
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

09 Mar 2018

8:59 a.m…

8:59 a.m… 9:00 a.m. 3-9-20 18… * I noticed that Aiden Bartok my latest Facebook friend has 59 facebook friends. It was a number which kept appearing yesterday as I made my way to Starbucks. It represents Sacred Portal 59 which represents the End of the Story, the Last and Final book of life which is the Book of Filth and Self Hatred- and the departure of the Last guardians and protectors from this realm, leaving it at last to […]

09 Mar 2018

The Challenger…

The Challenger… Igbo Africa… Woman of the Forest People Original Facebook Post: Click Here

04 Mar 2018

6:33 p.m.

6:33 p.m. 3-4-2018… Reginald age 26 is sitting to my extreme left. Rahul age 32 is sitting to my immediate left.. he is watching Ragnarok…. I am sitting at Starbucks. waiting for Flip J Hendrixs. I woke up from a nap and for some reason I called him. I say for some reason because I had left a text earlier stating that it was getting just too frustrating getting to meet up with him the second time to complete the […]

04 Mar 2018

9:55 a.m.

9:55 a.m. 3-4-20 18. Universal Simulation Awareness. I had been stating publicly while navigating through it, that this reality is not real. That it is a Universal Simulation… a Test of Humanities right to Evolve by Meriting it and Earning it Themselves through a testing… Of Awareness. A non stop test of Awareness-running through a guantlet of Ilusions, projections, fractuals and moving through the correct portals while gathering the fractals and pieces, then weaving and linking them together to form […]

03 Mar 2018
23 Feb 2018
22 Feb 2018

From Anna Hines… A.H.

From Anna Hines… A.H. Ah there is nothing like an Alluring Attractive Woman.. ( or man) Seduction…. I had 22 usd in my wallet plus 33 usd from Dawn Piercy though Allen Murray was ready to go and collect it, I could not get up, or move… my body was so exhausted from the stretching and aligning, and though not shocked I was truly incredulous and so so sad by yesterdays play and set up. But when I saw sacred […]

19 Feb 2018

2:10…2:11 a.m.

2:10…2:11 a.m. Ah…Blair… He was wearing the code B.K. 2:11… note the Time above.. Which means that his E-Spirit was indicating the Time Code my Harmony had to meet. B.K.. Book…? Fred Delshad once years ago commented on this page that I was writing a new Bible… Book of Eli….for those left behind.. a E Manual. And B.K.. as in the meaningful of the name of my facebook friend Bilal Khan. Moist Wetting.. Lord of Desire.. in the realm of […]

18 Feb 2018

10:52 p.m.

10:52 p.m. Hiding in Plain Sight? … I do not think so.. More like watching people treat that which is obviously right in front of them as Invisible… That is quite alright, I am not Invisible, that is the point.: I had asked to get some Mary Jane from D.Samuel which resulted in a play, which I could as a play in which I am going to express the meaning, because it gives me pleasure. I found myself entering my […]

17 Feb 2018

8:48 p.m…. Second upload..

8:48 p.m…. Second upload.. Ah… All Vanished… Computer crashed with the post… smh… 🙂 It changes nothing… But I recall… Today is the Winters of My Discontent It is snowing outside…. It is 1 Degree Celsius her in New York City, the Bronx. 33 Degree’s Farenheit. 1 Degree.. 33 Degree’s.. Yarsakary served me my coffee.. the number is 88. See sacred portal 88.. Ascension of H.R.H the Living End, Queen of Existence Death, Supreme and Ultimate I almost roared my […]