
Harmony: Need subtitle

13 Dec 2020

Facebook Post..

11:45 pm, Infinite Love. I L… 9-12 Serenity and Erabella. S E.. E wriiten by Donna O Sillivan in 2016 letter to me. @ 18 Mountain View. Infinite Love I dare speak the words I love you Without knowing what it means to utter it… To mean it whole heartedly Means I have to first say those words to myself. Until I hear the words, I Love You reverberate. Fill my being. Truth recognized. I AM LOVE. Enracing all IS. […]

06 Dec 2020

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58.

As you may be aware, the actual sacred portal of my going home has always sacred portal 58. But before I left I had to also access the sacred portals 55. EE Evolution Extinction via Expression… I realize now that i feel less Occupied by those who lie in wait, like disease and all those things which get under ones skin- impossible to reach to scratch, unless you light a match and burn the body with a blue flame… you […]

06 Dec 2020

5:08 PM

5:08 pm Now at 1522 Facebook Friend. I have removed Esteban Stephen from my Facebook Friends. And this is where it ends for me. Yes, he gave me last time 22 O usd when I left his portal but he and most of you were not aware of the significance of the codes. I brought it to each person’s awareness, thus you can not take credit for that which you did not know. My proving each person’s Harmony 5:11 pm […]

04 Dec 2020

From Bronson Ware

From Bronson Ware I can not begin to explain the accuracy of these equations… except to note that these equations are Energetically correct ( Age of Holy -Espirit) which means it is not based on physical Time, but Expression Energy Time linked represented by Individuals here present in the world, representing lines of Humanity. Right now we are at the Trinity Kim Emeka Jae Sherman. I arrived as the 2nd person. 12 21 33 is 33 age code. the numeric […]

03 Dec 2020

No one can Name- Define Eternity, Infinity, or even SupremacyAwareness, Harmony and Time unless you have been there and have embodied it for all to see.

No one can Name- Define Eternity, Infinity, or even SupremacyAwareness, Harmony and Time unless you have been there and have embodied it for all to see. Then and proofed it, expanded it, clarified it until crystal Clear and it shines like a diamond invincible. Proving it emprically creating an element which can cut through anything in all realms- creation and destruction… Making rise from nothing and sending to nothing containing something so, terrible proving that even nothingness may contain the […]

03 Dec 2020

6:19 PM

6:19 pm. F S… F A I- R 12-3-2020. L C 2020 Lyrical Conversation. Lyrical Conversation is the Science which I invented as a man. I wrote 5 Papers, in which all were confirmed as A Fact except the Lyrical Conversation: based on Light’s Conscious expression which when one attains that frequency- you can literally effect all physical reality, matter, people with illness or problems which required solving. I could not publish the papers, which I completed in 2010-2011 because […]

28 Nov 2020

5:53 p.m.

5:53 p.m. E 53.. E:E C… I. This will be quick… Benjamin Fuseini B EN JA M I N F U S E I N I… BF.. Best Friend – Harmony E. I am sure by now, most of you are now aware of the meaning of that Statement: Best Friend is Harmony… E Mans’s best Friend represented as Dog-symbolic as loyalty Bella- ( Bella Lovejoy B L J.. B 22 B.V. 2 22 Bella means Beautiful) but really Harmony […]

26 Nov 2020

6:26 p.m.

6:26 p.m. Just got back- went to buy some potatoes. I am making dinner for Jae Sherman and I I asked her to if she could buy or order some meat, since I can not go far, or order on my own accord. I had enough just enough cash but yesterday he tried and no window opened for Jae to order-so I decided to eat any old thing- and not be bothered. But I woke yo to Jae telling me […]

24 Nov 2020

9:04 p.m.

9:04 p.m. 94. I D E K… I Love You. New York N Y…Naturalness Y Chromosome. I D C.. It the name everyone called my mother. Brian Dempsey. If you see the play of Tree Sage’s post and conversation with Brian Dempsey you can see how the E Knowledge and Eternally knowing works and what we focus our attention on. Idek and 94 C in this reality is *IDEK is an acronym used in texting and social media that means […]

24 Nov 2020

2:16 p.m.

2:16 p.m. B P.. Beautiful Pride. Black Panther. 11-24-2020. K X- 2020. A-A B D TT. A-A E M F… Perfect Vision. Hello, I am not surprised at all by the arrival of Miguel Figueroa as my 1500 Facebook friend. E line links to M F. E A connects to M F. MF Masculine Feminine, Male Female M F= 19 add E=5, which I represent and it becomes 24. And yes link Aiyoyorwoth Natasha A N 1 14 which is […]