
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

16 Feb 2018


I AM THE REAL BLACK PANTHER. And I am Ragnarok.. The Great Wolf, the Great Serpent .. the Giantess. 1072 Facebook Friends 9:23 p.m. 2-16-18…. AH….!!! I see… My bed numbers full Circle at Delta Manor. 2016 I was moved into Room 4B Bed 4-016. 2018 I was moved back into Room 4B Bed 4018. 2O 2O 16 18…. Full Circle 4 0 16 .. 4 0 18… 20 20 Vision.. 2-16 18.. Date… 2 2- 16 18… 4 4 […]

10 Feb 2018

MD Nur Hossain.. 1064 Facebook Friend.

MD Nur Hossain.. 1064 Facebook Friend. 10 64…. TEN… Sixty Four.. S.F, Stephen Filgueira code… 1O +64… 65.. Coffee at Starbucks 605…. F O E/ E OF… Eternity Infinity Consciousness… FOE Of the Unnaturals… Without Heart Compassion who place Value on Moneies Numbers more than Human Life. MD Muktur Hossen MD Nur Hossain… M.D… Medical Doctor….? Manifest Destiny… Manifested Destination Hue-manity… MD… M.H M.D N.H. M.D M D MM DD.. MN…M O N E… Not Money… MON E…Y… H H… […]

10 Feb 2018

10:01 p.m.

10:01 p.m. 2-10-2018… 10 01 1001 is actualy translates from Binary to 9…. letter I. Just as 1011 As in E GA LA XY 1O 11 C I…. is B… I wish to pause to make a brief note. I saw that the the numbers are called Hex Numbers… The hexadecimal numbers are 0-9 and then use the letters A-F. We show the equivalence of binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers in the table below. … Two hexadecimal digits can represent […]

09 Feb 2018

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend.

This is Sean Bono… He is no longer a facebook friend. But he is the one who I met at the Green House and was aware of the awakening and even my ID back in 2006. It was in his house, that I found he had painted a image of my brother Nnamdi… And I took from him a painting he had made with stencils of the Egyptians Pyramids… He also told me about the Cafe in the Sky which […]

04 Feb 2018

U.F.O..Hovers Over Sacred Terrain

U.F.O..Hovers Over Sacred Terrain New York Times Art Section…. Hello… I saw this and I just gaped… To you, it means not that much unless you have been truly paying attention to the Script on my page… And especially where it has recently led to…. The meaning of the Word Matrix, and its linked given to me through the Avatar called Lorenzo *( and the story and journey of my passing through the portals of Jon Delguidce Blackwell- and Donna […]

02 Feb 2018

9:08 p.m.

9:08 p.m. 98. I.H… Infinity is Harmony. ..You might have noticed that I am now at 1056 Facebook Friends. Brittany Angelornah… B.A. Tochukwu Abafor.. T.A. Pepi L’Faith P.F. Nkasi Sainti Chukwumgborie N.A.C. B.T.P.N… A A F C…. Beautiful Truth Perfection Naturalness… A-A. Awareness Attained Full Circle First Contact… Brittany means The name Brittany is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Brittany is: Originally the ancient duchy of Bretagne in France. Celtic Bretons emigrated from France […]

25 Jan 2018

8:19 p.m

8:19 p.m H.S. 1-25-2018… A Y…T R….U E.. My greatest torment through the years, and every single night… That which has been my greatest battle and struggle, which stops me from sleeping is not only that I am being forced to constantly turn my focus on this play, which is like looking into an endless abyss at what I have been put through. That this is not simply real, true fact… But this was allowed, such a play was orchestrated […]

22 Jan 2018

8:54 p.m.

8:54 p.m. Cover of U S A TODAY… 1-22-2018. Forces of Chaos, Of Change. By David Waters….Memphis Tennessee. 1968 The Year which transformed a Nation. Let us strive, then to, inaugurate the year of grace nineteen hundred and sixty eight- the year of faith transformed to hope- by praying for peace- said Pope Paul VI said in a New Years Message to the world Grant us Peace! There was nothing peaceful about 1968… 68 was a war. From your lips […]

21 Jan 2018

12:28 a.m.

12:28 a.m. L-B H. 1-21-11 1… 1-21-2 1-21-1 A-U-B….. A-U-A Hello…. I have no idea how I am going to write what just took place… Its is not simply the exhaustion of solving each equation within a Set up but having to prove it, explain it while living in its cruelest expression. That this continues to be so manifest, this sort of Awareness for 28 years.. 16.10 in this play… 60 months on face book… What can of Evil.. what […]

20 Jan 2018

9:07 p.m

9:07 p.m Wiseken Ugoh Donald… W.U..D Ancient Man Onye Gbo Igbo… A.M…O.G…I.. James Echols J.E… Torii Dwr T.D. Lauren Pelletier L.P. W U D A.M O G I .J E.T ..D L …P… ( Desire Love 4 12.. 16 =P Planet) / P L… D T…E J I.. GO M.A…. ( Go MA T R IX… 9:17 p,m I.Q. A Play took place with my contacting 3 people Jean Dortch.. Amoza Born / Anthony Bienke.. J.D S.P 104..Terrible Death,,, Lisa […]