From Face Book Memories Original Facebook Post: Click Here
Hi… I have nothing to say, But this popped up and on memories Today, and I recalled the intel of script confirmed by Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. ( and the ending today of a play of woman represented by Lisa Natalie Johnson – which caused suddenly such a relief and a lightening in my body.. that I felt a strange joy) two men… to one Original Facebook Post: Click Here
999 Facebook Friends I I I….. 6:32 p.m, 10-23-10… Hello, As stated earlier, i am using Robert Vlaun’s computer, which is an Macbook Air computer, just as was Leo’s Leo Robert… 17 22…. 39… C.I. i just sent a text to Lisa Natalie Johnson as a witness i told her that Father Mother, my Brother Sister line are Absolute selfishness and they are the source of Evil… Because such Selfishness as this and script has shown me.. such Power Control….. […]
From Brittany Mightbe And the Woman… Two Men and a Woman… This is how it appears on Brittany Mightbe page and aligns to the Equation I have been proving of the Origins of Existence through the Human Equations – they being the Literal Flower of Life… See my Phone Battery L.B… 49 J.H. Original Facebook Post: Click Here
Brittany Mightbe Lamin Adan Jadama… B.M. L.A. J. Hello…. The Equation and play of course, was meant to be over once all three of my Machinesshut down at the same time. i am using Leo, the 17th year old computer because i had to send a message to Lisa Natalie Johnson, another set up about the code 20… and yes today is the 20th. And Lisa Natalie Johnson just arrived in a perfection of harmony, but i already knew what […]
9:02 pm 92 Ascend is what I saw on a Womans Bag outside in orange. R O. Y-G G B. I R And I am sitting besides a Man called Zach Dina Singh son Zacharey He placed an Orange folder on the Table. Flames of Hell or Did I walk through to Hells Fire Rage of Woman’s Womb of Birthing back to Light Marianne Miriam was the name of the person I met through Axel Anderson Axel Love I […]
From Oluchi Gladys. O G Hmmm… Word. 8:45 pm Kingdom of Og Olu Chi. The Work of the Spirit Energy I notice that I am Oluchi’s 517th Face Book Friend 5-17 E Q Today, yes the 17th Quantum Quintessential Queens Q. As in Star Trek ? Which one is it Yes my body is elongating yet again It feels like release and I have once more started to generate stairs. I just heard this on the radio You passed through […]
T 8:29 pm This is the last image I concluded with in the Altar Installation guided by my Chi and my awareness. The Figure holding a stick came from Prince Panther. It represents The Rod And is standing on Dead See Salt. And Shea Butter Darien Shea D S From Africa 8:33 pm 33 payment plan L G Phone It does not bode well for those who lied. Original Facebook Post: Click Here
Last Code of E Triangulation…. ( Not Strangluation…) Elation Triangulation… G O O G L E… M A P S… S.P….. A.M….. G O O G…E.L.. Sacred Portal A.M… 7- OO7….Full Circle… Emeka Luke… E Lisa Natalie Johnson….right in front of me… J.B… James Bond… Under Cover…. And the Spy who Loved E As I sat in front of Taylor and Mcgraw… ( Tom McCoy… T.M… TOM… My Twin is White… Jamel White Beauty is Caucasian just as David Roman […]
From Face Book Memories…. I can not really believe it myself, …but then then it’s a good thing that what I have finally understood has nothing to do with belief, but facts. But to today I have finally go the answer which I will post as to the answer as to I have been forced to deal with this Nightmare of my.. and Human Existence. This just popped up when I opened my computer, It is from this day, and […]