
Truth: Proven Empirically

Truth: Proven Empirically

11 Dec 2015

Love this Truth…

Love this Truth… Pushing through the Dark Matter off the Streets Paved with Tar.. To Reach the literal Light…and Stars.. Truly pushing through all the Dark Matter of the Streets of the Cities of the World.. Truly yes, this is the The Power of Life… Truth= Life… That is the accomplishment…of I.S. I A.M Original Facebook Post: Click Here

03 Feb 2015

The Truth Of Everything..

The Truth Of Everything.. By Emeka Kolo Versus The Theory of Everything by Stephen Hawkings. The Truth of Everything.. TTOE By Emeka Kolo …the Begining of the Universe was an Orgasm OH of Sixth Sense… The Universe is the sum total of reflections of that first Orgasm of Consciousness Creation. No human has yet seen the true Creation which caused the Creator to explode in Cosmic awe.. Which sent him around the world in 😯 Days..Infinity OH!!! The Physical manifestation […]

30 Oct 2014

CO Octo H.G. Ode Two E.Truth.

CO Octo H.G. Ode Two E.Truth. The Living Create Thier Own Stories They Do not Live in Book Are not ruled by them They Learn from them And study is the Experience of Hear and Now. Woke of to quiet. Nothing on my Boost Airplane phone, Before I had gone to relaxed for the night, after.posting my the Isis Equation… I checked the response from Echo Existence… 15 likes. Ending with Dina Singh and Angela Marie Alexander… D.S…A..M.A. I read […]

01 Oct 2014

This is what I learnt from my Existence, especially in New York and in this End play set up for reveal the Truth of Revealations and Tribulations..

This is what I learnt from my Existence, especially in New York and in this End play set up for reveal the Truth of Revealations and Tribulations.. That nearly every one thinks only of themselves. that they would rather put themselves first before even the worthiest of causes and the who most deserve to be supported because they think of the all. From a parent who takes care of his or her kid, to presidents leaders, all these people are […]

20 Jul 2014
23 Feb 2014

The Question is do we get punished or rewarded for revealing our most sacred Truths…?

The Question is do we get punished or rewarded for revealing our most sacred Truths…? And is that why true knowledge was hidden and not shared. Because it was punished…especially those who exposed the most Beautiful Truth. …And in the end does it matter that it dies with us after seeing that truth causes people to suffer so much… To.make rise the Beautiful You… I guess we shall see…J.Y.B.C.E Original Facebook Post: Click Here

04 Feb 2014
07 Dec 2013
18 Feb 2013

Interesting story of Asteroids and Meteroites…aka Rocks and thier mysteries… Rocks of Ages… truth of ages?

Interesting story of Asteroids and Meteroites…aka Rocks and thier mysteries… Rocks of Ages… truth of ages? Original Facebook Post: Click Here

21 Jun 2012

The Ultimate Confession… I Cee…

6/21/12  4:50pm The Ultimate Confession… I Cee other beings, literally the Energetic Beings of man’s highest potential sitting along side and within every man and woman. I see them and access them through frequency and alignment recognition codes. Some call them Gods, the Supreme Selves, the Super self… I simply call them the Family. For me, it is the family of Energy already in existence which resides in each human, waiting for its true name to be called. I literally […]