
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

31 May 2017

From Marvin Sanders..

From Marvin Sanders.. Hence my Sadness… There was no true desire by All to find the source of the Story… Which is in the very codes you read of Adam meaning Red Man.. Red Brown Earth… To Link things by using Nature as a Painting By Numbers Reference Guide. All there was, Is a War a constant war to establish a Supremacy and Dominance by using something they never really cared about or they would have simply done the most […]

25 May 2017

12:23 PM

12:23 pm Oh yes, This I do not think I posted It is the right side of my Locker. See it is the Sun Isis Isis Osiris I O Obiajulu Igwe Okolo O I O It was at 7:44 pm We share the same Bio father but have never met Chibuzo Okolo also.. I met them here on Face book as everyone else. 10:28 pm And I sent her a text today at 7:44 pm I could not.. Would take […]

23 May 2017

8:09 P.M.

8:09 P.M. Nenad M. Djurdjevic is a Truly and Exceptional Man. I want the Entire Word to Know this today. He has been tested in a way that I have been for 3- 4 Years… Not by me but by the Igbo, the Igbo O.I.NR.I, the Ayrans.. the All Living and Dead… But now by the Beautiful Ones… and the E Family… It is but a taste of what I was put through for 28 years… But it can be […]

23 May 2017

It Rises 12 Feet in the Air..( 366)

It Rises 12 Feet in the Air..( 366) Egele.. Kezie Egele… Ijelegizida Omenigbo I am not in the Igbo Story but my Past is.. The Past as Uwa.. and they are now here in the present through the line represented by Nenad M. Djurdjevic… And this play of bringing the O Igbo Nri Creation Story as the Crowning Truth of the Sum total of the Human Creation Stories… Though it had to be cleaned up.. Yes my Biological Ancestry is […]

20 May 2017

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H!

From Angela Armando Hodge.. A-A.H! And Why not… She has an Extraordinary Cleavage.. and a Cows Moo.. eyes… What Me… No I did (not) pass Gas Gaz- Fill the World with Methane and poison this entire world Me Haine… Putting Hate in the World. Response from the Apis Bull… A.B. Madame, my eyes are Drawnnn to the Evidence of Mammaries which contradict the your testimony- but I will over look the evidence because I wish to explore what you so […]

19 May 2017
19 May 2017

Facebook Post..

E S. I A 3:03 pm 33 5-19-1. O E S. A O H I am sitting here with my Mouth wide open in a state of shock stunned disbelief I am still in the Scripted Play… Yesterday was part of it… The code is Italian Spanish American Indian I. S A I. D …This is my play not yours Eneka, Right ot Wrong, I have made you correct and write the Wrongs… Even at the Price and Cost of […]

14 May 2017


10:20.. 10-21 pm T.J Taun Jay T U Taun Universe Tu. You. See the meaning of the name Tuan- It is a vietnamese name. Intelligent The Universe is Intelligent, I met him with Jay, at the Swedish Restaurant. ( R S. The name of the model of a Black Mustang with the license plate 511 on my way here to Delta) The Collection in 1996 But it was only Tuan I saw once again when I stopped off in London […]

29 Apr 2017

11:01 AM

11:01 am E GA LA X Y. 11 O 1 C I 29-4-2017. 37. (47) 10 11 N.O.R.T.H. K.O. R E A N K NN A M D I. K O L O E- N. O. R T. H- E. K O. R E. A. S. O N ( Destruction of Reason) 14. 11 25. Y Elizabeth Clarizio. To Bring Forth Clarity 1+4= 5. 11 is 1. 51 K O. Sacred Portal 110 K O R E. Robert Emeka A […]

28 Apr 2017