
Harmony: Need subtitle

06 Oct 2017

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic.. 5:49 p.m… S.P 49… Existential Death… ‘This evening after reading your text I went to my homepage on Pinterest where an image of the Temple of Hathor in Dendera, Egypt appeared on my timeline. It shows a stairway made of eight steps leading out of the temple tomb towards the light! Nenad M. Djurdjevic….. wrote this… The Eight Steps are the only way out of the Abyss, but it is not really the Abyss as Hathor….H […]

05 Oct 2017

Now this is interesting…

Now this is interesting… In this Script of the past aligned with the present and the Future… Literally being aligned by me with my Chukwu Chineke Creator-Expression, Creative Energy- With myself using Hindsight and Foresight to take my Cue by reading it and then linking it and then publicly transcribing it, in front of you all… As you can see, it is like transforming the Dark to Light… Literally… I have made this expression yesterday, not as my own saying […]

02 Oct 2017

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic Emile Clark… E.C… The One… And yes, she comes in every complexion and Nationality…. Line of Lisa Natalie Johnson manifests… And yes she comes as male.. E.C… Emeka Chukwu…. See Chibuzo Okolo…. Just as I stated…. Here is the intel from from Nenad… There was a project which entailed Lisa having to walk back and forth 4 times A code 109.37 Yes Sacred Portal 37 Wu-Man Sophia Lauren 11:53 pm Who was and is E T […]

30 Sep 2017

1028 Face Book Friends

1028 Face Book Friends 11:25 pm 10-28. I was impulsed impulsed to note earlier I link it to the almost 6 yr old son of Ritz Montes and Albert E Santana Reign is Royals Brother Royal is the code birthday of 9-22-2010 I V. T J. Ah its 11:28 pm Me.. Reign is 10-28-2011. T K. O R and R. R O Y-G, G B I V R. R R. O. 18 18. 36. 360 degrees O. 36. 9. (Yes […]

29 Sep 2017

4:07 PM

4:07 pm 47 Hello… I am sitting at the Cross Roads Youruba Orisha Eleguah Kemi Sara Wale Idris Ajibade Mhiz Debbie Adekunle Lord Of the Cross Roads Sacred Portal 41. D A Taylor St Cross Bronx ( T S. 20 19. 39. C I. C B. 3 2) Rep on Face Book Charles Taylor C T. 3 20 Joseph Carey 47 6 36 32 The first thing I saw when I arrived was a plastic bag with 7 large photos […]

28 Sep 2017

1:55 AM

1:55 am Ah. 1:56 pm 9-30-2017. 19. 10. 101. 1O1. 11. 2. As 1 I C. O A. This is what I would like to say to the World To West Africa East Africa Middle East, America, Europe All Nations Countries, Cultures Ethnicities, Peoples Races… Each to His or Her own.. Free Will Freedom of Choice Independence You all have these inalienable rights given granted to Believe what you choose. To Perceive the Truth and History and Story of your […]

27 Sep 2017

6:26 p.m.

6:26 p.m. 9-27- 2017… F.B.F…Full Circle… F.Z. I A-Z-A… 1- A-A… 1029 Face Book Friends… Code 29…. 6-29-61… I am just going to dive right in.. oh Hello… Code rep By Brenda G Booth… B G B… 2 7 2… Age code 56…. Kasien Thompson 11;29 who was Inside here code 54 left the play of Delta representing the Interior- where I sleep not live… 11 29…11 11…4 1..Delta… The 54 Play was Complete… Interior as Chi-neke Rep Death… Sleep […]

23 Sep 2017

1:35 PM

1:35 pm From Michaël Trahé M T. T M I am really not sure why this Play Script Demands so much that I get the publics attention… It states that it is the Future.. But my argument back is that the Future is present and already set- in Eternal Harmony. I find it ludicrously cruel and insane that I have been Hog Tailed and dragged across the Ocean and the literal Milky Way to star in the Ultimate play of […]

21 Sep 2017

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones E N O. J In OINri Igbo. Eno means 4 J means Balance because 10 in Binary Matrix But also the See and the Unseen Manifest and Un-manifest S U. Asu Su Aylin Sendemir Urkmez. A S U ( Language) M U. S.I. C. (Si Yes I C. I Conscious Conversation) This is original language S P 98 I H. Infinite Harmony Diamond Clarity. D C Music to my Ears 4 is in OINri Culture The […]

17 Sep 2017