
Love: God’s Gift

08 Jan 2016

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic… portals are energetic, we do not experience our world as round, We observed it, investigated it and realized that the Physical Heavenly bodies are Spheres… And so, only through our empirical experience, and Individual experience so we Experience our Natural Existence as being Spherical, mirroring Nature which is cyclical… And so we know the world is around by our Energetic Individual experiences of it. And this is our sole experience in which we understand that we […]

20 Nov 2015


3:28…C-B.H 2O-11-8 11-2O-8….11 28…1 2 8…1 28…1. Hello… I have a new Face Book friend.. Hi..Zahri Zouhir… I am in the last throes solving a Riddle which I began solving 26 years ago.. Which you may notice aligns to A-Z… Z being the 26th Letter. I did not intentionally set out to solve riddles of Existence.. The Idea seemed preposterous to me, absurd… But my life’s plan which was always to literally Boogie- meaning celebrate life, for this is the […]

26 Oct 2015

6:43 pm F:D.C… 64 C Jonn Blackwell…

6:43 pm F:D.C… 64 C Jonn Blackwell (Haun Delguidce HD..48) is code 64.. He is currently working on the Windows at 54 South Mountain RDDR.. S,M..Sophie Mavride..Ma-Donna (Mary Myrrh=Beloved) Rides… R ID..E..AH..Identify E… Thus, the Windows are the Eyes of a House (Body or Temple which allows you to See Cee F.D.C..Equation solved and linked… conclusion Jonn Blackwell Cees and Sees which has already been well established…he Cees Fact..C.F Donna O’Sullivan Feels and that is how she Cees..F.C.. C.F/F.C… X […]

16 Sep 2015

1:17-8 pm

1:17-8 pm 16-9-8.. 7-9-8… Hello.. 17 roses… 371 Facebook Friends.. 17 likes today 17 Q… Quantum Quantitative Quality..Queens.. 1+7=8. Yesterday, after the play of O’Kolo The response from Nnamdi Obiekwe aligned to Maurice Obiekwe- Linked through the Equation Obiekwe Obiekwe Kolo.. Filled Circle, Prince, Voice and manly Warrior Through Obiajulu Igwe Okolo and Oby Vixy.. -Obiekwe meaning My Heart is Appeased or is in accord *My Grandfather D.N Umeano also drove a Honda Accord when He and my Bio Father […]

28 Aug 2015

2:58 PM

2:58 pm To Be Seen… How do I see myself? As others see me? Who are those others? All me? My Mind. To be seen through the eyes of Beauty and Appreciation Is the most precious gift The Vision of One reflected so magnificently Reminds me of my Greatness. Not one of Ego but Beautiful Pride The Gift of Loves perfect mirror echoes Love throughout the Galaxy Do I recognize how much I am loved? Deep knowing..fear. .doubt… Can I […]

15 Aug 2015

4:56 P.M.

4:56 P.M. A Brief Note of Evidence for the record as to which Portal we are moving to in this Awakening… Today’s is Kalli Kelsey birthday.. Happy Birthday My Lady! I honour her and her Espirit with the term My Lady because of her Harmony which I am about to prove to you all as Evidence as to what Lady Echo and Lord E.T are transmitting to me through all of you- The Change in Plan details of the Evolution […]

15 Jul 2015

Love IS

Love IS I C.U. Energy Expression Eloquent I C UR E Truth. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

08 Jul 2015

8:43 A M.

8:43 A M. 8-7-8… 7-8-8.. 8:43 Represents the Harmonious portal of True Life See Sacred Portal 43. The One Story.. …… The One Ring What Passes Over… ….Pass Over Death.. By Celeste NG…..Heavens 147. *I am at 146 Clay Street… Thus, I have one more stop before I am home… In the Heavens Cloud 9. This small book found by Benjamin who asked for a Divine gift of a book and found this book. *Celeste means The Heavens. N is […]

03 Jul 2015

3:33 PM

3:33 pm. Cont’d. I have a New Facebook Friend. He has only 1 Facebook Friend Me. Onyeka Means Who is or can do greater God Wins. And Gods Name is Harmony E Harmony E H. 58. ROYG=B.5.V Do ra me fa so LA Ti-7=Do ..8 H.Infinity. V.H. 22 8.. Victory Harmony 5+8=13=4. 5×8=4O. 44O. 8O.. This is what Jonn Blackwell gave me. 😯 USD. 3:39. C.C.I. Onyeka Godwin… O.G. O.7…. ? E 314 Face Book Friend C.N. E.C.N.. Emeka’s Consciousness […]

10 May 2015

6:47 p.m.

6:47 p.m. 1O-5-8 5-1O-8 F:D.G AO-E-H E-OA-H… (AO is J) A Force of Nature G.O.D. Energy. This is what greeted me as I practically stumbled out of 147 the Bean, incredulity filling me after having spent the last 2 hours speaking to a German man from Berlin named Andreas… After speaking with Andrese Harris Burton… Who expressed how how breaking reading some of my posts, and if there is anything she could do to help. I know what is happening […]