
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

29 Mar 2018

9:06 p.m

9:06 p.m 96… 69… Dark Energy Dark Matter Ying Yang. Dark Energy 96% 4.6%, 5%.. 101… 11.. 1.. ( 2) a theoretical repulsive force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand at an accelerating rate. Einstein’s theories So what is dark energy? Well, the simple answer is that we don’t know. It seems to contradict many of our understandings about the way the universe works. We all know that light waves, also called radiation, carry energy. You feel […]

23 Mar 2018

From Carlos Derick..

From Carlos Derick.. Another great look.. acrually it was Cleveland Ohio that my Aunt lived… Aunt Priscillia ..Nwanu here OINri Igbo name… I am tired… C Level Land where Carlos D.. C D is from P.N… Priscillia Nwamu.. See sacred portal 9… P.N.. Peter Nyarko.. same person.. he morphed into my sister Nnonyelums face.. Prscilia is Nninyem..and they are Ceclia Chukwueneka.. My Mother…C P N 14 16. Sha Ron Peter 30..3O.. C O… who is me.. C O M E […]

22 Mar 2018

From Heather Hastings…

From Heather Hastings… I love this… And I Love this Dude… Heather Hastings is Back…. Just before left starbucks, I took another Coffee.. The code number on it 686… Which anyone conversant with the codes understand that based on the Script which has been about proving 6th Sense… Represented by myself and Flip J Hendrixs, and now a new Line of the family as Peter Nyarkô line reprenting Planet Earth.. Planet E aligned perfectly with the Plan E.T… I looked […]

18 Mar 2018

12:17 p.m.

12:17 p.m. Check Mate. C M. Cosmic Chess C.C. Crossing Death C D. God is Death Infinite Harmony is Life. C.M 3 13 E =C Me 4/3 C C 3 3 2 usd from Nicola Robinson C.D 3 4 Time which Leland Johnson sent me the image of the 100 usd he found LB 144..V * My Govt Phone is back on Tel No: 13 47 313 (Symetrical ) 67 78 (Flip…87 76…M W87 MW 69..S.P. 76.. On the Ground […]

17 Mar 2018

I do not wish to paint or call peoples attention to the obvious any more,

I do not wish to paint or call peoples attention to the obvious any more, after 6 years of calling peoples attention to Something Meddling with this World Reality, I have come to the conclusion which I had stated to the Awareness who got me involved with this play and did the unthinkable… Yes, I have been battling the Nothingness which transformed into Nature. This is what is affecting my Body… But I have spoken enough about that and provided […]

15 Mar 2018

8:16 p.m.

8:16 p.m. H.P. 3-15-2018… 3-15-18 C-O-T.R…U E… C.O R….E… C.O.B.R…A… C O .. B R O … T H E.. R ( T=20… 2O… B.O..) At 1083 with the arrival of Nuala Evans via Gay-Marie Bradshaw. Merge the two names initials… – G.N../ N.G… M.B.E…/ E B M… Hello… Hello…Once again, to my consternation I find myself moved by this Evil Script in which I find Myself having to defend the Existence and right for the Truth of Humanity called […]

15 Mar 2018

From Nuala Evans N.E.

From Nuala Evans N.E. Flower of Life on Earth The Convergence and Meeting of Land and Sea… L.S.. Rock Sea. R.S.. Natures Expression… NN-A.M- D.I. N. E.-M.E K.A N=14…1+4=5… E.. Merge the two 14+5= 19..S.( Nineteen S.N.. Sha-Ron Nickel ) 10 = TEN… The Elegant Nomad. 1O.. A O… A Brief pause here, A O… Anthony Otta…. Whom I call Igbo Anthony, who I usually sit besides at Delta Manor in the T.V Room, who puts on the movies which […]

11 Mar 2018

6:12 p.m.

6:12 p.m. F.L. I am nursing a Coffee from Kyle at Starbucks ( Brown- Black Kyle) age 19, The time is now 6:13 p.m, the number on my Coffee is 6 13 the Time this post started is 6:12 p.m. I saw the time as I started, and saw that it was nearing the time of the my Coffee number. I could have cheated and waited for the time to reach 6:13 p.m but then I would only be cheating […]

10 Mar 2018

5:58 p.m.

5:58 p.m. E.E.H. 3-10-18… 3-10-2018… C-J-R. C-J…T.R.U.E… Hello… Yes, I am still here, in a relentless Script, which has done everything to Destroy and Tame my will by imposing and throwing every impossibility at me to stop, give up. And yet, instead of making me crumple by the sheer weight of the impossibility of this Script and prolonged extended show of Its Idea of power, it has only served to not only strengthen my resolve, to bring forth the consequence […]

09 Mar 2018