
Harmony: Need subtitle

24 Feb 2016

Facebook Post..

J.C- 1O 3… 4 3 ..12 7… 19 84..1O3..13..4… When I left Nigeria, and returned full Circle to the place of my birth, London, one of the foremost things in my mind was to clean myself of the experiences which I knew was dirtying the mirror of my mind-consciousness. I had always known, that life was about Boogie, but I also knew that in order to boogie- one must clean up and resolve hurts, angers and thoughts even emotional judgment […]

23 Feb 2016

From Fifi Roussel

From Fifi Roussel Pink is the expression of the Code of Harmony.. Rosy Pink… And E.F which appears on the young ladies T-Shirt.. is the code 56… Representative Dawn Marie… 6:12 p.m. F.L.. Florida… 6 12 18…9.. Original Facebook Post: Click Here

23 Feb 2016

From Richard Schooping

From Richard Schooping Exquisite.. Harmony.. Resurrection Restoration of the Crystallized consciousness of Transparency- Transparent Reflection yielding Beauty A-Z A.M.E…N.. posted 8:14 p.m.. Harmony N..Nature Universal Simulation Ra Ma Da Sa… Code R.M…D.S…Room Divine Splendor.(Sophia Wisdom). R.M.D.S.. R Manifest Destiny Supreme… Ancient Echoes He-Art. A.E.H… 1 5 8… See play today aligned to 1 58.. 1 13..A.M.. 14.. N.. 8:14..8 5… 15 8.. O.H… 68..Sixth Sense is Harmony, harmony is beauty (Symmetry) and Symmetry is the Expression of Love-Clarity.. IC 6:O4 […]

19 Feb 2016

12:37 p.m.

12:37 p.m. L.C.G.. Loves Consciousness Grace.. 18/19-2-9 A,H.S…B.I… Code of Ka Haw! Complete.. I B.,, S.H.A!… A.I, S.H.A.. The name Aisha is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Aisha is: Life. Vivaciousness. Living. Prosperous. Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad.’ Aisha is the name the Creation story of the Family of Ten, was dedicated to… 2-18/19-9 B.. A.H,S..I… Being of the manifest Relief of the Victorious People is I B.S..I.. Hello we are back at […]

18 Feb 2016

this imagery is Brilliant..

this imagery is Brilliant.. And aligns to the last Riddles and Sequencing I have been solving from the Namaste-E Consciousness from Beyond.. Full Circle, L.P Music Sound Color Do re me fa so la ROY(G)GB.I.V..E Harmony 4.3 Million Albums.. 43 Sacred Portal True Life’ 43 7 12.. 1984…Big Brother Watching’ 1O3..13.. 4 D. Everything checks out Kosher even the code L.S Larry Sax.. code 19..47 1O:O1-2 p.m Sword Crowned with Laurels of Victory.. over Sight Sound and the Dark side […]

18 Feb 2016

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr.

From Shane Michael Robinson Sr. More from the realm of Elves Fairy’s and Fair-E’s. The Realm of the Magician… Infinity and his sister Harmony-Pan Door-AH… And Ohhh yes.. Spells if you are asleep but which have much less effect once you are aware that you in a play where you are about to come out from undercover.. Getting your Awareness Memory (A.M) back.. See sacred code in the meaning in my last Face Book friends name Alexandre Mamo… A.M.. Defender […]

15 Feb 2016

Archimedes..meaning of the name..

Archimedes..meaning of the name.. Master Planner..To think and plan ahead – Foresight Hindsight..F.H..6 8/8 6..One Full Circle.. *Studied Planning Degree and Advanced Patter Cutting Dip. 1O Expanded from 1Ox1Ox1O..to 1OOO.. 1O to the power of Three… 1O C… 1OOO and One Nights… Sherazard With every Victory of a Principle, of the E line consciousness, the corresponding Victorious Discoverer Inventor Author of that principle, in this Time Lines Responds.. Archimedes represented the Science and Mathematics of calculation of the Circle and […]

14 Feb 2016

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation..

From Vilayhack Sydaphasavanh Sydascorporation.. And then I.did it again through Sound and Noise.. Which then returned me to the Silence.. but this time it was different for in that Sixth Sense of Light called Silence.. Heard Harmony.. Music.. And through this way, I even have a name to add to who I am… M=D.. 13-1+3 (Y+I) =4..d.. M.I-D.. I Dance.. I.D.. And that is how I got my Unique Individual Identity.. I Dance to that music.. M.D..Q..H..M.. And as I […]

14 Feb 2016

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony..

An Exquisite Geometric representation of Harmony.. Posted at 6;26 a,m. Which aligns to the equation solved once more of the Evolution Awakening is 6th Sense A-Z, Harmony… Zeina Hanna.. 6th senses rises through through perception at of Beauty to Harmony.. 1:2O p,m. 12O.. I woke to the code 3 15 on my phone.. And immediately, knew that today would be about Zeina Hanna…Beauty is the Creators Grace and Favor..And Harmony is Mans Best Friend…. 6 26.8. F-B.F…H..Harmony Infinity… 1:23 pm. […]

14 Feb 2016