
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

25 Mar 2017

From Eve Zachery Hewitt E.Z.H…

From Eve Zachery Hewitt E.Z.H… Ah! That is a perfectly aligned picture.. She reminds me of the Ethereal Being of Calyspo Behind the Name: Meaning, origin and history of the name Calypso. From Greek ?a???? (Kalypso) which probably meant she that conceals, derived from ?a??pt? (kalypto) to cover, to conceal. In Greek myth this was the name of the nymph who fell in love with Odysseus after he was shipwrecked on her island of Ogygia. Apocalypse Or She the Author […]

16 Mar 2017

4;13 PM

4;13 PM D.M. Contd.. Yesterday as I was I leaving I heard one of the regulars telling one of the staff, that he had never been here the entire day and that he wanted to try it it one day… As he said it, I had a vague sensation that it was addressed to me me.. I had not been here for an entire day… I simply refused to do so… How interesting that today I find myself here the […]

10 Mar 2017

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B Mission Five… M.5…M.E I’m Possible… I.P man E.Tom Cruise… A.H.Two,Twins E Penelope Cruse.. E.P.C… Energy Pure Concentrate Concrete Cement.. Mr and Mrs Smith… Alexander Hephaestus Aphrodite… Hello, When I could not find my American Spirit Burgundy Tobacco at the Shop Night and Day… I knew something was up. The Stick of the Conductor of the Symphony of Nature was the challenge, I suspected that I was in since 2014… Despite having already conquered Nature while living […]

09 Mar 2017

Facebook Post..

7:38 p.m… Contd. Let us finish the code and the message… I have two other Face Book Friends with the name Carol. Carol Downey C.D Carol Kubai… C.K. Carole Adena Orear… C.A.O… C Alpha Omega… Carol means Feminine form of the Latin Carolus, which is a cognate of Charles (full-grown, a man, freeman), and a short form of Caroline, another feminine form of Carolus. Alternatively, the name is derived from the vocabulary word carol (joyous song, a carol). Var: Carol, […]

09 Mar 2017

8:47 PM

8:47 pm From Conscious O’best C O Consciousness Full Circle The book I am reading now A Fantasy Book called The Sword of Truth (The Sorcerers First Lesson Journal of Kolo) Describes this world in Perfection And my 58 months on Face Book and journey through the realm of the Dead for 28 years, as well as walking through the Milky Way back to the Origins of Man Called by The Fifth Dimension has detailed this exhaustively. I thought more […]

02 Mar 2017

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life Its Director is leaving.. Now is the time to revive the place. Holland Cotter.. H.C… 83 (83 69) Art New York Times 3-2-2017. Thou Art… A.R.T. Trayson…Which means Three.. Three Sons… And a Girl… Alexander Narcissus/Neptune, Eri-David… Nnonyelum Ifunanya… N.I… E.N.I… A.N.E.D…A.N.D.E.N..I I.N. E…D.N.A. Holland… An English surname for someone from the various places in England named Holland (Old English meaning ridgeland.) Or a surname for someone form the Netherlands, in which […]

01 Mar 2017

Facebook Post..

A Woman was sitting besides me, after I finished the answering the questions which I knew Rahul was being used to ask me… I held my temper, because he had no idea and even as I gave him an idea that I had just finished talking me my Aunt Julie who is 54… and whom I have not seen in 28 years…. And in the last post, I was doing the link and the equation of the illusion of Woman […]

27 Feb 2017

921 FB F

921 FB F I.U… C U B E And as if to confirm this today the cellular and musculature release today has been such that I knew and know that I should never have been subjected to all these tests and made me aware just how much it is now imperative that I live Delta Manor…. 5:28 p.m. 528 Hertz… E H.B. Emeka is rep the Human Body… See Anthony Bienke ‘Solfeggio’ post and what 528 Hertz represents.. As well […]

27 Feb 2017

4:15 p.m.

4:15 p.m. D.O….F Louvenia Pandora McMillan L.P.M Dianne Stokes… D.S. Paula Phillips Andrea Butler. Diane Stokes… Pandora’s Box… Louvenia… Pronunciation of Lavinia [lavinia] as a girls’ name is pronounced la-vee-NEE-ah. It is of Latin origin. The name of the legendary mother of the Roman people. Her name may possibly be derived from Lavinium, the name of an Etruscan city more ancient than Rome. Classical name revived in the Renaissance, and again used in the 18th century * C18: from Italian […]

22 Feb 2017

2:56 p.m

2:56 p.m This image literally popped on my phone just now! From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Representing in this my equation True Nature. N N A M. D I Father-Mother is Here Present Now please refer to Sacred Portal 121… 3:00 pm Its is Nnamdi hailing me Saying C our Mother is the Great American African Indian Spirit His Twin… Because he is the Father of Humanity As Flesh.. 3:02 pm 32 Which has nothing to do with me or my […]