
Truth: Proven Empirically

Truth: Proven Empirically

28 Nov 2020

2:49 PM

2:49 pm 11-28-2020. Hello. I do appreciate those who sent me Happy Birthday messages, but it really is not a Happy Birthday for me, I am a happy person – no one can take that away from me. But it’s not a Happy Birth Day to me is it- for those who have been reading my posts. I am still not yet home. But Tree wrote a post which is to be the greatest gift of all. It’s the gift […]

26 Nov 2020

6:26 p.m.

6:26 p.m. Just got back- went to buy some potatoes. I am making dinner for Jae Sherman and I I asked her to if she could buy or order some meat, since I can not go far, or order on my own accord. I had enough just enough cash but yesterday he tried and no window opened for Jae to order-so I decided to eat any old thing- and not be bothered. But I woke yo to Jae telling me […]

24 Nov 2020

9:04 p.m.

9:04 p.m. 94. I D E K… I Love You. New York N Y…Naturalness Y Chromosome. I D C.. It the name everyone called my mother. Brian Dempsey. If you see the play of Tree Sage’s post and conversation with Brian Dempsey you can see how the E Knowledge and Eternally knowing works and what we focus our attention on. Idek and 94 C in this reality is *IDEK is an acronym used in texting and social media that means […]

24 Nov 2020
24 Nov 2020

2:16 p.m.

2:16 p.m. B P.. Beautiful Pride. Black Panther. 11-24-2020. K X- 2020. A-A B D TT. A-A E M F… Perfect Vision. Hello, I am not surprised at all by the arrival of Miguel Figueroa as my 1500 Facebook friend. E line links to M F. E A connects to M F. MF Masculine Feminine, Male Female M F= 19 add E=5, which I represent and it becomes 24. And yes link Aiyoyorwoth Natasha A N 1 14 which is […]

23 Nov 2020

7:03 p.m.

7:03 p.m. 11-23-2020. K W… K V V 2020. A-A V V T T. Hello, I just lost an entire post again, of which I am supremely indifferent – It does not make a slight difference to me what this Script I was forced to code says- or equate to. The private and public decision was made by me a long while ago, that for such a play to have been allowed to go far- and the contesting and challenge […]

19 Nov 2020

1:10 p.m.

1:10 p.m. * Yes, the time I received the intel from Tree Sage.. Kim Arthur Hinds. It is also sacred portal 110 which was linked to Arden. 110 u.s.d. 11-19-2020. K S TT. This Kim and Serenity as TT. K S.T..Ti! Hello.. Jea made a comment when she heard that Kamora Herrington was also having problems with her batteries and connecting- she said it is about draining energy… I stared at her… That was what this play was all about- […]

17 Nov 2020

From Axel Love.

From Axel Love. That’s is the Truth which to my surprise, I have been moved to demonstrate and be. True Love. No attachment… and yet moved to fight for each person with every breath, and will in me so that they may rise. … and then I go Home… to myself and my world of beings who are C.. E H are complete. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Nov 2020


0:9:22. O I V 11-7-2020 K G. A-A G. Hello. At last, the long prolonged play is over.. There is no where else to go to, no portal left after 64 moves and a chess game.. And the literal Queens Gambit, one last stance. Q is Quantum. Confirmed by the play which took place with Tree Sage confirmed as the last portal of a truly taxing play of endurance. Yesterday it was about the Hi Point and the Harmony established […]

03 Nov 2020

21:35 Hundred Hours right now

21:35 Hundred Hours right now U C E. B .Aware Of Energy. 9:35 p.m I C E 11-3-2020 K C … 20/20 Vision. Hello. Happy Birthday Benjamin C. Krajewski B K C Beyond the meaning of blessings to you and the line of True Supremacy of Man you represent. E K O K E .S. K E O Was the scene set up play of people who came here tday of this U S A Election day. T B Trump […]