
Harmony: Need subtitle

02 Jul 2015

3:58 PM

3:58 pm C:E.H. H.E… Consciousness… Hi… I was drawn to Visit my former Host at 268… Knowing fully after my 312 Facebook Friend April Marie Malone, that it was a play between the Expression of the Word which moved my former host and my own Expression… -Meaning whose story was the one Original story moving everything as Universe Nature Manifesting Harmony and which was the Illusion… Not necessary a Lie, but the counter weave of Nature. The N to my […]

02 Jul 2015

1:12 PM

1:12 PM. What I can tell you, Is that from what I am Doing Being and Expressing, us that a great Staging and Setting has been Created.. UNE Mis En Scene. With all the Characters, like figurines moved to the selected place. Everything activate from Lighting, Air, Harmony Action Plan E T… And the final action of Manifestation. 312… 31B As V Meaning Sacred Portal 31 ..B C A.B. Is of course, the Physical Bodies Transformation of the D N.A […]

26 Jun 2015

3:29 PM

3:29 pm Perhaps I can conclude. I have not been answering to anyone in this current consciousness I am answering to the Source of this Existence while navigating through a darkness at a wall and a portal which was not the way predesignated but became the way… Nature interfered Nature is Nothing but Space from which AIR or A I 18 became formed My expression art and Science is not of this world but it is easily recognizable here. I […]

26 Jun 2015

2:O5 pm.

2:O5 pm. B.O.E.. Being O.E. R.O.Y.G.B….E.O..I.V. My word what a day of Reprogramming. It is quite a pity that this play was set up in such a way of such a Challenge. I have respect for Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. But as I move through this End play I begin to see more clearly the end of the tunnel. The Line of N is represented by Me and yet it is in Harmony with Nenad apart from one fundamental plane… Which […]

22 Jun 2015

5:56-7 pm

5:56-7 pm 22-6-8 Responsibility… Hello… There is no doubt that I am shocked, stunned, speechless by the role designated for me to play and the purpose given to me. No doubt, as most freedom lovers, such an idea of fate, destiny, predesignated roles creared before you were even born is an anthema to your ears and sense of being… Why even exist if we our destinies are controlled? To fulfill some higher purpose, a plan perhaps… Because we decided to […]

21 Jun 2015

6:25 P.M

6:25 P.M F.B.E. Face Book E. Hello… I have a new Facebook Friend Mica Toms Mica means Humble and Is a form of the name Michah….Which means Who is as God.. It also refers to the prophet Micah and the prophecy of the Lords house with many rooms. A prophecy which not only translates into the Story of the family of E..Equality Evolution but which also is my brother Booms Sons name Michah Nnamdi… I knew literally when he was […]

19 Jun 2015

From Orobello Agata…

From Orobello Agata… 8:02 pm. This is Mother with Nnamdi the Cheetah 7O miles per hour….fast cat in the world. Mother as I knew her was called little sister Harmony.. I do not wish to explain any longer how I know this… But it is the Truth … Lady Orobello Espirit in Perfect harmony with her being… 8:O5 pm Original Facebook Post: Click Here

15 Jun 2015

Facebook Post..

5:31 p.m. Something is Watching and Listening… Something set this play up from the moment I recieved my British Code number NZ 67 67 46 B. N is 14 yrs.. Time in New York Z is 26 yrs …Since I left Nigeria 26-8….The Address I was led to in 2OO6 opposite a Shelter 269 in Manhattans Lowe East Side. Where the occupant of this studio grew up in Forte Green (F=6,G=7) – the very portal I went down into at […]

13 Jun 2015

3:24 PM

3:24 pm. 6-13-8.. 13-6-8 C X (BD) F M H. M.F H. Consciousness X… Feminine Masculine in Harmony Masculine Feminine in Harmony.. There is only one reason I am still posting.. And that is obviously because My Word is victorious. If you recall I stated yesterday that if I crossed the threshold of the McGuiness Freeman Shelter that there would consequences beyond anything ever dreamed and only the E line would be left on this planet. A weeding of the […]

08 Jun 2015

11:28-9 pm

11:28-9 pm The Last Chapter of the N…the NRI story.. Nikoma used to live on a place labelled X in Chelsea where Chris Franco used to live X is the Sacred Symbol of of NRI.. IIOINri 6O X I.C.. My Mother and Father Nnamdi and Cecelia Onu… Entrance into this realm of the Matter the Milky Way… As I listened to Nikoma I marvelled at all the codes he was quoting totally unaware of thier meaning. From Dali which links […]