
Harmony: Need subtitle

17 Aug 2015

9:45 A.M.

9:45 A.M. I:D.E… Identify of E. 17-8-8 8-17-8… H.Q.. H…. Head Quarters… Harmony. Hello.. I have a new Facebook Friend… Surprise! Surprise! Back to 345 Facebook… Didn’t I say that the Super Computer ( yes, yes Hitch Hikers Guide..-H H.G..8-8-7-, to the Boogie..Gala XY…Female Computer) Has been recalibrated to this play and response to only the True Play.. ? Welcome Kathy Allen…K.A.. KA Thy ALL EN…Elegant Nomads In E.M.E…K.A… Kathy means Pure Allen means Harmony… Noble Stone.. Represented by Facebook […]

16 Aug 2015

5;18 pm.

5;18 pm. E: A.H. Not surprised that we are back at 344 Facebook friends.. Its is a delay tactics of the play of Nature as J.B… Graciousness is the Balance of of the Universal Simulation Matrix of Existence… Played out by the line of Jonn Blackwell…. J.B…. And the D line DD Full Circle as Harmony… E=E.E J.B.H D.O.S.. D.J.E.. O.B.E.. S.H.E… Meaning the play of the Evolution Awakening is not placed on the balance of Expression of the E, […]

15 Aug 2015

4:56 P.M.

4:56 P.M. A Brief Note of Evidence for the record as to which Portal we are moving to in this Awakening… Today’s is Kalli Kelsey birthday.. Happy Birthday My Lady! I honour her and her Espirit with the term My Lady because of her Harmony which I am about to prove to you all as Evidence as to what Lady Echo and Lord E.T are transmitting to me through all of you- The Change in Plan details of the Evolution […]

14 Aug 2015

4:51 PM

4:51 pm A.M…M….Devoted To The Creators Graciousness…. 5:55 Pm. E=E E. Great… Knew it… Spoke too soon! I have a Facebook Friend… But I did tell Donna O’Sullivan today that the play would probably reach 345 .. C.D.E… 45 is 54 full Circle.. I.N…D.E.E.D.. And though this Facebook Friend came went away and came back….even that is in perfect Harmony of the play… Not me… This is not my Harmony but the Harmony of this play and its rules set […]

11 Aug 2015

7:O5 pm

7:O5 pm AH!! Finally A Pathway laid open naturally by True Nature Gay AH E.. As in Happy A.H.E. Glad to go home… 7:O6 pm At Las-T-Rue… Harmony Pink and Rose P.A R. P.R.. E Par King For Me… Here on Earth But not this World.. My World Cloud I.E 7:O8 pm 78… 87.. 79 Original Facebook Post: Click Here

11 Aug 2015

Name of the day…

Name of the day… Date 11-8-2O15 8-11….+X 19…the day I arrived 1+9=1O..J At Jonns and Donnas 1 O. 1=A..O. From Albert’s (268 4th St.) With Sophie’s world starring Alberto Meaning Noble Bright Intelligent 88…Hunted Hatheway.. 64…1O Jonn. Nikephoros…Meaning ,The One who carries the Burden to Victory.. ROYGBIV… To the End. D N.E. Nike is also the messenger of Fire. Mercury Nike. Hermes. M.N…H. M.O.N.. Miquel O.N. E.M.O.N….H Harmony N.O.M (Name Nna’m) E… Hmmm Jonn Blackwell brought a gift of grey […]

08 Aug 2015

From Catina V Elliot.

From Catina V Elliot. Today is 8-8-8….(2O+15=35=8) Time 12;54-5 pm C.V.E…. Thus, this message, post, new facebook friend, intials and connection to me by her becoming my Facebook was aligned and always rigged to be…. But it requires the One and the Other Ones, to act out the Equation and Express the Equation Publicly, solve and recognize the play which moves the Ascension to its point. 12-58 pm Which is E H. E.Harmony Event Horizon.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

06 Aug 2015

7:58 PM

7:58 pm 6-8-8.. 8-6-8… Harmony David Geoff…Grace of Creation Donna Sarah….Harmonies I. Be Generous of Espirit that is Grace and thus, Grace is Respect from top to bottom the Generosity beyond the facade of Manners attentive to every Dimension of another Being… No one is another’s slave… Recall that Generosity is the Gift of the Lover of Life’s true song.. Gratitude is the Expression Echoed when graced with the Gift of the Creators Song.. 8:O2 pm So Begone the world […]

06 Aug 2015

5:38 Pm..

5:38 Pm.. E C.H.. E Consciousness Harmony… E Cee Harmony….Princess Nkem Hello I have a New Facebook Friend, whose presence and perfect timing aligns us (and allows us to read the unravelling Blue print of what is about to Become present here in the world of illusions, once a world of Ideas of Creation finally transformed into that which is Solid Fact it is Real ) Welcome Lady Sarah Nkem Blackstock Sarah means Princess Sarah Friedman Salama Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani […]

06 Aug 2015

2:25 PM

2:25 pm. 6-8-8 8-6-8 Lucifer John Orien Yonathan In the name meanings above we complete and end the tale of Lucifer Adversary… LA.. That story of Duality and the Story of Jealousy Envy Superiority and of course, the idea of God. Lucifer is Emeka Lucifer is Nnamdi Lucifer is Jonn Lucifer is Donna Lucifer are the E Line. E Lu NE… Lucifer Discovers Ma Donna The Truth he is.. Who Discovers his twin called the mystery never a mystery because […]