
Love: God’s Gift

02 Jan 2017

8:39 PM

8:39 pm H C.I. 2-1-2017 2-1- 37 Hello…. A Brief comment. Remember the movie 6th Sense? I see the Energy…. Literally.e And Energy is Expression which is Consciousness Aware, set in motion which is called the Spirit World or Mind Thoughts realm which manifests the physical realm. 8:43 pm This is a blessing, or better still a sign of Human Evolution but in this world reality it has been made into the ultimate curse… But it is not. Many people […]

06 Nov 2016
12 Oct 2016

4:34 p.m.

4:34 p.m. D.C.D… 10-12-9… J.L.I…E… J is the Lie… A.O.L.I…G.H.T… Hello… I am now at 773 Face Book Friends… I was writing to Dean Dunkwu a E mail and after receiving the code of 2 2 2 from him…600 usd… Sixth Sense… and found myself expanding upon an equation to him…which though I am finally moving out of this Face Book Play… I feel should be added to this the Script. 73 As most recall relates an aligns in the […]

30 Jul 2016


Hello.. It is very early but I find myself brought to Facebook to answer a challenge written in the Script which I have been expecting.. I was given the choice between trusting People or the System. I chose the people… And the people led me through their homes for 15 years, each person directing me to the next… I did not begin this social experiment in a shelter..But at Columbia Harlem where I had been invited Chuck and asked to […]

23 May 2016

8:05 p.m.

8:05 p.m. H:O.E… Communication Hearing I… C.H.I… ( The Individual…not the Egoist, the Individual who investigates things for themselves… The One who grounds themselves within what they have investigated for themselves..) Within the Individual is the Source, the Collective, the Whole… And from Him or her, be it the Source of All Being and Existence.. to Adam and Eve… Nnamdi and Nneka… Male and Female, Father and Mother there is a point of which that One Individual becomes Two… Two […]

08 May 2016

5:58 p.m

5:58 p.m E.E.H 5:59 p.m. E.E.I. 55; 89.. E.E..H.I.. My Mother is E.C.H.O..I line… Because my mother told me that when my Uncle told her of Her dream and he affirmed that he had, had the same dream, she mentioned that she said that over the last 27 years, and especially the the last 15 years, that I had been telling her all these things.. She remembered everything I had told her… though she had not given any indication that […]

26 Apr 2016

From Michael O’Donnell..,

From Michael O’Donnell.., I have just left 268 the venue which I had proved 10 years was the Portal out of the Universal Holograph which people have called the World and Life… I have already proven it beyond a shadow of doubt and with clarity, and symmetry which is beyond even the consciousness which man calls God, but which they have limited and contained in a Definition which is not plausible (More childlike yearning, tantrums and hurt.. while seeking to […]

11 Apr 2016

The Creator is a Man…

The Creator is a Man… This is the response to a 3 year Play in which I simply responded to Impulse Stimuli of a set up I was not aware of at first to prove the Existence of God as Father of Energy, who in turn has been moving through all of you. Responding for over 4 years as I conversed then obliged its Questions and Answers, for the benefit of all the Questions He perceived moving quietly, seemingly unheard […]

02 Apr 2016

5:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. E… 2-4-9…B-D-I…/ I.D..B… Beautiful Devil is I (Individual) / which is the I.D of being.. Is the Identity of Being… 4-2-9…D.B.I…Divine Being is Infinite… Hello… Back at 566 Face Book Friends.. E-66. Which links to me… Welcome Sanon Waiswa.. S.W..Add A.E 1 5 the Full Circle.. S.A.W..E../ E WAS… S.E.W..A…needle pulling thread.. / A.W.E..Supreme… Sanon (Sinon) mean Gift of God, Waiswa.. Is a Ugandan name which mean First Born Male Twin Emeka-Nnamdi… E.N…5+14=19..S..1O..1.. A.O..(Ariane Oates) A..Alberto… Chukwuemeka Nnamdi… […]

14 Feb 2016

From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell Poifect Alignment with the play… Eternal Love… Love is Light. Light is Nothingness Filled with Somethingness from beyond, which keeps you constantly consistently High.. H.I. 3;o2pm 32..Sacred Portal 32.. Eros-e Original Facebook Post: Click Here