4/15/12 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC6s45FVARQ&feature=related (now unavailable) Here is the video evidence of the origins of the journey that I and many people did undercover as a sacred mission. I did not realize that this was the mission that I was on until Albert Santana a few days showed me this video, saying that he understands my journey and mission from watching this video, amongst others. I am very grateful to Albert for identifying the truth of my mission which began with my […]
4/15/12 Please support www.generationXuniversity.com and the International society of Overcoming extreme poverty by buying a T-shirt created by Albert Santana of all the flags in the world turned into superheroes of the world, which protect and sustain the highest principles of humanity. Many of you know about my journey of wandering the homes of people and the streets of New York, I knew that I was not homeless but that I was being used to investigate the state of homelessness. […]
4/14/12 One of the most difficult obstacles to rising up “Jacob’s Ladder” to see the true view is when people live in different consciousness. I am not sure if most are aware of just how deep the spell is when we live in different states of consciousness. We can not understand what we are really saying to each other, conflicts arise from mis understanding and miss interpretation; communication becomes virtually impossible and even if there is no intent to harm […]
4/13/12 Part three www.generationXGarden.com www.GenerationXUniversity.com https://www.grownyc.org/openspace/gardens/man/genx Promoting the day of overcoming extreme Poverty. I had lived with Albert E for four years as I stated before, he had opened up his doors to me, a stranger, a stranger whom he said he knew one day would come. He had a statue in his garden, some sort of divine revelation of a man and a woman standing on the earth blowing the conch of the AWAKENING. For seventeen years he had […]
4/5/12 Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted to continue on this journey and reporting what I had been seeing from my dimension, that is how I finally know it is over… (for eight years I thought it was over and the pt made). They say that I must get rest and no more expending energy in conversation or seeking to point out the evidence to others, that human beings, by looking through […]
4/4/12 at 12:22am My younger brother was born on Easter and died on Easter, April 5th which is tomorrow… this is in dedication to his consciousness which was gentle, beautiful and strong. His name is Nnamdi…which means “My father is here!” I know he represents the gentle but strong father we all desire and not the authoritative, bullying father this planet has used as a guide for so long. I feel it is this Energy of father, the true masculine […]
Hello everyone, Symptoms of evolution of the seen and unseen world… how both can be seen. As I stated yesterday, that my journey of wandering New York city began with my writing an article for the William Morris Agency, (who wished to make sure that I was indeed the writer of my Journals “Talking to the Silence,” and attest to the way I perceived reality was true) which happened to be about the homeless. I arrived in New York, having […]
Imagine the discovery of how human beings can access their sun consciousness or unconsciousness mind and bring it over to their conscious mind by accessing the original vibration of the heart which mirrors itself onto your environment. Would that discovery not mean that human beings (going within) is the real source of the universe that we observe around us. And by empirically proving this truth by use of techniques of science mean that we have now reached the ability […]
It is not in the control of man but rather in the collective memory or blue print of man..indented into his her sub conscious since the very truth of the beginning waiting for it to brought into consciousness then awareness in perfect clarity of understanding and proof..live it and it will be. Original Facebook Post here