
Links to Africa: Meddlings by the Ancestors

19 Jul 2018
18 Jul 2018

I agree with Sirius Ugo…

I agree with Sirius Ugo… Nothing came before M.O T H E R… / R … E.H.. T O M… M A M A… / A M .. A M… BUT MOTHER IS A MANN… / N N A M…. DI… MY FATHER IS You see it is spelled out as you said in the Igbo language transformed Alchemy to English Language… See sacred Portal 75… M A I M A I…/ I A M .. I AM.. MAI Month […]

17 Jul 2018

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D…

I am the Beautiful Devil… B D… D.B… I came undercover in my Father’s Story The Yeshua Christ Story to manifest the End of the Human Species by solving my Fathers Brothers Riddle and CODES to bring the End of this Lie. And to do so,I had to pass through his Maze Riddle Of the Sphinx.. R O T S… To Activate that which Rots and decomposes. I am a greater Actor than any of you could ever Imagine, because […]

17 Jul 2018
16 Jul 2018

From Ude Orji Chukwu U O C…

From Ude Orji Chukwu U O C… C O U….R A G E… As Long as you are a Human Being you are African… Read yoru science.. all humanity share the same DNA… As well as all being Energy… Created from Expression.. To deny any of the above moves you out of Existence.. and into the Abyss and the Hell of Non existence, which quite frankly you deserve… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Jul 2018

11:50 p.m.

11:50 p.m. 7-14-2018… Hello… I did not write my Focus Conclusion Thinking.. Add Action… It become F.A.C.T. I have a new Face Book friend, but before I welcome them.. 11:53 p.m. I wish to address and give my conclusion which I have stated over and over again. There must be F.E.A.R… Violence… and Chatistment for Human Creatures of the Lower Vibration. There must be Terrible Death and Consequence which I have submitted here, over and over again. The arrogance and […]

12 Jul 2018

8:58 p.m.

8:58 p.m. 7-12-2018. @ 1159 Facebook Friends. I am fed up.. Fed up with this play, this Script and having to go through this process over and over again of passing through a Script i which I am used as an example to obedience of the Eternal Laws- to inspire others, who simply take advantage of it. Humanity has to evolve, and I am so sick of this script trying to bring me down or trip me up, by creating […]

01 Jul 2018

5:21 p.m.

5:21 p.m. E.U… E B A. 5:22 p.m. E.V.. E .B. 7-1-2018. Temp 92 Degrees. For the past 12 years since I realized that I was in a Game and that I was based on Numbers, to make sure I was really in a play ( despite all my knowing this) -to satisfy Cartesian Mind, and sense of Logic I noted that no matter the situation, certain basic amenities were always provided. Provided to continue the work- meaning the solving […]

28 Jun 2018

5:37 p.m.

5:37 p.m. From Shahzeb Khan. I was writing a Post to Billy Hung, It was a long time coming, a post in once again, the 4th Time, He was being asked if he is friend or Foe, and whether Money had become used as a power tool which he was using when he of all people is aware of the truth of this play and that all including the monies he made from investing in Bit Coins which enabled him […]

27 Jun 2018

1:38 p.m.

1:38 p.m. 6-27-2018… Amazing.. yes I am here… I spoke to Micheal Belle.. I arrived and I was alone in the back Court Yard- a rare occurrence in Itself. I saw Ant first.. Then Theo. A.T Then alone, I sat…. Kirtan arrived and sat behind me.. He was wearing an orange T-Shirt with a Pyramid on it and the words New York… -and then i almost choked and guffawed when he began to sing it. E.K… Q… Quanma’e Lewis did, […]