoah! K.U..N.G..(147)…O.F.U…(Meaning One in OI.Nri Igbo / U.F.O…G-7…N (E) U..K.E…. A code U.F.O…G-7 Summit…. N.U.K..E…~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157018106795162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10157018106795162%3Atop_level_post_id.10157018106795162%3Atl_objid.10157018106795162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10157018106795162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1451635200%3A1483257599%3A-8653232794049536470&__tn__=%2As%2As-R Original Facebook Post: Click Here

01 Jun 2016

30-5-9… 1-6-9

30-5-9… 1-6-9 C.O.E.i… A.F.i…. The Name and word Afi means, Grandfather, Fire.. and Pure Nature in Urdu… So we know that at least this day as well as yesterday when I began this post (Amid a great deal of Activity going on around me)… begins with the understanding of the link between the word AFI… which todays date aligns to… IFA… In IFA is found the vision of the world , the destiny of mankind , the social relations, the […]