
Harmony: Need subtitle

13 Feb 2016

From Sarbasish Choudhury

From Sarbasish Choudhury And so, at the end of the Mystical River journey through 6th Sense, Nature- Memory Music Loves Grace, reveals, Ah, ZE Beautiful Harmony I See.. S.N-MM.L.G.. Code name Susanta Nayak, Mambi Maqueta Lack Gonçalves… E. Palace appear.. Journeys End… J.E.. 1O5 15.. O.H.. 6…F E O H.F… 89…H.I. 17 Quan. 8 Harmony Beautiful…H.B Happy End…H.E For the those who respected the law of E..Existence. 9:26 pm I.B.F..Z..H Infinities Best Friend.. Beautiful Harmony… The I and the H […]

13 Feb 2016

This is simply wonderful…

This is simply wonderful… It has so many dimensions of meaning… From a here to Eternity… The gift of Sharing Wonder.. (Which was the gift, I sought to share with you, of my Wonder at what I had discovered, remembered, recollected, was solving, was, and am still sharing..of a treasure.. an incredible treasure of the literal process of Human evolution, which despite everything I have had to personally endure to uncover and even share this treasure, excites me, re-animates me, […]

12 Feb 2016

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years..

One Parsec equals 3.26 Light Years.. *Please recall the equation of 3 26 has been resolved to C.B.F..H Cee Best Friend (Of Humanity) Harmony. C.Z.H.., C.O.D.E- Zeina Hanna… E.D.O.C- Harmony Zeus..(Jupiter Chiron E-rose Royal Blue-Note-G-Uranus V.I.O..L..E.T).. And Harmony is A Circle Filled with Everything required to understand the Point of the Note of Sol! The 5th note,-A Needle Pulling- A Silver Thread- of Awakening Memory. Ariane Oates Alpha Omega, O.A, of Aryana Luna Leone, The Noble Race of the Luminous […]

10 Feb 2016

This is exactly what it feels like at

This is exactly what it feels like at 18 Mountain View… Time does not seem to Exist, just a House,and three people and a cat, in a Space Ship. with a room with a View (What we are witnessing and reading as we navigate the Space ship by reading and linking the play.. For example from the play between the Twin lines of C of Andrese Harris Burton and Donna.. In which they used Flowers to communicate today when I […]

10 Feb 2016

And the sacred Geometry,

And the sacred Geometry, reveals its origins is the form of a Flower.. A Six Petaled Flower, moved by Expression E and Feelings.. Also known as the First and last expression of 5 in the beginning 5 in the End through 6 sense a Feeling which transforms into a fact.. Flowers have a Scent, a perfume, which comes from beyond and is a wave we ride which takes us to the origin of that scent and the message contain within […]

07 Feb 2016

From Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek…

From Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek… A-lien Council…Of Harmony… Does anyone else see the Pink Hue’d Spider Portal.. And the Cob web toil Behind… 4 Lines on each Side.. 44 8 and two pillars-legs… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

07 Feb 2016

From Orien Laplante

From Orien Laplante You say S.B.S I Say D.M (Dark Matter) And Eve Of The Fire Mon-Key…AE O. T.F (2O-6..26.) Z…F.M Zeina Zorro Two Full Circle plus O.N.E Light and Kundalini… L.K…OO…LOOK O.N..E Awakening to Evanescent Luminous Expression…E.L.E…Light… Each choses which Event is their True Focus and Attention… My attention and sole focus,as Elvira- *Sacred Portal 88…(5 88), and Angelica Houston A.H..1-8…is on Awakening Dawn… Attention Houston… Angelic Message received.. A.M.Dawn…Quintessential Harmony Infinity Expression… 6:56 p.m. Original Facebook Post: Click […]

07 Feb 2016

From Conscious O’best

From Conscious O’best Code Red is the First color… White is the the sum total of all colors ..1-7…Evanescent White Light-Purity.. Pink is 1 and 7, Red and Evanescent Purity- White- merged together.. 1+7=8.. 8=H..Harmony Infinity… H.I. Conscious O’best..Consciousness OH..Best.. living up to his name… Message received from his 3 D, (Child Consciousness) Anchored Self and 5 D, (Eternal Self) Higher Self 3 5 (C.E) A.H. SS..8 3 5 (C.E) A.H..8… The three Sees Cees E rose… 1:34 p.m.. See […]

29 Jan 2016

From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell Beautiful Harmony .. Code F.M.. Represented by Fey Mirach Mânâ Protanthropos… F.M Original Facebook Post: Click Here

29 Jan 2016

Judgment of the World…

Judgment of the World… Slavery -Racism… S.R. versus Supreme Respect..S.R Jealousy Betrayal…J.B. versus Justice Balance..J.B These are the cards pulled for me today, by a person of proven Harmony.. In a play seeking to find the root cause of Evil in the World, what brought this Superiority, Racism..Jealousy Betrayal which has been established after 14 years and 1O months of moving through the Homes of New Yorkers and Human portals. I was witnessing what I was being moved to do, […]