
Musings on…

Musings On…: Real Aspects of the Play

12 Feb 2015

Via Don Diego…

Via Don Diego… Also the name D-on and Diego appeared on my personal Radar T.V… DD is 44-4/4=1, +x 87. 1 87.. According to the code of my Universe (In this Universal Simulation of 7-8 Billion universes as people and which one Consciousness can align them to 1…sacred portal 87 in my sacred portals is the World brought back to its senses aligned in 1 by Brother Love. Code Chukwu Emeka Nnamdi… Meaning Creator Well Done! Father IS. C-Beyond the […]

11 Feb 2015

7:55 p.m.

7:55 p.m. 11-2-8 Emeka K (K=11..twins 2-1..B.A) links Yonathan Yohannes… E.K. 5-11… +x..16-7..G Grace..G-Ode… (Graceful Ode to Existence Creation Harmony) 5×11…55…EE. *Pls note the time of post 7:55pm. Sacred Portal 55 is Arrival from the Back of Sensie Self Mastery. YY is 25th letter in the Alphabet… 5O. (O is the 15th letter in the Alphabet) E.O E.AE. This Aligns with Facebook Friend Lord YE…(Meaning Light) Whose 5Oth birthday is today. Along with Adriano Bencini A.B. Adriano means Water Bencini […]

10 Feb 2015

6:56 PM

6:56 pm 1.O-2-8.. Code 1-2-8 A-B H. A Being Harmony. 6:56 is code F:11:1 F A….Note of FA -AH Hello… I.have a New Facebook Friend… Welcome Lady Alexandra Martin.. A.M. I..A.M. Alexandra who happens to be the 4th-5th Facebook friend with that code name Meaning The Defender of Man Evan ALexander Judson was the first Aoi Alex Natsume Alexa Felipe Angela Marie Alexander… *Notice the code of intials of first names E.A.A.A.A…. Energy four AhToms… E= 5 the Letter A=1 […]

05 Feb 2015

11:22 P.M.

11:22 P.M. Knock Out. K.O. I have a New Facebook Friend which should make the number 248… 48 is the Being of Beautiful Death.. Transformation of the E.ND. 2-4-8 Galaxy 6O X I C 11O1 One View.. Translation: Galaxy FO X…I C K.O.A Correct View C V. 1O11 C I X. OF G-A-LA! This View is the affirmed correct view.. Publicly translates and enacted. That the Line of E came from beyond time for the Gala XY of Enterprise Evolution […]

03 Feb 2015

The Truth Of Everything..

The Truth Of Everything.. By Emeka Kolo Versus The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawkings. The Truth of Everything.. TTOE By Emeka Kolo …the Begining of the Universe was an Orgasm OH of Sixth Sense… The Universe is the sum total of reflections of that first Orgasm of Consciousness Creation. No human has yet seen the true Creation which caused the Creator to explode in Cosmic awe.. Which sent him around the world in 😯 Days..Infinity OH!!! The Physical manifestation […]

03 Feb 2015
02 Feb 2015

2:35 P.M.

2:35 P.M. 2-2-8…..(2O+15=35..Time 2:35 pm..B.C.E=H.) E+C=H.O E. Expression Consciousness Harmony O Full Circle Sphere Ahtmosphere Perfection E Energy Infinite source of Self Regenerating Energy. E.C.H.O E. Some one just quoted to me an African Proverb A Lie carries many Vibrations… But the Truth Carries none… I found that the persons Espirit wished to affirm this to me, since I had made it very clear through the Evidence of what I am Being Doing Consciously Embodying and En-Acting in this Facebook […]

21 Jan 2015

2:24 P.M.

2:24 P.M. 21-1-8… U.A.H… (B.A-A-H) Personal Responsibility P.R. Fear of the Un-Known. E.Truth 35 years ago, less than three years on arrival in Nigeria- a country so foreign to my siblings and I, it was as if we had landed in this beautiful and dramatic world where anything was possible. And it was…anything was possible. Even the abduction of my two younger brothers. Kidnapped by thier own biological father and of spite, malice, vindictiveness and a desire to hurt my […]

20 Jan 2015

1:4O P.M.

1:4O P.M. 2O-1- 8. T-A.H. H.A T. I have a New Facebook Friend. David M Chileshe… On Monday evening I feel Ill. Strange because in 15 years of doing this work, I have never fallen ill. I had a vision of what I am doing in the ESpirit Realm. I saw a Tunnel which had been created step by step, from the here in the present all the way to the very begining of Existence E. But the building of […]

18 Jan 2015

9:21 P.M.

9:21 P.M. I.U….E.. Okay… More linking… Imagine doing this manually…using expression to out distance the Universe as Mind.. ? Outrageous… Anyway here goes… We are at Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna… Linked now Two the Full Circle Affirmed by equated to me at Pelham Park where my things still rest in the forest. To Nnaemeka who was aligned to his seeing the Egu Onwa Dance of the Full Moon and then to my former host at 268 after a visit to […]