4/30/12 Question: Is humanity moved more by love or by fear? What if that was the great test that all human beings alive today were asked. And that everyone was being set up by an unseen hand (the patterns and links of our possible future as the highest potential we can reach, but held back by the ancestors… all those who came before us, right to the very beginning of time).. And what if the key to breaking out of […]
4/18/12 7:49pm Mathematical equation for existence is Love\truth or Truth=love LT OR TL. L is the 12th letter in the most current universal alphabet and T= 20th letter. 12 10 OR 2012 (This year) meaning that human beings were created as beings of love and truth… and being anything other than that is a lie. In my research I have proven that human beings are made out of the frequency of love and that they were created to vibrate with […]
4/15/12 Please support www.generationXuniversity.com and the International society of Overcoming extreme poverty by buying a T-shirt created by Albert Santana of all the flags in the world turned into superheroes of the world, which protect and sustain the highest principles of humanity. Many of you know about my journey of wandering the homes of people and the streets of New York, I knew that I was not homeless but that I was being used to investigate the state of homelessness. […]
4/12/12 There is only one truth, there is only one consciousness, there is no babble, nor is there any conflict or duality… All these things are illusions, illusions made real only in our individual imaginations and interpretations of reality. These interpretations, assumptions create a force which will not allow you to leave the space of death, the space of living in mind of worry, concern and, no matter how well intentioned, it is still the realm of the lie… non-existence. […]
4/13/12 Part three www.generationXGarden.com www.GenerationXUniversity.com https://www.grownyc.org/openspace/gardens/man/genx Promoting the day of overcoming extreme Poverty. I had lived with Albert E for four years as I stated before, he had opened up his doors to me, a stranger, a stranger whom he said he knew one day would come. He had a statue in his garden, some sort of divine revelation of a man and a woman standing on the earth blowing the conch of the AWAKENING. For seventeen years he had […]
4/13/12 Continuation WWW.generation X gardens.com WWW.GenerationXUniversity.com Overcoming Extreme Poverty… I had lived in Tompkin’s Square park for a month and found eight remarkable people whom I made a rough documentary about called, Dear Mr. President- A Love Letter from Tompkin’s Park, believing that my mission and why I was there was to meet these eight people and give them a voice. There was one of them in particular called Omar, whose rage and true articulation for the state of being […]
4/5/12 Yeah Dudes, what I recently learned is that my physical body is too exhausted to continue on this journey and reporting what I had been seeing from my dimension, that is how I finally know it is over… (for eight years I thought it was over and the pt made). They say that I must get rest and no more expending energy in conversation or seeking to point out the evidence to others, that human beings, by looking through […]
4/4/12 at 12:22am My younger brother was born on Easter and died on Easter, April 5th which is tomorrow… this is in dedication to his consciousness which was gentle, beautiful and strong. His name is Nnamdi…which means “My father is here!” I know he represents the gentle but strong father we all desire and not the authoritative, bullying father this planet has used as a guide for so long. I feel it is this Energy of father, the true masculine […]