
Love: God’s Gift

10 Oct 2018

From Dana Hawkins D.H…

From Dana Hawkins D.H… H.D Clear… D H 48… ( Link Isabelle Ilic 11:48 p.m code x2 ) Check out the Jimmy Hendrix Post… Jimmy Flip J Hendrixs.. that play which began over 9 months ago… Recall he and Peter Nyarkô worj at 33rd Street on 3rd Avenue – on the Ground Floor in the Foyer, there a a large Chess Board .. Recall what I recorded having enacted with Fritz Venneiq in 2010 where I conversed with him until […]

21 Aug 2018

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH)

From Axel Love… Axel Anderson.. Code A-A.. ( A-Z-AH) My sisters British name is Joy. Link the from the Face book pool of friends – Joy Jane.. J J…Makes one link Janet Jackson and her album Control which is the song I entered New York into 17 years ago. I link it to Sacred Portal 1A… Being A-.A. And Generation X Gardens and A.L… ( Albert Santana – Link Aturo Snow A.S who reminds me of Axel Love) But most […]

12 Aug 2018

Portal through the Woods.

Portal through the Woods. From Isabelle Ilic Wood to through the Metro- Subway * ‘Daily News today… The Fear Of Tragic Static -There was an murder on the 3 Train in New York on July 17th was murdered today… It was what I was reading when Kyle came and sat besides me and began channelig through a business plan which involved Weed- Sacred Portal 34… Yes 340 USD Tomorrow. It was when he mentioned The number 1118.. Did I pause […]

05 Jul 2018
24 Jun 2018

4:49 p.m.

4:49 p.m. I read my post and no matter how low in the Pit at Delta Manner illusion created for me as 0 in the Matrix. ( Self Worth Value Truth sucked from you by the shadow expressions of ppl all around you pretending or not to care.. Hypocrisy Deception Betrayers Thieves Jealousy Etc… Toxic Waste) I Rise. I am fully aware of the power of my Posts. And recall many people have publicly testified about what the posts have […]

23 Jun 2018

7:52 p.m

7:52 p.m From Kasper Lomholdt Serup O.VN..I MOON … Love is the Key and Love is a Tone of Voice… Conscious and Considerate of the Existence of the Other.. 7:54 p.m. Golden Key is the note of G… Golden Touch.. Graceful Grateful Expression Energizes… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

28 May 2018

6:32 pm,

6:32 pm, From Elaine Benedic. E.B… Yes the Billy Hung play yesterday… Popes Benedict… John Paul ..Benedict Francis… She has 131 Facebook.. I noted that I was at 131 text messages with Billy yesterday and now at 153…. ZTE Phone… ETZ Phone Home… ETZ is a Chinese Company and was on the News Paper on the 26th th with Donald Trump… Meanwhile I was on the computer day before yesterday and yesterday 26th and 27th in a play where with […]

09 Mar 2018

12:25 p.m.

12:25 p.m. L.Y… ( 3 7) 3-9-2018… C-I. T.R…U E… L.Y C .I..T R U E. A.B.B E..C.I…B.O A.H…C E… It seemed somehow fitting that I complete the Equation of the Y-Male Chromosme with my First Cousin Charles Tochukwu Umeano ( C.T.U… 3 20…21) He was born in 1986. And i have felt the pull of the script at which he had figured prominently, his code. In fact, I felt for years that the meddling in my personal script linked […]

21 Jan 2018

12:28 a.m.

12:28 a.m. L-B H. 1-21-11 1… 1-21-2 1-21-1 A-U-B….. A-U-A Hello…. I have no idea how I am going to write what just took place… Its is not simply the exhaustion of solving each equation within a Set up but having to prove it, explain it while living in its cruelest expression. That this continues to be so manifest, this sort of Awareness for 28 years.. 16.10 in this play… 60 months on face book… What can of Evil.. what […]

07 Sep 2017

1011 Face Book Friends,,,

1011 Face Book Friends,,, 6:45 p.m. Galaxy 1011 I.C…. E Galaxy 1011….C.I…E.. Code Jennifer Kaufmann Hartmann… J.K…H… 10 11 8… 8 is the Code for Infinity Harmony…. In the Universal Simulation Awareness Script Of My Father-Son Harmony-Brother-Lover Unity Erie Chukwu… Franco Ik, Emi Nnamdi…..( U.S.A..S. O.M.F.S.H.B.L.U.E..C.F I.E..N…….) .. the Two in One.. my past now with his Own I.D..and Self Embodied. Life And Death.. L.A.N.D.D… L.A.N.D….E….I….I..R.M…A.H… Called the Every Thing.. E.T… Code Oboom! Boom Micheal Richard.. M.R… 5-20-73… *Just saw […]