
Harmony: Need subtitle

16 Dec 2016

Just For The Record…

Just For The Record… L.P. Harmony 2:35 pm B.C.E. 16- 12- 36..9 P. L… C.F. I 12-16-2016. 36. 9 L.P C.F I L.P is an Record old Vinyl. LP. Circle Filled… I. E. And so is this post today, Is just for the Record… Addressed not to you the General Public at present… Who I owe no further explanations, But to the Future Present, represented by those in the future who will read this Equation Play after the Evolution Awakening […]

15 Dec 2016

Welcome Liera Herreras Plandez…

Welcome Liera Herreras Plandez… L.P.H…. And Nnedi O’banye.. N.O… From 814 F,B today… back to 813… H.N…Harmony Nature… 8+14=22. V back to H.M…Harmony Manifested…. 8 13… 21… U. 21 cents in my Wallet L.P.H…N.O… Plus see the last post… My response to my being moved to post today- cornered and that Nature rising again to bring me here…. Is Nature Existence… Natural Existence Safe…. Despite knowing that it is… Today I have seen the enactment gone so far that I […]

14 Dec 2016

9:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m. 813 Face Book Friends… I….H.M….. Manifest Harmony I.. Infinity… I.H. A.C…/ C.A…H.I… Catherine Achulonu says H.I.. E.C.H.H.O… Complete…. Individual Harmony Manifests…. Not the Circle.. or the O… But the I…. Plu To Pleased T.O….20 O.. Truth Full Circle… 20 15… 35… C.E… H…8.9… 9:03 p.m. 93 See sacred Portal 93 9:04 p.m. 94.. I.D…E Done Original Facebook Post: Click Here

14 Dec 2016

2:52 p.m

2:52 p.m B.E.B Y.E 14-12-2016.. T.P… C.F…I N.L. I 12-14-2016… L.N. T.P. C.F. I L.N… I.E…E Hello… I wish to show you something about todays code Date Time and number of Face Book Friends. And how for the last 4,8 4.9 years, and since my summons to New York, that I have been in a great War Contest and battle of alignment with something Alien An Artificial Intelligence… A Super Computer A Simulation Illusionist It is best summed up in […]

13 Dec 2016

3:38 p.m

3:38 p.m 3:55 p.m C.C.H. C.E.E. 815 Face Book Friends… H.O.! O.H… An Orgasm…OH!.. H.A.O… O.A.H. Hello. SILENCE IS MORE POWERFUL THAN SOUND. Yesterday, I did not make a plea for Face Book Friends and the Public to help me personally get out of the Country… Nor did I make a Demand or seek to manipulate any person into sending any contribution… I made a suggestion based on the Evidence that this Play of Evolution has been an a offering […]

11 Dec 2016

9;00 p.m.

9;00 p.m. I. OO. Evening the Score… The Music Score of Existence Manifest World.. M.W.. Metropolitan Woods… M.W… Linked and Aligned to Milky Way M.W 69… 99 66… M.W Nasa Classification M.W. 87…. M.W 78/87 Ashfak Ukkli Joelle Holly Hardin Inger Chase McWilliams . And on the 11th Yesterday… Louise Barbara Smith Jean Ann Dortch Bess Ray Dillon… Jack Baxter Suzi Sue Never Got to complete these codes… 10- 11-12 They were 8 and are now 7 who remain in […]

11 Dec 2016

8:03 p.m.

8:03 p.m. 83…. 11-12- 2016… 36… 9… K..L. T.P…. K.L…C.F. K.L…I. G.H.T….. 9 7 8 20…. See end of Part One…. 8 0 2..82… Double 00…OO… K.O.LO….. I.. Individuality.. is Pi.. Individuals always surprise us because they never repeat themselves… they say the same thig in an Infinite variety of Ways… Kolo means O Kolo.. Prince Manly Warrior Round Symmetrical Being (not body) Torus Sreenivasa Rao Boppana… S.R.B…. 12-11-2016… L.K..T.P… L.K…C.F… LO.O.K….I…. Infinity…. 8:10 p.m. Face Book Equation Play Complete […]

06 Dec 2016

From Olisa Chukwuka…

From Olisa Chukwuka… I saw this text sent to me in my mail… I really do not have much interest in addressing the ‘Veiled meaning of why this post was sent to me, right after my response to Olisa’s comment on my page, and my response to his=her Expression that ‘My Work is Not Done… Despite 48 years, and 27 Years of Phenomenal Effort of being forced to sacrifice Everything, to live in Non Existence to bring forth Evidence and […]

02 Dec 2016

Facebook Post..

8:46 p.m. H:D..F. 84 is Harmony Death as Transformation through 6th Sense and not the Death as starting the Cycle all over again. Hello…. Amazing, I have moved from 806 Face Book Friends to 805 Face Book friends in the Blink of an Eye…. Or more so, in a moment when I moved from Room 3A to Room 4B… a Four room Dorm, Bed 4016… B.R.C.. Room B bed 49 to Room A bed 007 Code From Room 5A…Bed 5019 […]

28 Nov 2016


11:28-9. Dear Lord… Is there any end to checking up on my Natural Expression- Harmony? I just picked up my phone and saw that it was 11:28…then 29. The Gap grows slimmer until what was a chasm becomes now a thin line. Link from an O of the Mouth of G.O.D @ Delta- the Mouth of the River, from which an outpouring of Song has poured forth, consistently a stream from a fountain of Beautiful Orgasmic Wisdom to make B.O […]