
Harmony: Need subtitle

15 Mar 2017

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic The world has no Idea for the moment the importance of the the subsequent Post from Nenad M. Djurdjevic… But I am the Unseen.. and the undercover do.. Which is why they must be shared on my Page and this River of Expression of Nenad link to the One main River on my page… Because It is one and the Same… My mother told me that when I was born in England that three Rabbi’s appeared […]

15 Mar 2017
11 Mar 2017
10 Mar 2017

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B Mission Five… M.5…M.E I’m Possible… I.P man E.Tom Cruise… A.H.Two,Twins E Penelope Cruse.. E.P.C… Energy Pure Concentrate Concrete Cement.. Mr and Mrs Smith… Alexander Hephaestus Aphrodite… Hello, When I could not find my American Spirit Burgundy Tobacco at the Shop Night and Day… I knew something was up. The Stick of the Conductor of the Symphony of Nature was the challenge, I suspected that I was in since 2014… Despite having already conquered Nature while living […]

09 Mar 2017

Facebook Post..

7:38 p.m… Contd. Let us finish the code and the message… I have two other Face Book Friends with the name Carol. Carol Downey C.D Carol Kubai… C.K. Carole Adena Orear… C.A.O… C Alpha Omega… Carol means Feminine form of the Latin Carolus, which is a cognate of Charles (full-grown, a man, freeman), and a short form of Caroline, another feminine form of Carolus. Alternatively, the name is derived from the vocabulary word carol (joyous song, a carol). Var: Carol, […]

05 Mar 2017

10:10 p.m.

10:10 p.m. 5-3-2017… 10 5-3-10 E C.J. A E…F Sacred Portal 53 and 1A 3-5-10 …. 1 O C E.A. F The Point. The Universe is Body. We know this. Why on Earth was I forced to Prove this? That Human Beings are the Literal Equations of Existence Universe. And such a cruel and Macabre Set up. Nenad M. Djurdjevic represented the Matter Based Body. Evolving as Nature Matter Delta N M D…. I A N. E. Was missing Ion […]

04 Mar 2017

10:18 p.m.

10:18 p.m. J.R. Jay Robert. 930 Face Book Friends I C. O I See Full Circle in Perfect Symmetry Pearl Sanchez P.S. Perfect Symmetry… Hello… Its 31 Degrees today up in the Bronx. I have 23:00 U.S.D. in my wallet.. Not much in this reality -cheapest food in New York is Chinese Food.. At least 8-10 u.s.d. Yet the code 23… Aligned to the sticker labels I recently discovered on my bed at locker 5006. (E.O.F ) And sacred portal […]

02 Mar 2017

10:28 p.m.

10:28 p.m. There is an Energetic Conscious, Intelligent Expressive. Awareness ( E.C.I E A) -moving within all Humanity. This I felt after 58 months on Face Book demonstrating the is Self Evident by now.. It is stronger than All other things moving through you- even the Anger, The Rage, The Evil… Even the Evil of a power even beyond my imagination. Some have sought to ride Its Wave and have fallen off… Because of refusing to stick to the facts […]

02 Mar 2017

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life

The MET Needs to Connect Art to Life Its Director is leaving.. Now is the time to revive the place. Holland Cotter.. H.C… 83 (83 69) Art New York Times 3-2-2017. Thou Art… A.R.T. Trayson…Which means Three.. Three Sons… And a Girl… Alexander Narcissus/Neptune, Eri-David… Nnonyelum Ifunanya… N.I… E.N.I… A.N.E.D…A.N.D.E.N..I I.N. E…D.N.A. Holland… An English surname for someone from the various places in England named Holland (Old English meaning ridgeland.) Or a surname for someone form the Netherlands, in which […]

01 Mar 2017

Facebook Post..

A Woman was sitting besides me, after I finished the answering the questions which I knew Rahul was being used to ask me… I held my temper, because he had no idea and even as I gave him an idea that I had just finished talking me my Aunt Julie who is 54… and whom I have not seen in 28 years…. And in the last post, I was doing the link and the equation of the illusion of Woman […]