
Harmony: Need subtitle

18 Jun 2016

From Herry Lang H.L…

From Herry Lang H.L… Harmony Rose… Original Facebook Post: Click Here

01 Jun 2016

30-5-9… 1-6-9

30-5-9… 1-6-9 C.O.E.i… A.F.i…. The Name and word Afi means, Grandfather, Fire.. and Pure Nature in Urdu… So we know that at least this day as well as yesterday when I began this post (Amid a great deal of Activity going on around me)… begins with the understanding of the link between the word AFI… which todays date aligns to… IFA… In IFA is found the vision of the world , the destiny of mankind , the social relations, the […]

28 May 2016


Hello…. I would Like to tell you a story or Play going in here in Case De Bodhi between a Dog and myself. … ( Yes. the code D.O.G/ G.O.D…4O7/ 7O4… 47/ 74… 11 28… which is my Birthday, hence a code with meaning And yes, most of my older Face book friends will recall how I came here, to the Case De Bodhi in Miami through the ‘Portal’ of the person whom I had met, after I left the […]

24 May 2016

My Name is Kolo…. not Colo,,

My Name is Kolo…. not Colo,, Today is Colo the Gorilla’s Birthday.. 58… Code 58.. Date 5-24-9…E..X..I…E 11…E.K… Really…? E Kolo.. X Factor, Melissa Aldana recently witnessed that X factor rise in me… Her expression…They…It Beautiful..’ and believe me.. The presences in me, aggravating as it is not to have full control of my own vessel… They, It these Energies are astoundingly beautiful… Beautiful enough that people have allowed me into their homes and pass through their portals for a […]

23 May 2016

8:05 p.m.

8:05 p.m. H:O.E… Communication Hearing I… C.H.I… ( The Individual…not the Egoist, the Individual who investigates things for themselves… The One who grounds themselves within what they have investigated for themselves..) Within the Individual is the Source, the Collective, the Whole… And from Him or her, be it the Source of All Being and Existence.. to Adam and Eve… Nnamdi and Nneka… Male and Female, Father and Mother there is a point of which that One Individual becomes Two… Two […]

17 May 2016

9:52 a.m.

9:52 a.m. I.E.B. 17-5-9… Q-E.I…. Example of Q 5-17-9…. E.Q.I…. Time and Date Code…. Example of Being, Example of the Q, the Equation of I Infinity… Whew, got a few hours sleep but truly,at 6’4,and stretching, Grey Hound is not the Way to travel, though I must admit, this is the best service I have experienced of it. I see, I (we) are at 622 Face Book Friends… Yesterday 623… F.W…( F VV…code F.E.E) Today 622..F.V….64-65…V= 22 and 5… This […]

09 May 2016


Date… 5-9-2016..36…9…E..I.T..P.C..I. E, IT P.C..I../ I…C..P.T..I.E I Cee the Point of Exemplification Who am I talking to….? 8:40 p.m.. H.D.O…Haun Delguidce-Harmony Do-NNa…84… See the year of my birth listed on Face Book… So, it would be two aspects of myself… It has been 20 days since I left 18 Mountain View… Haun and Donna.. H.A.D… D.A.H… 1010..20 Days… 20..2O..T.B.O.. Tom Benzian O… Twin Beings Energy Nature…Z IAN John’ The Creators Grace… C.G…37…Sacred Portal 37…Sophia Lauren…Lauderdale Sacred Portal 37 Universal Sensie-U.S..What […]

09 May 2016

Facebook Post..

Thank you Michael O’Donnell for affirming so elegantly that you understand my expressions…. 3:50 p.m C.E..O That you Cee Me..just as your Eternal Self…The Evolved you, and his/her line see me clearly… For tis He/her represented in the line of you represent in this play-All the same Energy, but so many wonderful variations.. Right to the one called Michael O’Donnell….M.O.D..E…..M.D… Are always consistent…Always Beloved… In my Creation story and memory, your line represented Unity, and you always come with your […]

08 May 2016

5:58 p.m

5:58 p.m E.E.H 5:59 p.m. E.E.I. 55; 89.. E.E..H.I.. My Mother is E.C.H.O..I line… Because my mother told me that when my Uncle told her of Her dream and he affirmed that he had, had the same dream, she mentioned that she said that over the last 27 years, and especially the the last 15 years, that I had been telling her all these things.. She remembered everything I had told her… though she had not given any indication that […]

07 May 2016

6;26 p,m…

6;26 p,m… 6-26-8… Contd… Solving the Riddle of Arch Angel Samuel…. Abrantepa Deadline… Samuel Crow… 614-612…. Code meaning: A.S…C.D… Alberto Santana … A.S Lotus Santana Dharma… L.S.D.. Zeina Hanna-H. Zorror Harmony… Sunshine State.. * There is no doubt, that this 15 year play, and especially the last 4 years is deeply disturbing to me personal, as a Hue-man Being as well as a fully Aware Eternal Energy Expression of Truth… I have no allowed myself to express, what I am […]